Odds, Ends, and Craig Alaska

| November 23, 2011

Just wanted to wish everyone safe travels and happy Thanksgivings. I highly doubt I will be posting in the next week+, and I doubt even more that a single one of you would have noted except Jonn, and that’s only because the TAH Blogger Evals are due in January. I’m going to go out on a limb and predict I once again get no raise, and no COLA.

Leaving out Sunday to head to Craig, Alaska where I am writing a story on how service officers help veterans in far-flung communities get the help from the VA they earned. Should be fun. Weather forecast for Craig tonight and tomorrow is 6-10 inches of the white stuff. That kinda has me pumped, I love me some snow. Must be the Mainer in me.

Not so stoked to be in a 4 man plane, a la Ted Stevens plane of death. But, what can you do. If I die, hold a regular funeral for family, and then a viking funeral in Jonn’s backyard. The only beverages allowed shall be Guinness and Guinness related products like Irish Car Bombs and Bear Fights.

Also, I should probably buy a rain coat, since the 22 hour ferry ride from Ketchikan to Juneau looks to be rain-filled. Rain I can live with, but if I get seasick, I will be one unhappy TSO.

I swear the Jonothinghewont Inhale Sharkey motto/photoshop contest is still coming. Been a rough couple of weeks at Casa de TSO, with Mrs TSO losing her job. (A good thing.) Hope to do it within days of my return.

Category: Politics

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TSO–just remember, if you start to get seasick, nothing works better for it than raw oysters chased down with a nice tall glass of warm mayonaise.

Jonn Lilyea

You’d better bequeath me the money for Guinness because I don’t buy that shit. The only time I drink it is when you or Blackfive are buying. And I don’t think they have Guinness here in the Meth Lab State.


Jonn–trust me, they have it in Cow Hampshire, they have it in West Methaginia.

Just avoid the ones sold by Unca Skeeter out of the back of his truck in hand-painted cans.


And here’s to hoping the Mrs. lands on her feet very quickly.


Good travels!

We are just doing the boring drive to the neighbors thing. Again. But it’s nice to not sorry about train wrecks, airport embarrassment etc.

2-17 AirCav

Viking funeral? Tres cool. I call torch!

Happy trails–Don’t forget the Calgon bath oil beads.


Craig is great! It does rain a little, snow is unusual. Maine roads are rougher than the ferry ride to Juneau. Sitka and Petersburg are pretty places to walk around. When you fly over to Craig, ask the pilot to take the scenic route. If you get seasick, skip the halibut fishing. For a raincoat, I suggest a good Goretex windbreaker — The North Face is a good brand — and a synthetic liner or fleece or wool sweater. You will probably want a hat. Consider buying some “Ketchikan sneakers” — also known as red rubber boots — leather shoes last about 10 minutes. I lived there for 10 years and I miss it a lot.

Mike D

TSO thanks for the tip Im going to line a few Bear Fights up on the bar tonight.