I Wish I’d Said It.

| January 29, 2012

Still a Sunday Silly:

Allen West being redistricted out of existence in effort led by Romney Florida spokesman

The establishment is fighting back, alright.

This has not received a lot of national attention, but the Republican legislature in Florida is about to push through a plan which puts Allen West at serious risk, and the person leading the effort is one of Mitt Romney’s spokemen.

I got this via FB. Here is the Sunday Funny bit via a comment from OUR  own AW1Tim:

I find this despicable on many levels. I will not vote for Romney or Paul, no matter the stakes because I believe that Romney is an Albino Obama, that he and Obama are two sides of the same coin.

I think the term Albino Obama  needs an award, or something?

Category: Geezer Alert!

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Michael in MI

If I believed that Romney would be this ruthless against Obama in the general, I’d support him. But Romney is just another McCain. He’ll play dirty and ruthless against fellow Republicans and against Conservatives, but then he’ll go back to being a spineless twit when going up against Obama.

And Romney will get destroyed worse than McCain, since he won’t have a Palin to excite the base as McCain did and make the election as close as it was.


An award for AW1 Tim? 3 snaps all-around.

Bah Bodenkurk

Romney is going to play the innocent on this, too. He does that all the time. It’s aggravating.

Toothless Dawg

FTA: I find this despicable on many levels. I will not vote for Romney or Paul, no matter the stakes because I believe that Romney is an Albino Obama, that he and Obama are two sides of the same coin.

AW1 – Hall of Fame post!!!

Doc Bailey

Three Cheers for Tim!


Hell… I wish Allen West would run for Pres.

Cedo Alteram

Am I missing something is Florida losing a congressional seat? I didn’t hear that or are Republicans and Democrats just trying to Demographically make their other seats safer?


Cedo–no, they’re actually gaining TWO seats, but redistricting is done by the state legislature with the usual “input”.



Basically it’s throwing West and Rooney under the bus to solidify the other GOP districts.

Of course, Alcee Hasting’s goatfuck of a district is fairly safe. Go figure.


Why throw West under the bus? He’s one of the few who has no problem telling Wasserman-Shultze to shut the hell up as well as calling CAIR out for being terrorist sympathizers. Bad move that won’t look good when it comes election time in Fl.

PowerPoint Ranger

It sounds to me like the Romney stooge heading this whole thing up needs a Tea Party backed primary challenger.

PowerPoint Ranger

I’m sure that there are more than a few of the “Go along to get along” Republicans in Florida who pissed their pants upon seeing or hearing this from Rep. West.


AW1 Tim

West is eying running for one of Florida’s Senate seats, from what I gather. I suspect he might easily win such a race, and I would hope that he does.

As to Romney, I am about done with the GOP. I’ve been registered as a Republican since I was eligible to voter, and I was helping even before then. However, I live in Maine, and I’ve seen what Romney has done to Massachusetts via his “RomneyCare” program. Each year the costs go up exponentially, and it’s becoming a crushing blow on the taxpayers. If Romney is elected, there is no way that ObamaCare gets defeated. Romney certainly won’t help undo it, as his own people helped with the writing of it, it’s based upon what he did in Massachusetts, for heaven’s sake.

To my mind, Romney & Obama are two sides of the same coin. A vote for either is a vote to continue with the same policies we currently have.

I wish I had a good answer, but about all I can hope for is we end up with a brokered convention that nominates someone else with solid conservative credentials. It ain’t likely to happen, though.

Our best defense of the Constitution at this time is to hope that, at least, the GOP can hold onto the House and retake the Senate. If THAT can happen, we’ll have a breather for awhile until we can find and get elected to the Presidency, a true Conservative to begin dismantling all of the social engineering crap that’s been foisted upon this nation for the past 80 years.

Anyway, thanks for the kind comments, guys. I’m off for another cup of black joe.


Turns out this isn’t entirely accurate according to a couple of sources.

Doc Bailey

Tim, there will come a time where a strong leader will have to make the choice to “Cross the Rubicon” (kudos if you get the historical reference), but even then they will need to be goaded into doing so.
good thing.