How to let everyone know you’re a dingus

| December 1, 2011

These pictures of some dolt at Occupy Pheonix came from Mr Wolf;

If anyone recognizes him, let us know. I know he’s wearing a pro-mask but he looks distinctively effeminate and I know there are a lot of Pheonix folks on here in the Guard and Reserves.

Category: I hate hippies, Shitbags

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Ah, douchebags on parade.


He has an embroidered helmet band with “Pos” visible. Thats Multicam is all new looking. My Guess- Airsofter Douche….


2nd thought, J.T. Ready Militia moron, whats the patch on his left arm?


Are those Marine issue boots? I can’t tell. Non-issue gasmask….but I have’nt seen mine in years, including deployments. I can’t tell the patches. Airsoft is a good guess.


He got lost on his way to the Paintball emporium?


Maybe he’s a training aid for Sheriff Dupnik: “this is what the good guys wear, in Afghanistan.” Or, “Spot the Clown.”

Will Phoenix SWAT be able to pick this dingus in a crowd?


That’s it Dave, he’s from the Pima Co. Swat Team, and he’s lost. Or, it’s Sheriff Dupnik, looking for the “real” shooter in the Giffords shooting?


For Sheriff Dupnik, all’s he has to do is find the first person in the crowd who knows the Pledge of Allegience to find reich-wing TEA Partying Terrorist. Confirmation evidence is an absence of trash in the vicinity of said terrorist.

Country Singer

CW3 I work with immediately said, “Is that a chick?”. Also, non-issue goggle cover, non-issue rig, the patch isn’t subdued, and the big pink splotch on the left leg screams paint-baller.

Mike D

Looking at the photo of the bemused and in-control cop standing next to these pissy mewling whelps, one cant help but think he’s probably a former combat Sarge of some kind.


Pima County SWAT? ROT ROH….

Doc Bailey

Soviet style gas mask, Multi-cam uniform with ACU goggles. the chin strap is the give away, this guy bought all this shit, because after 2006 when they switched to ACUs the chinstraps were grey.

Also notice how clean his shit is? One time in the field, and ALL your shit gets dirty and never again looks clean (as attested to by CIF).

The OWS folks have been waiting, and actually praying (or whatever they do) for troops to show up. This guy is at best Air-soft happy, but because he looks the part, they’re happy with it.


If I ever found out that one of my troopies had done shit like this when I was in… oh, boy… I would have to open up FM 22-102 and apply the regulations within.


As far as the POS, its probably from the blood type on the kevlar band since we did that stupid shit at my unit til the big Army made us get rid of it. The chest rig is not current issue but neither is all the tactical tailor shit my unit gave me when I first got there so who knows, but Im leaning more towards this tool buying all this shit at a surplus store. I would say paintball crowd but I have friends who are serious about paintball and when I showed them this pic all they could do was laugh and ask what kind of retard needs a frakking kevlar helmet in the paintball arena.

@Doc Bailey: Yup youre right, one time in the field and your gear looks like smashed ass and CIF will always say its dirty no matter what until they get tired of seeing your ass in there and finally just accept it.

Laughing Wolf

The chin strap could be after-market. My helmet came with a suspension/strap system that flat out sucked. Almost all the aftermarket systems to upgrade the helmet have the black straps. Agree the POS is probably blood type.

Still would like to know who the jackwagon is though.


At least he’s serious about his sh*t as a paintballer. Still a douche. Probably not a Joe, but his getup’s better than Soup’s and Soup served, for what it’s worth.


Mixed cammo pattern isn’t a definitive sign. I wore a mix of woodland, desert, and ACU in Afghanistan until I bought some offbrand MOLLE pouches (on my own dime) to get rid of the old woodland LBV. We’re the Guard: we just got rid of our muskets.


The black kevlar bands are a dead givaway. Notice how his head does not seem fatigued? It’s a fake plastic replica helmet. Airsofter for sure.