Congress to subpoena Holder in “Fast & Furious”

| October 11, 2011

Fox News reports that they’re expecting subpoenas to be delivered to Attorney General Eric Holder today in regards to his knowledge of the Fast and Furious project.

The subpoena is expected to ask for correspondence that Justice Department officials had with the White House about the gun trafficking operation, as well as what information was shared by Justice officials in Mexico.

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I guess that firing off a letter to Congress like he did last week accusing them of “irresponsible and inflammatory rhetoric” isn’t helping the little drama queen Holder.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Guns

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Old Trooper

Holder’s nuts are in the vice. I hope they turn the screws until his head pops.

AW1 Tim

I hope they bag Holder, then turn the heat up on Obama. It’d be nice to see that rat bastard dancing in front of an impeachment proceeding just before the elections.


Holder’s safe. First, the claim of Executive Privilige (that Obama and Holder railed against for years) will be invoked. Then the inevitable lawsuit from the family of the murdered CPB agent will be tossed because Holder enjoyed a level of immunity while being the AG. Lastly, there is the 5th Amendment, which will be invoked early, often, and encouraged among any witnesses.

Holder and his personal crew own all investigative capabilities. Congress owns none. Good luck proving wrongdoing Rep Issa.


I was going to raise those points, Dave. But, I wonder about any immunity Holder might enjoy. Does the commission of a felony still allow a government official to hide behind immunity?
As far as getting any info from this crew, I don’t think that Congress has any chance. But, maybe the 0 and Holder will be dumb enough to drag this out until next year. It might be the icing on 0’s cake, with at least some of those who voted for him last time around.


There is only one chance here, for Holder to take heat. IF there is a cub investigative journalist out there who wants to make a name for him/her-self, and IF his/her boss can see a way to cover both their backsides in the ensuing political uproar, then it’s POSSIBLE the newsmedia might provide the pressure necessary for Holder to answer for his actions. Otherwise, the points made above will stand.

Bill P

PintoNag, it looks like Sharyl Attkisson, CBS News Investigative Reporter is trying to do the work that the MSM don’t want to, I hope that she doesn’t run into a little Chicago accident, “nice family you have their Sharyl, it would be to bad if something should happen to them”. I don’t trust this bunch any way shape or form.


#4 UpNorth,

The legal fights of both former AG Ashcroft and Gonzales provide Holder with sufficient precedence to get away with murder.

Holder’s only getting steamed like a Maine lobster because he’s covering up – not because the gunwalking, funding, and hundreds of murders.

The Senators who voted to report him out of committee, and later for voted to confirm him, knew Holder had an estranged relationship with the truth going back to his term as Reno’s deputy.

Worse comes to worst, Holder whips out the Presidential Pardon and waves both middle fingers at the US of A.


We can only hope that the administration sees enough of a political inconvenience to cause them to eat one of their own. In which case, Holder will end up as the entree. Otherwise…he’s covered.


Sure is getting mighty crowded under Obama’s bus.


I agree with #7 DaveO. The last administration made me lose all faith with any form of subpoena. They have been ignored so many times with no consequences, I can’t imagine they’d have any power now.


Agreed, Dave. I think part of Holder getting steamed is that he realizes no one believes the bullshit he’s spreading, and he’s trying to turn that into more racial crap, along the lines of the Tea Partiers spitting on CBC members, disgust with Obama is racist, etc.
He should have been impeached over the NBPP fiasco in Philly, but there weren’t enough members of the House with the stones to do it, and I doubt there’ll be enough of them to do it over F & F.


I find it interesting that Holder comes under fire, then suddenly the government “foils” an Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the U.S. on American soil. Seriously? They might as well have pointed and yelled LOOK!! AN ELEPHANT!! and made a break for it.

Doc Bailey

ever listen to Holder actually try to brief the congress? Its like watching a retard try to hump a door knob. He tries to obfuscate and its painfully obvious.

also an interesting point. If this had been a Republican president there would already be “proof” that he knew.

B Woodman

For full history and details on F&F:

And I would giggle like a little child to see Holder do the perp walk in metal bracelets.