First Round – Senior NCO Division

| September 30, 2011

Today’s lineup: Soup Sandwich, a wide load, a heavy drop, a glider king, some snake eyes, a safety director SEAL, a Vietnamese Immigration Officer and Captain Stubing’s Evil Twin.

We begin, as always with yesterday’s results:

Game 1: Soup Sandwich v. Wide Load

(1)  MSGT Soup Sandwich – Nick Androsky

We might never have known about the heroism of our second-overall seed were it not for one brave individual at RTB who emailed us a picture of Soupy when he showed up for his stepfather’s graduation from basic training at Fort Benning dressed like General Patton. I don’t have enough space here to detail all of his ribbons and awards, but it is safe to say he’s the only AF guy around with 3 CIBs, 2 CMBs, Air Assault and Airborne.

He had about 17 rows less ribbons. Discharged as an E1 after court martial for drugs. Lots of drugs. And not like Flintstone chewable ones.


(8)  Wide Load Karl – Oliver Karl



The best way to show you his lies would be through interpretive dance.  But, since I can’t do that right now, I think it would be best to simply show you the Facebook discussion which I have edited to get the full retard effect, without some of the hilarious other comments.



Shockingly, no record of his MOH and Navy Cross exists, but, if they ever start giving them out with the proof of purchases from HoHo’s, this dude is probably money.


Game 2: Glider Man v Heavy Drop Clark

(4)  Glider Man – Willie Williams


Willie came to our attention when he wore the above at a political rally for (now) President Obama.  It would take 17 years to go through all his medals here, but the most important aspect is he is wearing a glider badge (which closed in 1948) and an Outstanding Volunteer Medal which didn’t come into existence until 1992.  Addionally, he is wearing  both Army and Navy Ribbons.


Willie actually was a hero, he just wasn’t entitled to all that he was wearing.  As Jonn wrote at the time:

Well, it took a month, but we’ve finally got Willie’s records and actually, he had quite an impressive career in the Army. He had several tours in combat as an infantryman in the Dominican Republic and 2 tours in Vietnam. He earned four Bronze Star Medals – all for merit and none for valor even though he’s wearing the “V” on his bronze star – and a Purple Heart in 1968.  His tours in Vietnam were with the 101st and the 173rd in ’68 and ’70 respectively – both were airborne units.

Willie stayed Airborne the whole 25 years, except when he was in Korea where he was in a Quartermaster laundry unit, the 101st and the 173rd in Vietnam and most of his time stateside was with the 101st and 82d – he even PCS’d to Germany for 13 months in 1958-59 with 1/504th to Germany when the unit PCS’d en masse . He went to Escape and Evasion School (the predecessor of SERE School) and the 82nd Division Raider Course (predecessor of Recondo School) – so it’s beyond me why he decided he needed all of the other stuff to pump himself up. And he was only 5’5? and 123 pounds – he was the original Little Billie Badass.


(5)  Heavy Drop Clark – William Clark

Clark has served 20 yrs in the Army, and he just came back from a 49 month deployment from Afghanistan. He goes back and forth all of the time on “Special Missions”. A Captain, among his awards and qualifications are Special Forces Qualification, Ranger Qualification, Airborne Qualification, Combat Infantryman Badge with 2 stars, Senior Parachutist Badge, Air Assault Badge and Military Police Badge.

From an article detailing Heavy Drop’s latest arrest:

In 2002, Clark spent 2 1/2 days posing as an Army officer at the scene of a bridge collapse in Oklahoma that killed 14 people. He ordered around FBI agents and even performed media interviews before he was discovered. He received a 70-month federal prison sentence for that incident.

The 2002 impersonation is just one highlight on a list of Clark’s activities. A month after his release in 2007, he called a Russian embassy claiming to be part of a U.S. Special Forces squad planning to assassinate Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

In February 2008, Seattle police pulled Clark over for driving a vehicle without license plates. A military uniform was found in the car, and Clark claimed to be a military police officer, but couldn’t provide documentation.

So yeah, he’s crazy.

Game 3: Snake Eyes v. Director Lloyd

 (3) Snake Eyes – Steve Jordan


A SF 1SG with “U.S. Army Spec Ops. (APO Wolfpack)” Snake Eyes “loves to kill terrorists when they try stupid shit.”  Just to give you an idea of his online heroism, this picture pretty much tells it all:

Most recently Steve is now claiming to be a Cav Scout Master Sergeant with A Troop, 5/117th NJANG.


