DC cops taze Occupy protester

| January 29, 2012

DC cops made preparations to end the hippie occupation of public spaces in the city today by posting warning notices. Some goober went around behind them and tore the notices down, so when they moved on him to arrest him, he resisted. One female officer drew out her tazer and tazed his fat, hippie ass. Here’s the video, but it comes with a STRONG LANGUAGE WARNING and HIPPIE BUTT CRACK WARNING;

I’m sure the stench of his burning skin ran half of the rats out of McPherson Square. From the Washington Post;

But the driver of a passing SUV shouted praise to police officers who were in a tense standoff with a group of demonstrators after the arrest.

Robert Fields, who visited the square Sunday, also said it was time for the occupiers to go and criticized authorities for allowing the tents to remain so long.

So now the protesters are discussing whether or not they’ll acquiesce to the police when they’re evicted. They ought to review the video several times before they arrive at a firm conclusion. I look forward to the videos of twitching and screaming hippies.

Category: I hate hippies, Occupy

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SCORE!!!! Too bad she didn’t zap him right in the junk though, or the forehead, the occutards have poor reaction time and obviously can’t duck very fast. (Olsen 😉 )

Air Wx Recon Guy

OK, nice job by the US Park Police and they are NOT to be fooled with!! For the LEO that put hands on to take him down – 5 points, and the LEO that helped her 5 points. The LEO that appears to have thought, “I’m sick of this crap and I’m not going to take it any more!” gets 10 points for the tazer action and and 10 more points because she’s gorgeous on top of it!! Now, scum bags, pick up your crap and GO HOME!!!


Too bad they couldn’t crank the voltage up to about 100,000. Anyone remember the taser in syphon filter? Cripsy!!!

AW1 Tim


Time to take out the trash.

CI Roller Dude

What a lot of “citizens” who don’t understand the tazer don’t get, is: The way that hippie POS was resisting, he could have been really injured in the fight that was going to happen. Or, even worse, one of the poorly triained cops could have been injured.
A better trained cop would have quickly obtained a good wrist lock, done a leg sweep–knocking the POS on his ass and knocking the wind out of him, then applying handcuffs and asking in polite voice: “Are the handcuffs too tight?”

Done right, most folks won’t even know what happened, but wil think the cops were really polite.


I LOVE THE SMELL OF BURNING HIPPIE IN THE MORNING!!Something else I noticed, the tents they had are a LOT NICER than the Pup-tents I shared,


The feral hippie was getting himself all worked up before the cops even made contact. I think this was the right call. Like someone here put so eloquently not too long ago, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Bubblehead Ray


Awesome! The only thing lacking was a follow up Taze to the asshole blowing the whistle. Oh… and I like the sidewalk lawyer. I’m guessing law school isn’t on his resume’

NR Pax

I like how he seemed to think chanting “I have done nothing wrong” will work as a magic spell to get the cops to leave him alone.

Next time: More tazers. It’s better than cowbell!


Check out this video of yesterday’s flag burning in Oakland, accompanied by an anti-Semetic Occupy Pledge of Allegiance:

Marine 83

Watching that was just good clean fun. That smelly hippie got taken down by an officer who was about 5 foot nothin and 100 pounds soaking wet. Hilarious!


Ray, the “sidewalk lawyer” pointing out all of the various wrongs, is in pre-pre-law. He’s thinking about enrolling in a community college, just as soon as Obama promises him that he won’t have any student debt, and mom and dad cut him a check for a place to live and food for a year.


Ah. Nothing says fun like a hippie wannabe doing the 60 Hz shuffle


LOL! Did you see the guy at 3:15 just casually eating a donut while in a stare-down with the cops?

Adirondack Patriot

To the Female Police Officer Who Tazed Abbie Hoffman’s Spawn:

You are a goddess. I want to have your children.

– AP

Doc Bailey

I love the title “Innocent protestor” that was a HUGE laugh. See you have the freedom of speech. What you do NOT have is freedom of Vagrancy. We’ve given OWS more than enough time to come to their senses. Its slipped from annoying, into Civic crisis, when they start disrupting businesses or even blocking same, and the health hazard probably deserves a nod. That many people packed in without a thought given to sanitation (despite claims to the contrary) it’s a wonder we haven’t seen a really bad Influenza TB or other respiratory outbreak at the site.

