Mila Kunis follows through

| November 19, 2011

Earlier this week we reported that Justin Timberlake followed through on his promise to attend the Marine Corps Ball with Corporal Kelsey DeSantis. Timberlake’s date was sparked by an invitation to Mila Kunis from Sergeant Scott Moore. You’ll b happy to know that Kunis followed through on her promise, too, according to a link sent to us by CavRick.

Unfortunately for us peekers, there haven’t been any photos released yet, mostly because the media wasn’t allowed to attend.

According to Fox411;

Kunis, 28, was reportedly whisked straight from the airport to the convention center to meet her date, Sgt. Scott Moore, who just recently returned from seven months of heavy fighting in the Musa Qala and Now Zad districts in Afghanistan. The couple was said to be very much enjoying the evening.

Thanks to UpNorth for linking a Marine Corps photo;

Sgt. Scott Moore and Mila Kunis

Category: Support the troops

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Well, damn. Call me jealous…..

Good on her, and good for him.

Old Cav Lt


NR Pax

I’m more than a little impressed. Justin shows up, acts like a gentleman, and has only good things to say about his experience. And now it seems that Mila is going to be the same way.

There is hope for some celebrities yet.



Totally agree.


All the TV stations and papers in this area are pissed because they were not even allowed on the property of the Greenville Convention Center. I loved to see them whine about it. Boo f’ing hoo.

By the way these are the same stations that went ape shit last week over the guy carrying the deadly umbrella on a street NEAR ECU.


Man, I guess fortune really does favor the bold…


Ask, and you shall receive.
And, good for Mila and Justin and Linda.


Heh. I guess there’s hope for Hollywood after all.

Nice photo, UpNorth. I hope they had a GREAT time.


My hat’s off to these A listers. It’s rare to see this kind of support out of the Hollywood elite and frankly it does the heart good. Love it.

Mike D

To any normal person this story is, like the Justin T situation, a nice example of famous people showing generosity and patriotism to workaday Marines in wartime.
Its a good-for-the-cause, time-honored American tradition, as well it ought to be.

However, the presence of cynicism in the water supply leads one to suspect that both Kunis and Timberlake are getting pricked by their Hollywood lefty friends with warnings right about now…that their gestures of patriotic kindness are being noticed and loudly praised by all the scary evil oilwarmonger, gun-clingy rightwing bible nutter RethugliKKKans.

Bet you a donut that’s happening.


Wonder if he got lucky? Well a big Salute to Justin, Linda and Mila!
Mike, I unfortunately have to agree with you, they are all getting a tongue lashing for supporting our troops.