Tuesdays with Claymore
The only thing you can count on anymore;
AP photog…shooting the truth ends Occupy?
“I swear to God, I’ve had it with the religious people.”
Steve Jobs, maybe not the left-wing demi-god after all?
And then there’s Apple’s work motto…nice.
So in Obama v2.0, is Iran the Iraq or the new A’stan?
Second hand accounts published on the internets are always true.
…and I was hungry around lunchtime today, so people must be starving in America.
Norway and Sweden, makers if shitty furniture, and irrelevant since the Vikings.
Dissent was patriotic…during the Bush Administration.
Hugo Chavez supports the farmers.
Redefining “free speech”, leftist-style.
Americans “mono-lingual” and estupido.
“…a Southern man don’t need you around anyhow.”
Estrogen Revolution in you Tutu
Saul Alinsky; Father of the shit in.
Tell me again how great government monopolies are…
These boots are made for talkin’.
Queue Alex Jones and don your foil hat, folks.
Category: Tuesdays with Claymore
The mental gymnastics of the left never cease to amaze me.
Wow, whole Lotta denial in the Oakland flag burning thread. It must be nice to be able to use “agents provocateur” or “government conspiracy” to ignore facts and reality, kinda like Matthis does.