Ya think?

| February 2, 2012

Stars & Stripes writes this morning that DoD had an epiphany and decided that maybe they ought to put measures in place to protect US troops from Taliban infiltrators;

Although Defense Department investigators couldn’t always nail down a cause, only a minority of attacks — which total about 45 and have killed about 70 U.S. and allied troops — are believed to be carried out by infiltrators.

DOD officials who testified before the House Armed Services Committee agreed the coalition needs to improve its monitoring of armed Afghans who work with U.S. troops, particularly because U.S. strategy calls for troops to increasingly work as embedded advisers with Afghan units.

Gee, ya think? Here’s one way; we wrote about Major Gul, the Afghani who was radicalized when he moved to Pakistan and then came back and proclaimed that he came back to kill Americans. I’m no high speed military investigator, but I’m thinking that a guy who has told everyone he wanted to kill Americans shouldn’t be around Americans with a loaded gun. Now I have no real experience in this area, but I’m just making a guess.

Maybe I’m way off base by suggesting that people with Gul’s history shouldn’t be in a job around Americans while he has a gun, maybe there’s some regular fucking procedure that’s too nuanced for me to understand.

And I like how they say there’s no evidence of an organized effort against Americans…well, aside from the fact that it’s happened “only” 45 times in recent months costing 70 American lives.

Oh, well, WTF are they worried about then?

Category: Terror War

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I’m with you – can’t imagine why those supposedly “in charge” would see such an obscure connection.

Obviously, they’re too well insulated and far removed.


Frank, that would be Obama… the guy “in charge.” Remember, the one who told us that the Taliban are our friends. I mean, it’s not Radical Islam that wants to kill us, he told us so. Islam is a religion of peace. There must be something else that links these 45 shitheads.

Yeah, and I’m a fucking hippie…

CI Roller Dude

Geeeeezzzz I know for OIF 3 we had to show a little thing called an ID card to get into most places….like the main gate, the PX, the mess hall etc. Have they considered that idea? I know AF is pretty far from Iraq and the situation is different…but I think an ID card might help. Wad’ ya’ think?

Doc Bailey

I never trusted the Iraqis. They would constantly flag themselves you, birds civilians, guys had no muzzle awareness. When it came to actually fighting, it wasn’t till later in ’07 ish that I actually saw any of them trying to fight. And even then they were likely to light up their own forces as the enemy. Hell half the time trying to get them to even patrol was like pulling teeth.

I could rail on for hours at how insane it was to try to train them. But really what’s the point? I have no doubt that the Afghans make the Iraqis look like Waffen SS. I’ve seen Boy Scouts that could do the job better than these asshats.