Phony SEAL Truitt in his hometown

| February 2, 2012

Jason Truitt our amazing SEAL sniper, was featured on his local news last night. Poor baby hurt his head during his 8-month stint in the Navy and was discharged. Of course, it’s the noggin knockin’ that caused him to lie about his service and steal a real wounded soldier’s hunting trip and rifle. They interview his father and one of the real veterans who went on the trip with him;

We’ve heard all of this shit before; maybe now he’ll get the help he so desperately needs. Yeah, but probably not. It’s never their fault, it’s always something that makes them ill, and it’s always something that the military didn’t treat.

It’s no wonder that these peckerwoods think they can get away with this shit – no one wants to make them accountable for their actions. And the courts tell them that it’s their right. We can only hope that the lawyers from the NRA flay his fat ass.

Thanks to AverageNCO for the link.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Yeah right he regrets his lies. More like regrets that he got caught in his lies.


Aroberts, nicely said!

AW1 Tim

Concur. This isn’t someone telling a Sea Story. This is someone committing fraud for personal gain.

I would hope that the NRA’s lawyers (and other interested parties)would send copies of all this to those pinhead judges on the 9th circuit court of appeals. Maybe then they’ll realize what everyone’s been talking about, why these laws are needed, why it’s NOT a 1st Amendment issue.

I doubt, however, that any of those leftist numbnuts would bother to even read any of it. They have an agenda, and it just seems to me that they aren’t about to lets facts get in the way of it.



Okay, let’s get this straight–why is guy even doing this interview without gray bars between him and the camera? Last I checked, a felon in possession of a firearm is a felony beef right there, more so in Commiefornia where guns are all “scary” and stuff.

And I’ll make a wild guess right now, Tim–guy’s “head injury” was probably from getting knocked around or “falling up a ladder” when someone caught him ripping someone’s shit. Eight months is barely enough to get through boot and AT school, and legal hold for getting shitcanned.

Assuming he ever made it out of boot–probably what we referred to back in my day as the 15th Division Commandos–which were the shitbags that were waiting to do entry-level separations on from Great Lakes.


@4- Guaranteed this is whathappened: Super sniper went through boot, was assigned a school or put on a ship, and got hurt within a month there. Then he spent the rest of his time in the navy manning a trash poker at NOB with a bandage on his head. While waiting for the discharge paperwork to clear, he played the sea lawyer/salty dog role to the wide-eyed kids in his TPD who were just waiting to class up for a school.


I am furious that the TV station found a passage of TAH that they didn’t need to smudge out any swear words. What is this? Nickolodeon?

Old Trooper

@6: I’m interested to know how they can use a passage from TAH without giving any recognition to what the website is?


Its likely that the NRA is following with lawsuit due to his felony convictions. They, or the charity (or both) could be held accountable for giving him a firearm otherwise. So while they may also go after him for stolen valor they really need to go after him to protect themselves.

Not saying the NRA is not concerned but as an entity they have to look out for themselves. So I am not sure how this would support future Stolen Valor cases unless he is convicted of that crime in the process of this one….kind of like throwing the book at him.


TSO–Nickelodeon? Fuckin A, man.

Cedo Alteram

Jonn, thats pretty awesome, them using you as a source of the Report. Good Job. #6&7 Yeh, I did find that strange that they never credited Jonn or TAH by name either.

See, you do more then just keep TSO marginally entertained.


One thing to consider from the NRA’s perspective is that the Launtenberg Amendment makes it a felony for not only a felon to possess a firearm, but it’s also a felony for someone to provide the firearm to the felon. I don’t believe the law accounts for mistakes. This is why Judge Advocates are required to brief commanders so that they keep tabs on their troops. It’s not to protect Joe with a felony, but it’s to protect the sergent or armorer who hands felon Joe the rifle.

NRA may realize that they need to tread carefully on this one to protect their own people who were put in a potentially worse situation by this fraud.


Jonn–looks like the nut didn’t fall far from the tree when he gives bullshit excuses for his progeny like that. Frankly, had I pulled something like that, my father would have been the first one throw my ass under the bus, and rightly so.


Why is he not arrested already for owning a weapon as a felon? Oh right cause it’s Bakersfield, CA and they want to prove why guns are bad in the first place. This will get flipped by Rachel Maddow and the rest of MSM as NRA giving away weapons to felons.


Whitey–the Violence Policy Center has been pushing shit like that for years already. This just gives them more ammo, so to speak.


NHSparky, I hear you on that aspect. Still want to puch this douchenozzle square in the jaw though.


You know, it is A-hole phonies like this that scam legitimate organizations with their BS tales. They are going to ruin these ‘gifts’ for the rest of us and the ones that were actually wounded in action. Ok? The ‘father’ claims that this is all from a bump on the head in the service. Well, fine and dandy. That might be an excuse, not a reason. This a-hole knew what he was doing otherwise why was he sporting a SEAL Trident on his sleeve? Were his lies not good enough?

Doc Bailey

This guy just keeps getting better and better, which keeps begging the obvious and painful question, how did no one notice this guy that stuck out like a sore thumb?


