Pakistan doctor to be tried for treason

| January 30, 2012

A Pakistani doctor who gave us valuable information leading to Osama bin Laden’s demise has been arrested and charged with treason. And all he gets from Leon Panetta is a sad face and an expression of “concern” over “a real mistake”.

It seems to me that the administration could have taken measures to protect the good doctor instead of leaving him to his own devices in Pakistan which is apparently bi-polar when it comes to fighting terrorism.

Thanks to TT for the link.

Category: Terror War

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I’m sure this will have absolutely no impact on future requests for foreign citizens to cooperate with the US government.

Helluva job, Leon.

Jon The Mechanic

Teddy, you can’t blame him, it wasn’t his fault that the evil right wing military industrial complex failed him, it was all Bush’s fault.

But yeah… He helped us, we should have done something to make sure he wasn’t gong to end up tied to a pole and shot.


No doubt the leftie trolls will be here to take credit for the Obama administration leaving this guy to twist in the wind–literally.

Hey, you want to take credit for OBL, you get this, too.


Obama got to wave a banner that he got OBL, that’s all he cared about. The planning before and the requirements after didn’t concern him at all. Who didn’t see that as his M.O.

And you two are right, we can kiss any help from foreign nationals goodbye.

Cedo Alteram

I am opposed to the massive third world immigration that is destroying our country but this is exactly the national security exception I’m referring to. This individual not a village, town, or province, stuck his neck out for us and is about to pay a price domestically for it. This doctor his spouse and and children should be granted asylum and thats it.

Frankly Opinionated

Sends one hell of a message to those who would be in a position to help us in the future.


“All he gets from Leon Panetta is a sad face”. Well, like anyone else in this regime, Leon has to go with what he does best.

Bah Bodenkurk

I don’t know if bi-polar is the term that should be applied to Pakistan’s anti-terrorism efforts. I think it’s quite polar, with a quite clear facade of giving a shit loosely placed in front of it.

On a related note, right after the U.S. killed OBL, didn’t Afghanistan say they would back Pakistan if Pakistan went to war with us? With friends like these, who needs fucking friends?

Oh, and Obama didn’t get the info from this doctor. He got it from a satelite that had a direct feed into the Oval Office that he launched by himself without NASA’s help. Then he went to Pakistan, told the Navy Seals, “You wait out here, I got dis,” kicked down the door, killed Osama, dumped his ass in the ocean and swam accross the Atlantic and sprinted back to the white house. That’s the story I heard.


Bah, I heard the same story, but I was told he’d have to kill me if I repeated it, so I won’t. And, he was still dripping water when he told me.