Updates on the POW General phony (Video added)

| December 23, 2011

I talked with Ned Rausch, a journalist at the Journal News yesterday. He emailed me that he talked with phony Brig. General Fermijon Marrero and asked him some questions about the disparity between his narrative and mine. Marrero had an opportunity to come clean and blew it.

He said he’s a Lt Col in the regular army but never made it to Brig Gen. (He didn’t explain the discrepancy.) He said he was in the military from 1964 to 1987. He said he was a POW but admitted that his name does not appear in the records. Asked why that would be, he said, “I know not.” I asked him about the records showing he was a private in the mid-1970s. He said he re-enlisted in 1976, trained at Fort Dix and then “got out” in 1977.

Yeah, if you’re not on the DoD’s list of POWs, you weren’t a POW, it’s that easy. Now that he found out that there is a publicly available list of General Officers, he admits that he’s not a General.

CBS Channel 2 in New York confronted Marrero, too (Thanks to Greg for the link);

Marrero said he pretended to be a one-star general because he liked the adulation.

Marrero: “It felt good.”

Brown: “It felt good?”

Marrero: “Yeah.”

Brown: “How did they treat you?”

Marrero: “Great.”

Brown: “One guy called you a scoundrel. He said you are a disgrace.”

Marrero: “He can go to hell for all I care!”

Brown: “Do you understand how they could feel?”

Marrero: “Yes, I understand how they could feel … betrayed or something like that.”

Brown: “Do you understand?”

Marrero: “Yes, I understand.”

Yet he still clings to the betrayal.

Thanks to Ned for mentioning us in the Journal News article.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison might be a welcome relief after all the harsh light of publicity this douchenozzle is getting.

Frankly Opinionated

He admits to his phoniness.
He admits that it is betrayal.
Yet he sticks to it.


Two words: scum bag.


FO–and then says that one of the guys who doesn’t like the fact he’s impersonating all this shit can, “(G)o to hell!”

He’s a special kind of stupid, that one. I’m guessing that “reserve” time was DEP, if they did that back in the 1970’s, and lasting 10 months on AD? Oh, I’d love to see the separation code on THAT DD-214.

Adirondack Patriot

Wow! Channel 2 from New York picked up on this story. Excellent job.


COL Land from US Army Cadet Corps has disavowed him, so the honorary title that he was claiming is gone, too. Now I want to hear the story of the honorary award of the DSC and SS that he was wearing at the parade. The “I was an LTC, got out, and enlisted as a private” crap doesn’t wash, either, particularly since he was claiming to have been some super trooper, combat hard SF LTC, but had to go to jump school after he enlisted in 1976? Then, a few months later, he doesn’t cut it in the 82nd and goes to the 101st? If I as a platoon leader in the 82nd, has a private who had been a SF LTC in Vietnam, I would have made him my RTO and I sucked every bit of knowledge about combat ops and the art of leadership out of him every chance I got. Instead, I give him the big boot not only out of the platoon, but out of the division? The only guys who PCS that many times in less than a year are studs or s*$tbags. Guess where he falls in.


Personally, I’d like to see him beaten to a bloody pulp with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. But that may be inadequate, as TSO says I have trouble expressing my feelings and opening up.


“He can go to Hell for all I care!”

Really, douche-bag…really?

Yeah, this POS needs to have a mud hole stomped though his fat ass.


He’s currently on probation for stuff, right? (OK, thinking the fraud against the housing folks?) Maybe all this is enough to violate that probation??


“beaten to a bloody pulp with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire”. I like the way you think, Nicki. Then he should be dragged behind a semi, through a junkyard, and rolled through broken glass.

Frankly Opinionated

I think he should be on the downrange end of competition to see who can put the most .22 shorts in a person before death occurs. L.R.’s, n bigger calibers forbidden.

Old Trooper

@13: You take all the fun out of it 🙁


#12 – I like that too. Then pour some lemon juice on the cuts. 😀

Adirondack Patriot

I think he should be locked in a room for a week and forced to listen to “paulson” and “Obama girl”.


@15: Rock salt, Nikki. Rock salt. From a shotgun.


@17: Or hydrochloric acid!


All good ideas, but since he has repeatedly claimed to have been chained in a tiger cage, fed maggots only occasionally, shouldn’t his punishment start with that??

Let’s see, who should be the “Marine” who volunteers to be chained with him?

Virtual Insanity


Frankly Opinionated

That is an outrageous threat! There must be some limits. That is truly CRUEL and UNUSUAL punishment. Go to your room.

