Protestor: “We are veterans of the United States of America” Cop: “Here, eat some pavement.”

| October 11, 2011


Category: Politics

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Old Trooper

I had heard that a group of anarchists showed up, went into an area that the main group was told to stay out of, overnight, and they were the ones that were swept up by BPD. It’s fitting that VFP was in with that crowd.

AW1 Tim

More please! Give them a big serving of pavement, and a heaping helping of pepper spray to wash it down with.


And maybe some nightstick to top it off.


Should’ve listened to the guy with the bullhorn…..on second thought nevermind, this shit doesn’t happen often enough. Take what’s comin to you fellas.

Old Trooper

Here’s a link to the story, where it spells out that these chuckleheads were breaking the law on purpose.

Jonn Lilyea

I would have un-assed the AO as soon as that cop started talking like Boston Maggie.




I was looking for my buddy, Ranger Murphy, now officer Murphy, BPD. I’m sure that there is no way in hell he missed out on that one.


Hahahahaha!!!! Nice TSO, NICE!!!!! I guarantee that he did, and I bet there was a BPC Officer named Molly participating in the flogging………


Veterans of what? Inhaling?


I wanted to hear only two things from the “veterans” of the United States of America: “Corpsman Up” or “Medic.” I also noticed the drummer stopped performing when the heat arrived. He/she gets a No/Go at that station.


Speaking as a retired cop….Curbside justice is a beautiful thing.


When I was growing up, my father told me, “Son, If an officer of the law tells you to do something…do it. I ain’t bailing you out of jail on a weekend. School night maybe…weekend, never.”

John Curmudgeon

I talked to my buddy Sleazy this morning and he said he had a field day with those protesters. Get some Sleazy!

Cedo Alteram

“The people united will never be defeated” typical leftist chant. Yeah, because we know how they are so representive of the body politic at large. I think its one of the same three they chants at nearly every rally.

#3″And maybe some nightstick to top it off.” exactly what I was thinking. Though a “Born on the Fourth of July” moment is most likely what they are looking for. Then they can garner media sympathy for their fight against the “man”, oppression, climate change, capitalism, etc.


Most real veterans would not take part is such despicable demonstrations as these. Tea Party, maybe.


Memo to hippies and other assorted douchebags: if Mister Blue Gloves and Mister Taser come out, YOU WILL LOSE.


From another vantage point:

NOTE: (at 0:16) When one of the VFP tries to charge the police and the ease by which the cop pushes him away.


Memo to geezers:

1–Most of the cops are veterans too.
2–Being a vet doesn’t give you carte blanche to break the law.


Too bad that flag hit the ground. Hope it wasn’t injured. Wood shampoos are largely a thing of the past. Not PC anymore, donchaknow.

Doc Bailey

Why do they chant “shame shame shame” when Police officers have given lawful commands to disperse? isn’t it more shameful to be disrespectful of the peacekeepers?

Memo to Vets that become hippies:

1). Veteran status is usually only respected when you act respectfully. Act like an ass and another Veteran (or public servant) will choke slam you.

2). You are being used by people that probably do not understand the sacrifice that you underwent. You give them a stamp of legitimacy. which sadly makes you more of a Tool than the ones using you.

3). “Charlie Murphy, what did the five fingers say to the face?” “*SLAP*”


#16 Is Sleazy Boston PD? Any chance you can get an account from him about the intent and attitude of the Occupiers?

Frankly Opinionated

Geezus, living out here in the boonies that is Mossy Head, Florida; I never get to harrass the unwashed. Guess it is one of the perks for putting up with metro life.


[…] has flashbacks from the 60s October 12th, 2011 Gordon Duff posted the video that TSO put up yesterday of members of Veterans For Peace getting their asses stomped by the police for not following […]