CBT not taking OWS seriously

| November 19, 2011

ROS sends us a link to an article that makes me think that folks at the Chicago Board of Trade aren’t taking seriously the Occupy Chicago folks;

In the middle of an Occupy Chicago teach-in this week, traders at the Chicago Board of Trade dumped several sheets of paper on top of the heads of protesters below. Demonstrators were angered to find out they were showered with employment applications for McDonald’s.

“Real class acts, the Chicago Board of Trade,” tweeted Occupy Chicago. “This week, it’s McDonald’s job applications they litter from the windows. Soulless place.”

This is the second incident between the two groups, following Chicago Board of Trade’s “We Are The 1%” missive plastered on their windows last month.

The hippies were obviously confused about what to do with the job applications, either that or they were waiting for their free pens and writing desks.

Category: I hate hippies, Occupy

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2-17 AirCav

If they think that’s bad, I can only imagine what signs 99% of the commenters here would display for them!

Doc Bailey

Apparently satire is lost on the cildren of the revolution. I bet that there is some smartass trader that is getting a royal laugh out of this, and you know what, if I were in his position I would go one step further… Like throw out soap. Or set up Devon showers. Possibly throw out those little tree air frasheners with a sign that says “please wear this so I don’t have to smell you”


Guess the occutards really wouldn’t recognize help if it landed on their heads. Literally.

AW1 Tim

The traders could just empty their trash cans out the windows on the filthy hippies. It would save them some money in cleaning, and no one down below would notice any difference.


Go, CBT! Awesome :o)


I love this!!!! It reminds me of what my father-in-law and his office did…everyweek they would pay for meat lovers pizzas to be delivered to PETA.


“The hippies were obviously confused about what to do with the job applications”. Well, it’s quite obvious they wouldn’t use them for toilet paper.
And, the air fresheners is a great idea, that should go for any business overlooking the Occutards.


Another concept the spoiled brats fail to grasp – my turf, my rules!

Good for whoever dropped the paper on them. Keep up the good work. Oh, the possibilities of other things that could somehow manage to be delivered upon their heads. One of the first things I would like to see is a water mist every time the temp drops. Wonder if they have a sprinkler system which could be engaged.

Doc Bailey

OWB, don’t you know? property ownership is being slaves to the MAN. fight the power everybody owns everything.

no I couldn’t say that with a strait face either.


OMG, to be in the building and see the perplexed looks on their faces..LMAO!


Dang, Doc! I keep forgetting that part!! (And will fight it with my dying breath.)


My old lady’s office is less than 200ft from that sign.


I vote they drop boiling oil next, but it’s probably too late in history for an effective deterrent like that. Perhaps if they use boiling soy diesel…