Rand Paul accosted by TSA at airport

| January 23, 2012

Old Trooper sends a link from ABC News that Rand Paul set off alarms at the airport in nashville. When he refused the pat down, he was escorted out of the secure area;

“When an irregularity is found during the TSA screening process, it must be resolved prior to allowing a passenger to proceed to the secure area of the airport,” according to an official statement released by TSA. “Passengers who refuse to complete the screening process cannot be granted access to the secure area in order to ensure the safety of others traveling.”

Paul’s office confirmed he set off an airport security full-body scanner “on a glitch,” according to a spokesman.

The Paul staffer said TSA agents would not let Paul walk back through the body scanner and were demanding a full body pat-down.

The Paul spokesman said his office called TSA administrator John Pistole about the incident this morning.

Like TSO said, it’s like watching A-Rod wrestling with the devil…who do you cheer for? I think the story would have been better if they’d stop Paul because he was on a no-fly list for being a suspected crank or for his apparent connections to Adam Kokesh.

Category: Ron Paul, TSA sucks

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A “glitch”? WTF, was he carrying gold? Or, did he have on silver belt buckle? Then again, it must be nice to have the TSA administrator on speed dial, so you can straighten out your “glitches”.


Regardless, he’s a US Senator and is free from such treatment. Otherwise most of our senators and representatives would be spending hard time behind bars. There’s some TSA agents who will be unemployed very, very shortly. Too bad for Pistole: he has to deal with the agents’ union.


On the flip side, whenever a normal citizen sets off the alarm, they are allowed to correct themselves and walk through again. Sounds like the agents wanted them some man-love.

SSG Medzyk

I think you have Rand and his Dad, Ron, mixed up.

RON Paul endorsed dipshit Koresh, not RAND.

Even Rand thinks his Dad is somewhat cracked on foriegn policy.

Anyway, good for him to tell TSA to kiss his ass, and leave the building. When he has to explain his being late to where he was gpoing, he has a great story to tell (maybe now, more real attention will be given to TSA and their jackbooted methods).

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

Bottom line: he is a Senator, and Article I, Section 6 is pretty clear that what the TSA did was unconstitutional (they may NOT be detained during a session or while en route to or from same).


Maybe the scanner went off because the “batshit fucking crazy” detector was set to max. You know it runs in the family.

Cedo Alteram

…I keep waiting to read, that his a full body cavity search was conducted by agent Helga.


Hmmm…I need to get elected so I can strap on my matched pair of SW 29’s and march through the airport giving the finger to the TSA

SSG Medzyk

OK…allow me to reload and shoot my other foot 🙂

A Proud Infidel

My favorite revenge on the TSA pukes occurred in March when i had to fly to Utah for an MOSQ class. 45 minutes before arriving at the airport, I ate two FiberOne Oats & Peanut Butter bars (fiber& FART CITY, USA!) along with a bite of a sweet onion and some raw broccoli. After going through the usual search line, I had a TSA puke yelling “COME HERE AND SPREAD YOUR ARMS!” like a PO’ed Drill Sergeant during the first day of BCT. I did so, and as soon as I spread my arms, “*POOOOOOT!*” My lower hindquarters sounded off with a big ‘ol “Ranky Ripper”! Said TSA puke gently tapped me on the arm and calmly told me to move on, and I did. As I did so, I “cropdusted” three more of those pukes sneering at me, UP YOURS, TSA!!!