Who do you think you’re fooling?

| October 11, 2011

ROS sent us this video last night. It’s two Marines supposedly at Occupy Wall Street. The one on your right, wearing captain’s bars, makes the statement that he’s burdened with student loans. When asked about the GI Bill, he claims that he only got enough to cover books.

We all know he’s full of smelly shit. According to the VA website;

For resident students at a public Institution of Higher Learning (IHL) all tuition & fee payments are reimbursed.
For private and foreign IHLs tuition & fee reimbursement is capped at $17,500 per academic year.
For students whose tuition & fees exceed $17,500 per academic year who are attending a private IHL in AZ, MI, NH, NY, PA, SC or TX and have been enrolled in the same program since January 4, 2011 schools will be reimbursed either the actual cost of the program or the maximum in-state tuition & fee reimbursement rate for the 2010-2011school year, whichever is greater.

So, dickmunch is saying that his books cost $17k? You need to find another school, “Captain”.

Category: Antiwar crowd, I hate hippies, Veterans Issues

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Didn’t see captain’s bars, just the UnderArmor logo on the turtleneck (a U and an A, overlapped on top of each other in a curvy font). He’s still full of shit, though.


I got $56,000 in GI Bill money.

A good portion of that went towards beer. I’m going to be honest and upfront about that.

But I still had enough left over to cover a little more than textbooks. Something tells me that he’s lying.

Old Trooper

Ok, the one guy said he has “2 degrees and no job”. Please tell me what your degrees are in that makes you unmarketable.

That’s the part that gets to me; they get degrees in “peace studies” and can’t understand why they can’t find a $100k a year job.

I believe I saw a still photo of these guys from the beginning of the OWS right here on the story about how the Marines were going to show up to protect them. Or, they just pass around the same sign.

I guess I’m getting tired of listening to these losers sniveling about how everyone else owes them (I’m not talking about Vets, just the protests in general, because Veterans earned theirs).

I’m gonna leave it at that, otherwise I’m going to let loose and be pissed off the rest of the day. Life’s too short for that.

Sgt. D

These turds ain’t Marines. What kinf od Marine would put EGA’s on the collar of some old BDU’s? Also what kind of Marine has 2 degree’s? lol and if true why with two degrees would you be dressed like that looking stupid @ “Occupy Wallstreet”? lol


Somebody knows these guys names, I’m reposting the video on some Marine sites, FB, etc. to try to find the real story.


I’ll add, what kind of Marine says someone else forced student loans upon him instead of accepting responsibility for his own damned signature?

And I’m sorry, but the guy on the left just reeks of wannabe.

Andy FMF

I don’t know…..that Marine Corps Veteran hat really sold me. They look legit. Put ’em on a witness stand and I’ll believe everything they say.

Marine 83

If that dipshit is a Capt. I will eat my skivies.

Marine 83

Seriously, the dumbshit does not have the bearing of a Marine officer. Looks like imperonating an officer to me.


At least the anchors are inboard…

Frankly Opinionated

What a pair of nutless dogs,(sorry dogs), useless as shit, lyin’ their asses off, and don’t have a clue about what they are doing.


I just graduated from UF in May on the Chapter 31 VRE program. The VA not only paid for everything I needed, but I also qualified for grants. I knew a lot of other student veterans, and although some complained about the GI bill, they also qualified for grants and loans and were very happy to be in school. They would hang their heads in shame before acting like these maggots. These 2 friggin’ posers aren’t worth 2 balls of goat squeeze and are not Marines IMAO. As a former Marine I would not disgrace myself or my Marine Corps uniform by putting my EGA’s on a raggedy-ass old cammie blouse.
On a happier note I just read that IVAW at occupy Boston got knocked on their ass yesterday by Boston P.D.. Motivate me.


Please tell me you aren’t mistaking the Under Armor logo for Captain’s Bars.

Marine 83

FCOD, hmmm, Marine 83 writes large “L” on forehead with sharpie, and hangs head in shame.


Seriously how do you mistake the under armor logo for the rank of Captain?


I dunno there, Scooter…how do you mistake these two clowns for Marines? Blue Falcons I can see, but Marines, not so much, and certainly far removed from those serving today.