Let him rot

| December 1, 2011

Old Trooper sends us a Fox News link which tells the story of John Hinckley, the man who shot President Reagan and the reason we’re harassed and pestered by the Brady Center, wants to get out of the mental hospital and his doctors agree;

Hospital officials want Hinckley to be allowed extended visits outside the mental facility — and eventually be released to live with or near his mother in Williamsburg, Va.

Court filings from St. Elizabeth’s hospital are private, but Hinckley’s doctors and his attorney have publicly pushed many times for more freedom for the failed assassin.

Well, it seems that when he was out on one of his recent releases, he was doing a little ego stroking;

Prosecutors who want to ensure that John Hinckley Jr., is not released from a mental hospital told the court that Hinckley is deceptive and unstable. They said Secret Service agents who tracked Hinckley during a visit to his mom’s home followed Hinckley when he was supposed to be seeing a movie. Instead, he went to a bookstore across from the theater.

The book he was interested in happened to be a book about people who have assassinated Presidents. Of course, you remember that the reason he shot President Reagan was because he had a thing for Jodie Foster in her role as a young prostitute in the DeNiro movie “Taxi Driver”.

So let’s say he gets out and decides that Taylor Swift is singing to him? Who’ll be his next victim to get her attention?

This is the kind of shit that makes me tolerate the death penalty. I think it’s wrong for the government to sentence a citizen to death, but doctors and lawyers can’t get it through their heads that some people need to be locked up permanently away from society for the safety of society.

Hinckley shouldn’t be out and around among us – he got lucky being locked up in a hospital and even luckier with his visits to his mother and he takes advantage of our good nature. they should stake him out the woods somewhere like the animal he is.

Category: Legal, Shitbags

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Eagle Keeper

Uh uh, “hospiatl officials.”

Out of the booby hatch, into the hoosegow.

Life w/o parole.


Dear John,

I just wanted to let you know that even after the passing of my husband in 2004, he never bore you ill will, nor do I. It is my sincere hope and desire that this finds you well and receiving the best of care and humane treatment. Merry Christmas to you and may God bless you all of your days.


Nancy Reagan

P.S. Did you know Barack Obama is fucking Jodie Foster?

Eagle Keeper



You are one sick, twisted individual Sparky! lmao!


Geeze Sparky, Spew warning please. You owe me a new keyboarndndsddd ah there it goes. 🙂


Who said boom boaters have no sense of humor? LOL!


You called me a boomer fag, street?

Oh, it’s fucking ON now. LOL. Of course, the boomer pukes will say, “Yeah, you can call me boomer fag, but call me at home.”

SSG Medzyk

I’ll let Taylor Swift sing all over me….

…jes sayin’