Is Bradley Manning a Bigoted Homophobe?

| December 23, 2011

That is the only conclusion I can come to from this:

Manning’s lawyers have portrayed him as an emotionally troubled young man whose behavioral problems should have prompted superiors to revoke his access to classified information.

Witnesses said Manning sent an email to his sergeant expressing concern that confusion over his gender identity was seriously hurting his life, work and ability to think. Manning had created a female alter-ego online, Breanna Manning, according to testimony at the hearing.

Coombs underscored Manning’s emotional instability, saying he mainly “struggled in isolation” but showed warning signs that should have prompted the unit’s leaders to take action.

He went over excerpts of Manning’s email to his sergeant discussing his gender identity issues.

“This is my problem. I’ve had signs of it for a long time. I thought a career in the military would get rid of it … It is not going away … and now the consequences of it are dire,” the email said. “At this point it feels like I’m not really a person … sorry.”

Coombs also cited memos between Manning’s supervisors discussing his increasing instability and the need for therapy. But in the end there was no effective action.

“It was the military’s lack of response to that which also smacks in the face of justice,” Coombs said.

So….folks who think they have the wrong gender are emotionally unstable, and require special needs? Is that right? Because I can’t help but think that if I had written this, I would be vilified:
* Those with Gender assignment problems should not be trusted to be alone;
* Homosexual men, or men who think they should be women, should not be allowed to get Secret Clearances;
* Under no circumstances should homosexuals, or those with gender assignment problems be left alone around classified materials, unless accompanied by heterosexuals.

Now, assuming that my bullets are bigoted and homophobic (which I believe they are) how is this defense not also? Put another way, should Bradley Manning be enjoying the support of the gay community when his defense seems to be that gayness or gender issues make you legally incapable of not committing treason by reason of gayness induced insanity.

Category: Politics

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Bradley Manning is a contradiction in terms. On the one hand, the gay/left lobby is holding him up as somehow being persecuted for his actions solely based on his homosexuality, when anyone with two functional brain cells knows that had Manning been heterosexual, he’d already be UNDER the jail.

On the other, he uses his homosexuality as an excuse for his actions, thereby undermining what the gay lobby has said and merely reenforcing the reason why homosexuals were barred outright, then “allowed” under DADT.

Bottom line, he’ll get his trial, he’ll be found guilty, he’ll get a few appeals, and more than likely be an old man if/when he ever gets released. As I’ve said before–memo to the gay lobby–you wanted “equal”, you better be ready to accept it.


The thing that really gets me is that he was essentially “out” before being “out” was okay. He was not disciplined, he was not chaptered, as he should have been. He was apparently above the law.

And then, when he gets caught giving secrets to the creepy Albino, he tells people that he was acting in some kind of protest against the supposedly anti-gay, supposedly discriminatory policies of the military.

A reasonable person might ask what the hell he had to complain about. The policy didn’t apply to him and didn’t hinder him from serving in the military.

But as a matter of fact, I do think that emotional instability is the hallmark of homosexuals. They’re not all there. That’s not “homophobia” that truth-telling.


“As I’ve said before–memo to the gay lobby–you wanted “equal”, you better be ready to accept it.”

Nah. They didn’t want equal. Maybe they said they did, but they didn’t. They want poor, downtrodden victim status.


No one should be supporting Manning – gay or straight. He’s an opportunistic swine who released information to WikiLeaks for only one reason: to make himself out more important than he was. And now he’s using his gayness, his gender confusion, and anything else he can find that will paint him as unstable to get leniency from the court.

Having read his chat longs with Adrian Lamo, I can only draw one conclusion: he was a whiny little fuckbat who was butthurt because the Army didn’t treat him like the fragile little boy he was. He wanted a mommy, not an Army, and when he didn’t get a mommy, he figured “I’ll show those assholes who are mean to me!” Nothing more, nothing less.

I’m appalled that the gay lobby is supporting this bag of ass. Hopefully he’ll be locked up forever. Then he’ll get the daily meat injection he so desperately desires.

Jonn Lilyea

I read yesterday somewhere that he was insisting that everyone call him “Breanna”, including his supervisor, so apparently he was “out” and flaming.


#6 – NOOOOOOOO!!! No frackin’ way!!! Was it The Onion?


