Shooting suspect Oscar Ortega-Hernandez captured
Fox News reports that Oscar Ortega-Hernandez, the DC Occupier who was being sought for shooting at the White House last week has been captured in Indiana, Pennsylvania.
Law enforcement for days had been searching for the suspect, 21-year-old Ortega-Hernandez. The suspect has a record of arrests in Idaho, Utah and Texas, according to MyFoxDC, and reportedly is believed to be mentally ill.
Park Police originally obtained an arrest warrant for Ortega-Hernandez after discovering an AK-47-style rifle in an abandoned car Friday night. The car was found after Secret Service officers heard shots being fired between two vehicles about a half-mile from the White House.
Spade dropped off an Associated Press link earlier that reported that Ortega-Hernandez was seen hanging around the Occupy DC encampment;
Authorities suspect Ortega has been in the area for weeks, coming back and forth to the Washington Mall. Before the shooting, he was detained by local police at an abandoned house. U.S. Park police say Ortega may have spent time blending in with Occupy D.C. protesters.
He certainly looks like the filthy hippies at the occupy camp. But of course, he’s not representative of the peaceful creeps who all seem to have some sort of crime they want to indulge themselves in, whether it’s rape, murder, shitting in the streets, suicide, sexual assault, run-of-the-mill simple assault or just being a general nuisance.
It couldn’t be that criminals are just attracted to the message, could it?
Warner Todd Houston notices that the media is reluctant to connect this turd to the Occupy movement, but they had no problem or hesitation in the case of Jared Loughner.
Category: I hate hippies
….the media and homeland security are trying to find a way to make him sound like a crazed veteran. Film at 11.
“The suspect has a record of arrests in Idaho, Utah and Texas, according to MyFoxDC, and reportedly is believed to be mentally ill.” He probably didn’t have much difficulty blending in with the OWS crowd at all.
Hey guys, wanted to drop a little link. How about a Team TAH for this awesome Moustache Growing Competition? The proceeds go to Soldiers Angels and Hire Heroes.
Ranger Up and Action Figure Therapy are helping spearhead it.
Kind of odd how fast they were able to ID this individual…flat out freaking amazing, isn’t it?
Streetsweeper, if he left his rifle behind, maybe he left a business card, too? Or, his driver’s license?
@ #6 – UpNorth….since you are the elder and ranking MP here? I’ll follow your lead and agree.
Thank you, I think.
I can only wonder if it was a “Fast and Furious” AK that they found,now that would be a blast…
@ #8 – UpNorth…Your welcome! @ #9 – T.O.O. Yea! That’d be a classical gas now, wouldn’t it?
OK, street. Figured you were just being semi-snarky up there in #4, hence my semi-snarky response!
Should we assume that this was a guy known to all or at least some of the major policing agencies in the ‘hood? Most likely because he was a local gang-banger and/or dealer? Had he been making regular deliveries to the occuturds?
Could the shots fired between the moving vehicles have nothing whatever to do with where they were?
Who was in the other vehicle? A friendly maybe who knew exactly who was firing?
I dunno. Just a couple of questions to ponder.
OWB, why yes I was being semi-snarky, lol. I just thought it odd and perhaps a bit convenient Park Police were able to ID the shooter so damn fast when on any other given day, they’d be dropping the paperwork in a file folder. However, in the Telegraph (via Drudge)article he’s described as Mr Ortega is described as a 5’11, white Hispanic male of medium build, with several distinguishing tattoos – including three dots on his right hand, his name across his back and the word Israel tattooed on his neck .
Who’d thought it would a “white Hispanic male” with three dots on his right hand? Go figure, a “white” Hispanic male…Never heard of nor read such a description before now. Cholo/latina/latino/hispanic I knew a few growing up here and there but never white hispanic…Go figure.
Oh, but it wasn’t an AK-47, rather an “AK-47-style” rifle. WTH?
They’re painting this guy as a religious nut this morning. In other words, they’re setting him up as some sort of right-wing whack job…the “Israel” tat will only help their cause.
Or it may turn out that Israel is a family name??
With all the cameras in that town, there is probably no one for miles around who is not id’d within moments of entering the territory!
Best guess – he was just an upwardly mobile young businessman providing a product to his consumer base, defending his supply lines. The great American dream, right?
Look, if the guy was baptised as an infant and hasn’t entered a church since then, he has to be a religious zealot. If he used a rifle, he has to be a right winger who probably learned to shoot in the Army. If he ever drank a cup of tea…You get the picture and so do the 99%.
Something still seems off about all of it, though I’ve been accused of underestimating sheer stupidity. It’s not how quick he was identified though, I attributed that to cameras in the area and identifiable markings. The second part is sort of what’s nagging at me instead.
Oops! Sorry, I forgot about all the camera’s, OWB. Silly me……OTH, this though is simply Best guess – he was just an upwardly mobile young businessman providing a product to his consumer base, defending his supply lines. The great American dream, right? Priceless!!
TDM, that bugs the devil out of me too…