Restraint is wearing a little thin, I think tasing the shit out of people to get them to comply at this point is actually the safest option (as opposed to the Stampedes that Tear Gas causes). Find the trouble makers tase them, and everyone around them, and keep doing it till 1). the crowd disperses or 2). everyone is in cuffs. Then hope the DA has balls, and can find a judge with as little patients as I have so they can serve a little time.


News is saying 400 protestors arrested nation wide as they cause mass destruction. This may be overkill but can’t we just send a heavily armed predator drone? Too much? I don’t think so, but maybe. A tad.


Personally, I am with Adirondack Patriot. That cop is definitely a hottie.

As for the hippies, not so much.

Though, they did show a great deal of restraint. I recognize the sound of that annoying whistle and I can promise that is is nothing over a speaker. It is a rape whistle and meant to disorient anyone who is not the person blowing it. Technically, according to the self defense classes I have assisted with, used in an unlawful manner (which it was), it is considered misdemeanor assault.

Mike D

kinda diggin reasonably cute cop chick with the gloves & tazer.


Yeah she’s a hottie. Some jackass claiming ties to anonymous has already plastered her personal info all over the video on youtube. Luckily, phone numbers can be changed and the e-mail addy is her government account. It’s not her fault she has to deal with these assholes on a daily basis.


That is a classic! hehe….Love it!I too saw the news feed about 400 arrested nationwide. Doesn’t that put total arrests up around the several thousand mark?


Hope they finish cleaning the place out this week, I’d like to go back to having lunch in the park (after it’s sanitized).

Old Trooper

Can’t breathe…..laughing way too hard at this. “bring it tomorrow”? Whay wait? Why not just start spraying the Clorox/water combo out of the water cannons today?

Cedo Alteram

Few wake up are better then a good old fashioned Hippie tazering.



Wow, he kinda does look like Fat Jesus.

And nothing quite as funny as watching a hippie do an imitation of a landed carp on a hot sidewalk. Great way to start my day.

Jon The Mechanic

The thing that had me laughing the most was the shirt that the stupid hippie was wearing.

Anyone else catch that?


Why did DC let this fester? Oh wait..run by Democrats who hoped to use the Occupy Movement. They got used alright.


She did the right thing. Of course the Occupy Hippies will only record the part that makes them look “innocent”. I say we just let the Ghurkins come over, just two I think is needed, stand there with their beautiful knife and just wait and see what happens.


On a side note, it’s interesting to see the Oakland mayor spinning the living shit out of what happened there yesterday as a “splinter” group of Occupy Oakland causing all the damage.

That’s one hell of a splinter there, hon.


Hot Chick cop tazers a filthy hippie?!?!?! Me thinks I’m in love….


He’s lucky they didn’t tape his mouth shut with duct tape; we got into a wee bit o trouble for doing that to inmates back in the early ’90s.

…and from personal experience, it’s more of a ball buster to a guy’s psyche when he’s taken down by a “little girl”, even if she’s using a tazer.

Doc Bailey

Sporkmaster went to this video and tore up the Thread. It was so funny to see hippies spluttering with rage.


I was over there and recognized his work. They ignored the fact the guy was exhibiting completely abnormal and erratic behavior. the sidewalk lawyers are always good for a few laughs too(The guy yelling “that’s a lawsuit”, no dude, it isn’t, go back to school). The video description also says he had a seizure after he got tased, and the video clearly doesn’t show that. One thing they’re right about, video doesn’t lie. That’s why i’m suprised they’re trying to spin this as “innocent hippie tasing”.


The butt crack did not offend me. However the ugly women in the back screaming did. She was as ugly as a bucket of mortal sins. The police officer deploying the taser was hot and professional. The fact remains that, the Occupy movement is ugly and offensive and the response in recent weeks by law enforcment and the law abiding community at large is measured, timely, and appropriate.