CBS reporter travels to Nevada, shocked by what Nevadans really think

| September 18, 2024 | 17 Comments

Adrianna Diaz, CBS reporter, visited eateries in Reno, North Las Vegas, and Pahrump. Since Nevada is considered a swing state, one would expect to see a mixture of viewpoints regarding the 2024 election. However, Diaz discovered a reality that did not match what she expected. She found just found one Harris supporter in each of the eating places that she visited. The rest of the customers were excited about Donald Trump. Their responses showed that Donald Trump was right regarding what he said during the debate with Kamala Harris.

From Life Zette:

At a Reno barbecue joint, a group of women gathered around their table to chat about immigration. Their stance was crystal clear. “People are coming here for asylum? Baloney. They’re coming here for the freebies,” one of them remarked, summing up the frustration many Americans feel about unchecked immigration policies.

In North Las Vegas, a man dining at a Mexican restaurant voiced his irritation with inflation, using tacos as a prime example. “Tacos used to be what? A dollar, a dollar fifty? After the pandemic, they don’t go under three dollars.” His comment cuts right to the heart of the issue: the rising cost of living has hit everyone, and working-class folks are feeling the pinch.

Pahrump wasn’t any different. At a local diner, a woman criticized the government’s reckless spending and inflation woes. “I think they think if they keep throwing money at it, it will fix the problem. It’s the same as an old house, oh, let’s just keep fixing it. Sometimes the solution is to tear it down and rebuild.” Her sentiment echoed the dissatisfaction with Washington’s failed policies.

Additional Reading:

Hains, T. (2024, September 17). CBS reporter in Nevada: “We could only find one Harris supporter, and we left no stone unturned. Real Clear Politics. Link.

Life Zette News Staff. (2024, September 17). CBS reporter shocked by what Nevada diners are really saying about Harris in 2024 [watch]. Life Zette. Link.



Category: 2024 Election, Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, Society

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Skivvy Stacker

Funny how you learn something when you leave your bubble.


That’s because all the Harris supporters are either dead, imaginary or in a nursing home drooling on themselves.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I’ll go with #2, I’ll even put them into Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends. Lots of good company there.


“Sometimes the solution is to tear it down and rebuild.”

Just don’t build the new house on the same rotted foundation.


Don’t confuse a rotted structure with a bad foundation. The Constitutional government has great ‘bones’, the current government structure built on it is what needs serious work.


The original foundation is just fine, it’s all those hastily and shoddily built additions that are lacking foundation.


Don’t forget how left/libtards are:
comment image


Get away from the demonrat run sh*thole cities and one will find out that The USA is a pretty nice place to live.

“…the solution is to tear it down and rebuild.” For some reason, I’m OK with that. Beats hell out of allowing the despots to rule over the ashes.


The opinions are no different in my southern Nevada town of Overton. We would be happy to add their shock.


I live in Red County Florida, and the only political signs are Trump.

Prior Service (Ret)

Well, you learn something new every day. And I’m not talking about journalists realizing there is little support for Harris among us normies.

I didn’t know Pahrump was a real place. In the old days when you went out to the desert to do battle with the Krasnovians at NTC they were supported by their irregular force called the Pahrumphian People’s Group or PPG. Maybe they lived in Nevada??!?


Long ago on late nite radio, the opening of Art Bell’s Coast to Coast gave a flavor to Pahrump that was strange and surreal as his show was!


The Land of Nye (County)!


“Tear it down and rebuild” OH GOD, please no!!!! Not with this government!!!!

A Terminal Lance Coolie

Sir, you almost broke my sarcasm detector. I’m going to have to ask you to turn it down a notch.


