Occupy DC get 4-month extension

| October 11, 2011

Olga emailed a link to Fox News last night that the Park Service has ganted the protestors in Freedom Park, near the White House, a four-month extension on their permit for their theatrics.

“I never dreamed we would have a four-month extension,” said Margaret Flowers, one of the demonstration’s organizers who met with the Park Service.

She called the offer a “transformative moment,” saying she had expected officials to tell the group they would have to disperse and take down their tents and signs ranging from “tax the rich” and “compassion not capitalism” to “peace is patriotic” and “time 4 change.” She and others believed they would be arrested Monday night if they stayed.

Yes, this is outstanding news. There aren’t already enough people sleeping on the streets in DC. I’m pretty sure the protest will die out after a few more weeks when the weather turns colder. Most of the Code Pink hags are spending the night elsewhere already…like John Kerry who left the members of VVAW to sleep on the National Mall while he ate luxurious meals and slept in trendy digs in Georgetown. That’s because some animals are more equal than others.

It’s irresponsible of the Park Service to give these clowns a four-month period during which they can cover the city with their filth – a further expense for already overburdened tax payers.

Dickweed, Ann Wright, who believe it or not, is a former Army colonel said this;

Ann Wright, 65, a resident of Honolulu, agreed, saying the permit extension now means there is a base for protesters to come to in Washington.

“Come raise hell in the nation’s capital because we have a foundation to raise hell from,” she said

Yes, that’s precisely the position I’d expect a former Army colonel to espouse. I’m so proud.

Category: Code Pink, I hate hippies, Occupy

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Dave Thul

First time the East Coast gets a nasty blizzard, there needs to be a webcam on the Wall Street protesters and another on the soldiers guarding the Tomb of the Unknowns. Then we will see who is dedicated to their cause.

AW1 Tim

What Dave says. Could you imagine how quickly a request for a four-month permit would be turned down if this was, say, the TEA Party asking?

Nope. This is Obama and his sycophants using the resources of the Federal Government to support his reelection.

It’s a disgusting display of an imperial mindset. I am not at all surprised by this, seeing how this president already views the White House as the Tuileries.

Old Trooper

Tim, the Tea Party would never ask for a permit for even a week; we have jobs to go to.

As for what Dave said: Fuckin A


IIRC, the National Mall Board of Directors is composed of members of the far-left org’s board’s of directors as well…


First off, to sustain this little “grass roots” protest, these folks are going to need a boatload of cash to cover hotels, food, water, warm beverages, medical care (yeah! frostnip!), transportation and replacement signage. Curious as to the accounting: did all of this come from TARP and Stimulus funds? Are these mobsters counted among the jobs created, or saved?

Secondly, the purpose of this jackasses is to have a readily available, mobile force to go after the GOP, reluctant Dems, and whoever opposes the POTUS. The next 4 months is make-it or break-it time in terms of the economic policies, laws, rules and regulations and having such a force is necessary to intimidate the opposition.


It’s nasty here in Atlanta the past couple of days, so I wonder how long before they decide they’ve had enough? Besides, with sentiment like this, maybe they’re not smart enough to get out of the rain:

“I’d love to get arrested, but I feel I can do a lot more from the outside,” said Sean Phillips, 21, a student at Georgia State University.



Because no family trip to study America’s history can be complete without a firsthand look at dirty nasty hippies on the Mall. It ranks right up there with the Ft. McHenry flag from the War of 1812.


Interesting advertisement: the OWS protestors making between $350-650 per week.



Sigh…I’ll say it again…do these people have a clue about how ridiculous they appear…I know–they don’t care as long as they believe they are getting over on someone.