Abdo planned initial attack at Campbell
S.D. sends us a link to our buddy, Rusty Shackleford at The Jawa Report about Fort Hood terrorist Naser Abdo and his plot to kill his commander at Fort Campbell;
You’ll notice that he laughs when asked if he planned the attacks and then goes on to detail how he planned to kidnap one of his commanding officers who had been to Afghanistan, and then video tape his execution. Apparently Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was also one of his inspirations.
Another revelation is that he had attempted to recruit two other to join him for jihad. It makes you wonder who were the other men he attempted to recruit, did he know them from online connections, and did they report this to law enforcement?
Well regular readers at TAH know that we already know the names, thanks to a tipster.; Wesley Solhan and Amir Tunis. Solhan was apprehended the same day as Abdo. From the Army Times;
“On July Fourth, I was going to kidnap (and) videotape the execution of a high-ranking member of my chain of command who participated in the Afghan mission,” Abdo said.
Abdo said he bought a cattle prod, handcuffs, and shovels for his Fort Campbell plan, but when military police learned he was visiting gun stores near Fort Campbell, he decided to go absent without leave.
Rusty is right, as big a story as this story is, why aren’t we hearing more about it?
Category: Iraq Veterans Against the War, Shitbags
the whole “caught with bomb making materials” should have been blasted all over the news. Hell you remember when Hassan did his mischief it died pretty damn quickly (at least after Barry spoke in memorial) I didn’t know until much later that my old CO was there and got a soldier’s medal.
If it weren’t the “religion of peace” then you could bet that you’d NEVER hear the end of it.
“the whole “caught with bomb making materials” should have been blasted all over the news.”
It was…..were you no where near a TV when that happened?
So are we of the protected class/unprotected class, depending upon who’s telling the tale, allowed to watch TV news or not? If we don’t, we are castigated and if we do are still castigated because it is assumed that we watch faux news. (Is that the cable channels or the alphabets?)
This should be tied in with abdo’s hero hassan, in the press.
as well as the fact that he learned how to make bombs from “inspire” magazine, and he’s tied in with awleki……….
Its incredible that this isn’t front page news, I didn’t get it, until I read that the administration is scrubbing the word “islamic” from counter terrorism training manuals….then it all makes perfect sense.
>So are we of the protected class/unprotected class
Def. the unprotected class. I remember Debbie Wasserman Schultz making sure that Veterans and military members weren’t covered in a hate crimes bill.
Why? Because apparently servicemember can take care of themselves and are NEVER victims. Of course, hate crimes bills are a racket to make certain victims more protected than another, but it is telling that Veterans wouldn’t be included.
Well, if you search Bing, with the words Naser Abdo in quotes, you get 25,300 hits, if you search UC Davis pepper spray, in quotes you get 1,050,000 hits. Yeah, I’d say they’ve been covered equally and gotten the same exposure.
We’re not hearing more about this story because the spoiled children at UC Davis got pepper-sprayed.
Hit the submit button too soon, meant to finish with and the debt ceiling debate and the Super Committee, not to mention Cain’s a womanizer and all R’s are racist.
>Its incredible that this isn’t front page news, I didn’t get it, until I read that the administration is scrubbing the word “islamic” from counter terrorism training manuals….then it all makes perfect sense.
Yes, but if this was a Christian fundamentalist attack like on an abortion clinic; you can be assured that the media would repeat that motivation over and over.
Heck, Christianity is blamed for things that weren’t even its fault i.e., Oklahoma City Bombing. Tim McVeigh is repeatedly referred to as a “Christian,” except he wasn’t one by his own definition.
The issue is really moot, isn’t it? Despite the best efforts of this group and that, the guy in the White House, and at least 3/4 of Congress, John and Jane Q. Public know what’s what when it comes to religious-based violence. Oh, we can talk Crusades, the Middle Ages, and even Nazi Germany, but when we move to the here and now–and very recent history–arguing that Islam is just another of the world’s great religions is like calling the Grand Canyon a long ditch.
