Homeland Security Priorities

| November 23, 2011

Yeah, if you’re wondering what the department of Homeland Security is focusing on this holiday season, here’s a glimpse;

UpNorth sends us this video. Thay’re not waiting for the troops to become dangerous right-wing veterans…we’re going to nip their terrorist potential in the bud;

And, oh, yeah, that guy wearing a bulky burqa? Yeah, ignore him. Keep your eye on your neighbor and his ‘splodin’ turkey bomb;

Category: TSA sucks

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Old Trooper

Yeah, you definitely have to have your priorities in order. Of course; I have no fucking idea what deep fried turkey has to do with homeland security.

That’s why I call her Janet Incompetano; she’s as worthless as tits on a bull.

Oh, btw: Happy Thanksgiving all!!

902d MI

Like most faux security in America, they scan the crowd for the most, less resistance person in the crowd who will comply without making a scene. What better person to pick, than a US Soldier that is used to complying with orders and authority! If a Gov official or a Muslim in traditional garb were to get screened they would raise hell or threaten to sue and accuse them of racial profiling.

At least the Screener did a thorough job!


On a more positive note, all future TSA employees will now be trained at Penn State.

Frankly Opinionated

Welcome home Soldier, whatcha got in your shorts?
We do need security against the Jihadis n idiots out there, but at what cost? Who to screen? Not the muzzies ’cause it might offend them. Let’s pat down our heroes, n little old ladies, n kids in strollers.
I read that Boston Arpt is using the Israeli method in at least some of its boardings, and hope to see it spread cross country. The best way will never come to fruition- Just have each passenger enter a heavily protected structure and then use devices to trigger anything known. If they blow up they were terrorists, if they walk out, give em a hot cup of coffee.


Essentially, a returning servicemember is the best place to do one’s Christmas present getting: free Leathermen, Gerbers, computers, and other toys.


Went through something similar to this in 2005 at Atlanta’s Hartsfield, we just got back from Afghanistan, and they decided we were a threat and strip searched us in the open in front of a terminal full of civilians… They need to have some serious oversight on their Fourth Points of Contact!!!!!! I mean, a plane full of tired, pissed off Paratroopers looks like a plane full of Talib’s right? Fucking TSA needs some serious reorganization and shit like this pisses me the fuck off!!!!!!!!! Fire Big Sis, throw her ass into holding, give her a cavity search, and see how she fucking likes it!

Old Trooper

Well, Lucky, I’m sure she would like it just fine……I’m just sayin’


give her a cavity search, and see how she fucking likes it! Lucky, depending on who was doing the searching, like the young lady who screamed “we love you Janet” at one of her sightings, Big Sis would like it just fine.


We got sent to New York on the day after 9/11 (and then diverted to Boston while en route) via bus. Coming back we were flown commercial (gotta love the USCG). As a PSU we were about the only Coast Guard personnel in BDU’s back then. Guess who got picked to be felt up? They told me it was random and based on some code on my ticket. There I am in uniform at the gate (probably with armed National Guard soldiers nearby) getting felt up. What a joke!


Last time I flew (and last time I plan to) was returning from burying my father. The only thing I had was his folded flag in a plastic zip bag. At least the old gent working the search made appropriate remarks to me, given that the situation was obvious. (Me dressed entirely in black, including the boots which had to be removed.) It was clear that he really was embarrassed by the new rules and silliness of it all. Doubt that he remained employed there much longer since he was sane and possessed old fashioned decency.


The solution to this bullshit would be velcro flys on uniforms. About the second time some service member flopped out their Johnson and asked them “Hey, check this out would you, is that pus?”. Some of this shit might stop.


I was taking a squad of troopies to Aberdeen for training and whatnot (sorry, still can’t talk about it) back in ’08. I got tapped for a security pat-down and told the rent-a-cop that if he touched me, I’d properly defend myself. I showed him my orders, my I.D., and the fact that I was traveling with ten other guys who had similar documentation.

Well, after an hour of waiting and missing my flight because he called the cops, his supervisor, and God knows who else to scrutinize every letter of my orders, one of my troopies was able to E&E to call the Armory.

The TSA retard actually told a full-bird to step away because it was a Holeland Security matter and that he had no Jurisdiction. Yeah, he actually pulled the Juris-my-dicktion card.

I swear the colonel was going to monkey-stomp the prick’s head in. That was when, after four whole hours, someone actually called MilDep to confirm the orders. And oh boy were THEY pissed! It got even worse when the dipship actually said, “your soldier will be put on a no-fly list because he failed to comply with security measures. If you think he is going to fly to deployment any time soon, you have another thing coming.”

Let’s just say that my team arrived two days later than planned because we had to go to Mcchord and fly there by transport (the stewardess wasn’t as pretty, but her mustache was within regulation).


Maybe he looked like he was bitterly clinging to guns and god?


When I fly, I always politely tell the TSA (“Thousands Standing Around”) that I am NOT the enemy. They then get all “copped up.” I swear the head TSA clown at Reagan Int’l. (May 2001) will burn in hell.

This “We’re just doing our jobs” line doesn’t cut it with me. That’s what they said in Germany in the early 40s.

I(we)are NOT the enemy!


Bravo, Beretverde, bravo. I didn’t want to make that link, as I always get called paranoid. However, is it really paranoia if they ARE out to get you?


@15 I am not a paranoid guy… I just hate lame non-thinkers that hide behind ” I’m just doing my job.” Common sense has been tossed to the side by political correctness. Ethics takes a back seat as well. I guess it takes a village of idiots…


this happened to me in Minnesota. Had ACL surgury so I was wearing a brace. They checked it for explosives. I raised all kinds of hell about this. Made the TSA guy look like the biggest shitbag in the world.


TSA is where Mall Cops go for esteem training.


“Common sense has been tossed to the side by political correctness.”

Roger that!

The PC issue aside, I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that common sense is actually not very common.


Doc Bailey

just about everytime I go through they give me jazz about my dog tags. I still wear them even though I’m out.

I had a zippo, that was dry, that I got at FOB Rustamayah, and would not part with. the TSA guy there was remarkably understanding and let me keep it.


If Hitler wanted someone shot he would get a SS trooper or the TSA