Robert Cox

A brief update from New Rochelle. After talking to the FBI and a few lawyers, it seems highly doubtful that anyone will be prosecuting Marrero. I know that our County Legislator has made a referral to the DA but I am not optimistic that any action will be taken. For what it is worth, I have a fair amount of experience with using the Internet as a vehicle to make sure that people like this are very easy to other people to find on Google, et al. The hope being that anyone who runs his name in search will easily find out what they are are really all about. We’ve tried to do that here in this case. We are a small hyper local new site but the largest outlet in our small city of New Rochelle, NY. All of the “traditional” media outlets in our area monitor Talk of the Sound and we have had good success in getting pick up on stories like this one and that has begun to happen here. Even better, being in the New York Metro area that means getting on the radar of the national news networks as well as the local news so this may continue to roll out a bit more. I also expect the mil-blog to pick this up as well as more right-of-center blogs. If anyone here can forward this story to other blogs or media outlets I would encourage them to do so. Be sure to include the links to all the “major” outlets like Gannett and CBS. The more web entries about Marrero there are the most Google will “love” the story and make it real easy to find Mr. Marrero, in perpetuity. That may be the most effective means of depriving him of oxygen, so to speak. That the Gannett paper (Journal News) too the story because the story can then travel through their syndicate (already the Army Times has it) and to the AP and to USA TODAY. Stories that hit AP and USA TODAY often end up the cable news networks. Stay tuned for… Read more »


Are these people’s lives so pathetic that they have ot pose as a real man? I served in the Air Force for just over 20 years, I have documents to back up anything I claim to have done, places I have been, etc. I feel no need to be something I am not. I believe actions like this should be criminal, and not misdemeanors. At least a 4th degree felony.

Adirondack Patriot

Robert, I am going to call the Attorney General’s Office next week. As Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees, he submitted an application for the Joint Services Military and Maritime Charter High School in Brooklyn and fraudulently claimed he was a general in the prospectus. While the DA and FBI won’t look at his Stolen Valor violations, the AGs Office may be interested in the fraud he perpetrated while trying to charter a school through the State Education Department.

Adirondack Patriot

In regards to his misrepresentation as a member of the Board of Trustees for the Joint Services Military and Maritime Charter High School, here’s what the NYS Penal Law states:

S 175.35 Offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree.
A person is guilty of offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree when, knowing that a written instrument contains a false statement or false information, and with intent to defraud the state or any political subdivision, public authority or public benefit corporation of the state, he offers or presents it to a public office, public servant, public authority or public benefit corporation with the knowledge or belief that it will be filed with, registered or recorded in or otherwise become a part of the records of such public office, public servant, public authority or public benefit corporation.
Offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree is a class E felony.

Adirondack Patriot

Let’s throw in a misdemeanor offense as well:

S 190.25 Criminal impersonation in the second degree.
A person is guilty of criminal impersonation in the second degree when
1. Impersonates another and does an act in such assumed character with intent to obtain a benefit or to injure or defraud another; or
2. Pretends to be a representative of some person or organization and does an act in such pretended capacity with intent to obtain a benefit or to injure or defraud another; or
3. (a) Pretends to be a public servant, or wears or displays without authority any uniform, badge, insignia or facsimile thereof by which such public servant is lawfully distinguished, or falsely expresses by his words or actions that he is a public servant or is acting with approval or authority of a public agency or department; and (b) so acts
with intent to induce another to submit to such pretended official authority, to solicit funds or to otherwise cause another to act in reliance upon that pretense.
4. Impersonates another by communication by internet website or electronic means with intent to obtain a benefit or injure or defraud another, or by such communication pretends to be a public servant in
order to induce another to submit to such authority or act in reliance on such pretense.
Criminal impersonation in the second degree is a class A misdemeanor.

So, when Gen. Marrero induced Dr. Lloyd Burkett to submit the prospectus based on his false claims. . .


The fact that my blog post about him is still (last I checked) on the first page when you google “Peter Jemley” is really the only reason I’m still paying to host my blog, which hasn’t been updated in years. Never underestimate the power of The Google to protect future prospective victims from asshats.

Cedo Alteram

6# Hey that is pretty awesome! Great accomplishment Jonn. This is in my relative area. Recognize the anchors.


How about some POC’s?…. I will be happy to call/email/ write etc… (DA, FBI, US Attorney etc) to register a criminal complaint.


Just got the newspaper clipping regarding this jerkoff, from a friend of mine. I served in RVN in 1969-70, and lost a great many friends and fellow soldiers. This asshole should be hounded to death by those he has deluded with his “hero” exploits exposed. He should never have a moment’s peace. What a douche. JMHO