#6: Can you provide a link to that? That’s funny.

Jonn Lilyea

This isn’t the link I read yesterday, but it mentions his Breanna persona.


Manning and his supporters would claim anything and everything to get him off. There doesn’t seem to be much left on the list to try, at this point.


Yeah, unfortunately, I don’t think “good order and discipline” means Sergeant Mistress Butch paddling someone’s ass while wearing leather ACU’s. Guess the recruiter should have explained that one too.

Embrace the suck. Not literally, gays, just figuratively. Ease up.

Final thought–anyone got any data on just how many “out and proud” enlistments have happened in the last couple of months? Yeah, color me underwhelmed too. I’m not sure if I were at Great Lakes, the Company Commanders will be using the expression, “Nut to butt!” for much longer, if they’re even allowed to use it anymore.


Interesting things I’ve learned about Manning in the most recent article I read.

1. His online screen name was Bradass87. BradASS. Do you hear me? I can’t make this shit up.

2. He had a remote relationship with his father. Which is pretty much the case for most male homosexuals. But it’s a gene!


His online screen name was Bradass87. BradASS. Do you hear me? I can’t make this shit up. — An obvious wordplay for BADASS, but amusing nonetheless.

He had a remote relationship with his father. Which is pretty much the case for most male homosexuals. But it’s a gene! — I have seen no real, verifiable data saying this is true. As a matter of fact, MOST homosexuals I know have had perfectly normal childhoods – other than getting beat up a lot by their peers.


Eerily similar to the Army’s incompetence with respect to Major Hasan at Fort Hood, too. Low caliber of officers and NCO’s. Political Correctness run amuck. Liberalism. Social engineering in the military. All contributing factors.


@ #5 Nicki… You couldn’t have put it in any better words. My sentiments exactly. It seems to me that Manning is smearing the gay community by using gender or sexual identity as an excuse for committing a treasonous act, which deals with his political or militaristic opinion.

2-17 AirCav

To the extent Manning or Wommaning is hurting the lesbian, gay, transgender, transexual, bestiality and pedophilia community, I hope hiser counsel continues singing this song. Hiser is a goner, no matter what is argued.


Just a SWAG….Manning catches a stretch at Boron(CA) Federal Penitentiary or is it penal colony where he will be treated like royalty…

Doc Bailey

I gotta tell you I’ve honestly been thinking of finding a Lawyer to sue him for Defamation or What the Fuck Ever. Why? Just to add insult to injury.

USMC Steve

Beyond the fact that he is an undisciplined traitor and a faggot who demonstrates quite admirably why homos are going to have a ways to go to prove they have a place of trust in the military, I really don’t care what he is, other than in jail or dead.

USMC Steve

As a side note, when I held various clearances, they told us that for each count of wrongfully revealing a classified document to someone not authorized to receive it the penalty was 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. It does not matter why the cocksucker did it, he knew it was illegal, that it was wrong, and now he gets to make all kind of new boyfriends in prison. I really hope they toss him in the federal prison instead of the DB at Leavenworth. And they can do that any time they want. He will not like being a traitor among all those patriotic criminals at all.

Doc Bailey

personally I hope he goes back to Isolation at the Marine Disciplinary Barracks. Let the hippies spend the next 50 years protesting over someone that is never going to get out, and is probably in his own kind of hell


If we get to vote on where he spends his mortal eternity, can we send him to a place far, far away with a very bad climate, please? Let’s at least make the protestors have to spend some $$ getting there and perhaps have a bit of physical discomfort while they do their thing.

Maybe his guards should be exclusively related to those he outed.


@19 – “a faggot who demonstrates quite admirably why homos are going to have a ways to go to prove they have a place of trust in the military”

Hard to argue with rock solid logic like that. The previous and future occasions where a heterosexual Soldier leaks, sells or commits treasonous transfer of classified material should quite admirably demonstrate that they have a ways to go to prove they have a place in the military……


First time I’ve seen your site. I wish those whiny punks over at reddit could see what real people think of that traitor bastard. Fresh air!

Doc Bailey

@22: I wouldn’t mind doing a 12 month hitch in Upper Kamikazistan, if it meant this little prick suffered a lot.