SF Lieutenant phony

| November 16, 2011

Yeah, this one is pretty blatant about her bullshit. I don’t know why someone with those cans would feel a need to lie.

united states amry
Lieutenant, Special Forces

I plan and conduct training and operations for foreign internal defense, unconventional warfare, direct action, special reconnaissance, and counter-terrorism. I advises the commander on all matters pertaining to task organization and preparation/execution of operation plans and contingency plans from higher headquarters. Formulates policies and procedures, and prepares and issues battalion operations orders. Supervise all aspects of the battalion collective training and certification programs.

You’d think a Yale grad could spell Army, wouldn’t you? I don’t know of any SF units stationed in Hawaii, however what I don’t know about Special Forces would fill an encyclopedia these days.

Notice that it doesn’t say that she’s Special Operations or Special Warfare or any of those other “Special XXX” that you guys like to parse my posts with. It says Special Forces and I’m guessing that she doesn’t have an 18-series specialty or whatever officers have.

And, oh, TSO says that Yale doesn’t have an international criminal law program, so that’s another thing.

Thanks to Bobo for the link.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Lest anyone dispute the “International Criminal Law” thing at Yale, yes, they have an “International Law” program. But international law differs from international criminal law, which is the ICC only, and which doesn’t have enough to warrant an entire curriculum, only a course. International Law is basically what I studied, which is things like property rights, aviation rights, maritime law, things of that nature. There is no body that does “International Criminal Law” per se, with the exception of the ICC and INTERPOL.


BTW- her job description is stolen in toto from


Executive Officer.

The Executive Officer (XO) plans and conducts training and operations in foreign internal defense, unconventional warfare, direct action, special reconnaissance, and (if specially trained) counter-terrorism. He advises the commander on all matters pertaining to task organization and preparation/execution of operation plans and contingency plans from higher headquarters. Formulates policies and procedures, and prepares and issues battalion operations orders. Supervises all aspects of the battalion collective training and certification program.

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

She’s also, assuming she actually did graduate from GWU in 1993, a 40-year-old lieutenant.


She is nowhere in the AKO that we could find. All her friends are business contacts, so she may be using the page for networking. I managed to get added as her friend, and she isn’t very active on the page. Working on more info as we speak.


“I advises…”?

Somebody failed BOLC. Well, probably AIT in her case.


I figured that we needed a few more contestants for next year’s voting. Enjoy.


Correct me if I am wrong, but this isn’t our first GW/Yale graduate phony is it? I think this might be one of our other retards on retread.

Doc Bailey

Is that her doing pool ops?

She’s a woman that wouldn’t have to try hard to get a guy, or hell a woman if she wanted to.

I’d do her lol


Here’s her Myspace



Another female with a “law background” who claims Special Forces. This is the far west version.


I’m sure the indig forces and HCN’s love getting taught by her. JK, this looks like one of many SPAM fb profiles that I’ve seen or been friend requested by. You have to love those infantry females! HA! If this chick is a real person what a stain she leaves on all the women who don’t lie about and are proud of their service.


Sort of like one of those Me love you long time? LMAO!

Virtual Insanity

To be SF, she’d have to be a guy, therefore….Wow! Her sex change operation worked a LOT better than Chaz Bono’s going the OTHER way.


@VI. She claims the Phillippines as her home on her myspace page, so she wouldn’t necessarily have to have a sex change. Having been there and seeing some of the so-called ‘women’ my friends chased and caught, she may not be a she. You’d have to Mick Dundee her to make sure though.


First, if she’s a Yale grad, then she’s obviously beaten the bell curve just by spelling Lieutenent correctly. And she could very well be a Lieutenant in the US Amry. Or was it the Air Farce?


How in the world can one spell Lieutenant correctly, and fail on “Army”? What is it with the Ivy League that their “graduates” can’t spell four letter words? However, she did graduate magna cum laude in copy and paste.


How in the world can one spell Lieutenant correctly, and fail on “Army”?

Copy and paste… the same reason the body of the text used capital letters, but not “united states amry”.

2-17 AirCav

Well, I believe her. That’s exactly how most of our service references read on our resumes: Worked at united states amry. Mine actually reads, “Worked swing shift at united states amry.”


Damn! I was just going to post where her job description was stolen from, but TSO beat me to it. That’s what I get for actually working today, instead of fucking around on the Intertubez!


My FB message to her is as follows:

You do realize you’re a retard, right? That your job description was stolen out of the SPECOPS job description (http://www.specialoperations.com/Army/Special_Forces/SF_Info/Captain.htm), that to get into Yale you actually have to be literate, and that Yale doesn’t have an international CRIMINAL law program? You do also know that impersonating a military officer is illegal, and that the DOJ is working on making lying about who you are on Facebook a crime? http://news.cnet.com/8301-31921_3-57324779-281/doj-lying-on-match.com-needs-to-be-a-crime/

You know all those things, right?

I hope so.

Just A Grunt

Just to be straight on this. You guys are saying there are no females in Special Forces? Well what about Demi Moore? I saw the movie you jackasses so I know that ya’ll don’t know what your talking about. It was a documentary by Michael Moooo I think called “G.I. Jane”.

“Go amry!” “Beat nvya”


@21 Demi was a Squid… Goldie was the “raspberry beret” wearing private. She chose a tour in Europe over SFQC.

2-17 AirCav

“Go amry!” “Beat nvya”

We have a winner!


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Cedo Alteram

Cut and paste job was pretty obvious wasn’t it?

Never ceases to amaze me the audacity of some of these people. To attempt this online, in the open public, and believe that no one will see through their deception, your simply asking for a response. A lack of shame or arrogance is the only feasible explanation. They simply think they won’t/can’t get caught, they exist in a plain above we mere mortals and out of our grasp.

Exposing and humiliating them is the only recourse… and its fun too!!!




There are “ghost profiles” on Facebook that are malicious. When I accessed the Stolen Valor Facebook site I would immediately receive a phony profile friend request from 2 “outed” phonies on the site.

I can’t remember specifically what it is called but I will find out.

This to me is an obvious ghost profile.

Dennis Herdina

This a send up right?

Hoiwe Honky

Yeah but now that the Supreme ( asshole) Court has said that Stolen Valor is a violation of people’s first amendment rights, and that scruffy kids can wear Marine dress blues, Purple Hearts, etc. as part of their right to freedom of speech, doesn’t all of this category vanish in a pop of smoke?
Of course, pursuant to their ruling, that means you and I can now put on black robes and represent ourselves as Supreme Court justices and go around telling people whatever we think; or maybe we can dress like Secret Service guys and walk along beside Obama to share our deepest thoughts with him. Oh Brave new World!

Just an Old Dog

Maybe she was trying to spell amway….


And here I was,thinking that all Sf MOS’s were Combat arm,which females were not allowed to hold.


Hey…some of you are oretty uninformed …..try to find what you can on the “fanny platoon” You’ll be very, very surprised!

Some Law Talking Guy

In the Army JAG, one of the places you can get sent is Hawaii. (Or Anacostia, which is just as good.) As a lawyer, she might have been sent to Hawaii. That said, I’ve interviewed a lot of “smart” lawyers with “fluffy” resumes, and there is no way that girl was Yale Law.