I listen to talk radio most of the day. A little Democracy Now! but most of it is conservative talk. All I hear is all this bitching and crying about how their side is being unfairly represented in the media. Then I hear this crap from the OWS type, crying as well. People need to can that crap and stop playing victim on both sides.
Did it occur to anyone that this is a story the DoD and the Army may not want a lot of light on? When it comes to Military affairs the media, on all sides, is pretty much at the mercy of the DoD. If you put a story out that they don’t want or push too hard, they can yank your news agency’s ability to report in a combat zone. Sure, a story of a Soldier coming home, or the occasional scandal, but that’s about it. I think the Army would be best served if they put more light on this, showing that they can conduct a fair and professional trail. But I think they don’t want people to think this can happen more than once in the U.S. Army and it would be better if it just went away.
I agree more light should be on this and the Army needs to open up more and call out ALL of those involved. Including the anti-war “movement” no doubt helping Abdo along.
It’s a sad day in America when the only person not using the Military or Vets for a photo op and is being upfront on how we are getting screwed is a comedian.
>Did it occur to anyone that this is a story the DoD and the Army may not want a lot of light on? When it comes to Military affairs the media, on all sides, is pretty much at the mercy of the DoD.
Really the media is at the mercy of military affairs.. Sorry I didn’t get that with Abu Gharib..Haditha etc.
> People need to can that crap and stop playing victim on both sides.
Except there is a bias in the media as noted by how they vote etc. Also by what happen on the Jimmy Kimmel show–play Lyin Ass bitch for a Conservative woman. I can bet if they had played that with Pelosi, Hilary or Michelle Obama-heads would roll. The media would be outraged, and NOW would have statements about the misogynistic “Jimmy Kimmel” show.
I do believe that Abdo is charged in Federal court, not in the Army system. That would make just about anything in the court filings available to any reporter who wanted to report on it.
Anyone here think that maybe, just maybe… he was coaxed by the Under the Hood Cafe to come to Ft. Hood and do this?
First off the Army simply can’t “kill” stories. Even when it tries to downplay things (like say 12 July 2007) it gets out and people raise holy hell about it. Even though often times journalists commit crimes by releasing such information, it ALWAYS gets out.
No just about everything that Abdo has done, was about to do, and his connections to “under the hood” should have been scrutinized. I remember seeing one (count one) report on Abdo and what he tried to do, on any network but Fox. Which when you think about it is actually kind of scary. Also I have yet to hear id CID ever went to talk to the folks at Under the Hood (as the should have, seeing as they most likely supplied him with financial and material support) Nor have I heard his crackerjack lawyer getting disbarred (which might well have happened if this case had gotten the scrutiny of say Hassan, or even John Mohamed.
If he had actually completed his mission which that (now diseased) Anwar Alwaki put him onto, I have no doubt that he might have had a body count equal or greater to Hassan’s. We’ll (thankfully) never know, but you have to realize another episode like this is going to happen again.
I think we all fully agree that this case needs more eyes on it. I’m not talking conspiracy theories, I’m talking about influence. “You lay off this story, we’ll give you more over here.”
It’s not really a stretch.
Conspiracy, or not, all I know is the lack of remorse and the actual pride he has shown in his attempt means that he should be waterboarded to get out any conspiracy shit and then give him a lead enema and dirt nap.
Good thing I’m not in charge, eh?
The Army, as policy, defers to the civilian courts. Once the civilian court has conducted due process, then the Army gets its turn (unless the sentence, such as LWOP or the death sentence, is of such a nature as to permanently take care of the criminal). The civilian sentence is served first, followed by the Army’s sentence.
The only two things to worry about: Obama’s man Holder gets the first shot at Abdo. And, given the POTUS’s statements at the last terror trial, Abdo could get released due to the President’s fore-ordaining sentence despite verdict.
hang him with a rope soaked in pig blood and then bury him with a dead pig.