What I find sad is that this guy couldn’t even put an elk down with one shot. Some “SEAL sniper” he turned out to be. And then emptying a .45 into the thing? What the hell? I’m surprised someone didn’t give him a holy beat down right then and there!

Wow, does my Oregonian hunter show too much in this post?


I spent over 32 years in the Navy, hit my head (hard) many times, and never thought of brutalizing and/or torturing a mortally wounded creature.

Look at What I Found


Jason R. Truitt (aka scumbag, poser, imposter, felon)
5001 Belcrest Ave. (Not the prettiest part of town)
Bakersfield, CA 93309-4776 (up and coming area of the USA)
Age: 30-34 (231)
Associated: Kimberly A Truitt (poor woamn)
Prior Address: Prison


I would be willing to bet his discharge was drug related. The thing about the head injury is just more BS. Can’t wait to see his DD214.

If he sustained a head injury and he was discharge due to it he would have a service connected disability from the VA. I bet this imbecile can’t even spell VA.


At this point, I’d say it might be a great idea to leave the family members alone (IE wife & kids). Just saying…As for Truitt himself, that cat is beyond fair game. If California doesn’t arrest & return him to Wasco Prison, then there is always the State of Colorado, the so-called fed’s and a room or two for him at the super max federal pen in Upton,CO.(?)


I agree, leave the man’s wife alone. Shes got more than enough to deal with seeing as the local media is on the story. Truitt is fair game though.

“I challenge each of you to consider the *possibility* that Truitt’s drug conviction and Seal shenanigans are the results of a serious disconnect with reality and a sign that like so many others, he is a case of a Veteran (according to the paperwork his dad provided) not getting desperately-needed help.”- PTSDinaction (commenter on the news link)

Like I said over there I highly doubt the bump on his noggin caused the disconnect from reality. I would be more willing to buy that IF there were a disconnect from reality it was drug induced. Actually Im most inclined to believe that this shitbag saw other people getting things that he wanted and couldnt have so he decided to fabricate a story to get them.

And I swear if this turns into a shit story about how this POS’s PTSD caused him to lie, cheat, and steal Im gonna blow a fucking head gasket.


Will the NRA and the Veteran orginization that got fooled on this one contact the runner up to this hunt and thus make it up to the veteran that got screwed over? Will they also somehow call the fellow/lady that was ommitted from this type of adventure due to the painted shit stick? It would be worth while to contact that local paper, and how to wright a wrong and show that a truly deserving veteran still got to recieve something proper out of this total shit show courtesy of a scam artist? We have alot of these dirtbags upnorth also. Funny how alot of very honest good people are always on the hook for the shady bastards who think that they can just walk away as if nothing happened or make up an excuse for their actions, and that excuse never covers that they fucked up but it was something or someone that caused them to do this type of BS.


$100 bucks says it was a drug related discharge and in 1999 makes it that much more impressive. I’m guessing that cause I doubt he just “fell” into it after his grueling service.

I also quite enjoyed how the father thinks that maybe because he’s a bow-hunter he was invited on the trip. Seems legit. My eye-doctor neighbor was just telling me he got invited to a concert because he has a piano in his house.


“The father said Truitt regrets the deception, and said his ‘mouth got the best of him.'” Hmm…


…that ass….I would love to have the opportunity to go on a hunt like that.


This now famous POSER PIECE OF SHIT has made the front page of Navy Times Online! CONGRATS!

Dan Green

Put him out as a point man in the sandhills of Afghanistn

Rusty Shackelford

Whitey Wingnut*** I want to take issue with your statement “Oh Yah, because it’s Bakersfield California” I agree that as a state, CA is horrible and circling the drain. But I’m from Bakersfield, and you got us wrong. Bakersfield and Kern County are extremely gun friendly. There are more CCW permits issued in Kern County then LA County, SF County, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, and San Bernadino COMBINED. There are 1000 more permits more than any other county in the state. Our FNRA dinners sell out in days and bring more money to the NRA than almost any other dinners in the nation. On a side note, we are also home to Buck Owens and Merle Haggard. This community is almost completely supported by oil and ag; the San Jouaquin Valley produces more potatoes than Idaho, more corn than Nebraska, more dairy than Wisconsin, and if you’ve ever eaten a pistachio, odds are is was grown within 50 miles of where I currently sit. Kern County has many of the largest oilfields in the nation, such as the Belridge field, Midway Sunset, and Elk Hills on our west side, and Kern River field, maybe a mile or so from the city limits. Point is, please please don’t confuse us with Frisco hippies or LA libs, we are mostly Okies, here from OK, TX etc. (seen Grapes of Wrath?? Most of it took place a few miles south of Bakersfield) We are a red county in a blue state. All this said, to the point of the story, this clown should be tuned up thoroughly. To lie like he did is unforgivable. It wouldn’t bother me in the slightest if dude wakes up one morning to some actual SEALs. I’m sure they could reinact some ‘combat’ style activities for his benefit. They can start with a ‘jump on the grenade’ drill. We’ve got a few vets in town who would love to meet him (Jeremy Staat, Wesley Barrientos, google these men, absolute studs and Bak residents all). Special place in Hell liar!!! R.H. Veteran Artillery Surveyor, 4th Infantry US Army (96-99)… Read more »