Steve is into some weird stuff.  He’s an amatuer porn star, into going to Steampunk and gamer conventions, and is the head of the NJ “dress like a stormtrooper” group for his Star Wars hobby.  There is no record we could locate of him being in the NJANG, and are awaiting a DD214, which I’m guessing we will never get.  He has been arrested for carrying around imitation weapons, which is probably what he is carrying above in his attack on rural New Jersey homes.


(6) Safety Director SEAL – Mickey Lloyd (Cobb County GA Public Safety Director)


From an article about him:

He claimed he was a “gunner’s mate and a SEAL in a sister unit to John Kerry’s unit.”

“He talked a lot about being a part of the Riverine task force,” Lnenicka said. “He told me about his disgust for John Kerry because Kerry ordered his men to withdraw while under fire without picking up the bodies of American soldiers who were left behind.”

Lloyd gave the county HR department a DD 214 form on March 22, for retirement incentive purposes, showing Lloyd earned the National Defense Service Medal and the Vietnam Service Medal.  That DD 214 has those two medals listed plus the Presidential Unit Citation, the Navy Unit Citation, the Combat Action Ribbon, two Bronze Stars and the Silver Star.

The word “citation” is also misspelled on two award listings.


Yeah, a fraud:

After meeting with his boss, Cobb County Manager David Hankerson, on Wednesday, Lloyd insisted he was not a fraud and that he earned Silver and Bronze Stars for valor in the U.S. Navy.  But his official Navy records do not show them and he admits he has no documents to prove them.

He also admitted that he was never a Navy SEAL and was never awarded two Purple Hearts for wounds, despite them being listed on his official county resume.

He resigned. 

Game 4:  Captain Stubing’s Evil Twin v. Vietnamese Immigration Officer

(2)  Captain Stubing’s Evil Twin – Gunny Lauve


A Marine Sergeant Major, Gunny Lauve served in WWII, Korea and Viet Nam.  During that time, he was awarded the Navy Cross, and five purple hearts.  His service in WWII included Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, Wake Island and Saipan.  In Korea, he fought at the Chosen Reservoir. 



Never served in the Marine Corps.  Never served in WWII.  Never served in Korea.  Never served in Viet Nam.  No Navy Cross, no purple heart.  Was a washout of Naval Basic Training after roughly 2 months.


(7)  Vietnamese Immigration Officer – De Hieu Tran


A Marine Corps Officer, apparently Tran wore a purple heart medal around.  Tran…”was dressed in a U.S. military flight suit and was wearing the rank insignia of a USMC captain.”   When confronted, “Tran stated he was a Marine and responded that he was based at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.”  There is also “a video of Tran in his “Dress Blue” uniform while speaking before a gathering of the Vietnamese community at the Michigan Army National Guard Armory in Wyoming earlier this year.”   He also claimed to have just finished his 4th tour in Iraq.


In addition to his moonlighting as a Marine, he also claimed to be an immigration official.  According to a later article in the newspaper about his arrest:

Tran has not worked for ICE nor was he a member of the U.S. military, authorities said. Records showed he is a citizen of Vietnam and was ordered removed from this country in 2002.

Ferndale police told federal officials that Tran was arrested in 2009 for wrongfully wearing a military uniform and claimed he had just finished his fourth tour in Iraq, records show.

Records show Tran is charged with: impersonating a federal agent, a three-year felony; wearing a Purple Heart without authority, a one-year misdemeanor; and wearing a military uniform without authority, a six-month misdemeanor.


So, with that done, it is time to vote in the final ballot of our first round:

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[…] First Round – Special Operations Regional September 29th, 2011 BALLOT CLOSED, PROCEED TO VOTING ON THE NCO REGIONAL. […]


“The Soup is strong in this one…”

Jonn Lilyea

I like Gunny Lauve best because when I emailed TSO about him, I interrupted TSO’s afternoon nap.

I think Steve Jordan is the real deal – anyone who can shoot accurately while the rifle ejects casings up and over to the left side of the rifle, though his sight picture, has GOT to be real. And, oh, the shell casings seem to be pointed in the wrong direction, so I guess he’s actually shooting someone behind him…that’s a real bad ass.


See, this is why we can’t have nice things.


It was a toss up for me between Soup and Heavy. Heavy is obviously in control of his basic brain functions, Soup I’m not so sure about and that is where I had to draw the line.

Do I go with the overall craptasticness of the whole thing, or do I deduct point based on how much control they really have over their own though process? In the end though Soup won out, even with points deducted for lost brain cells, he still ended up scoring higher of the fucked-up scale than Heavy.

Maybe next season Heavy can come back strong, but this time I think he was outmatched and out maneuvered.


How the hell did Sealy McChippendale only win by 2 points?


His years of studying law would be my guess, but I am only a layman…

John Curmudgeon

I got:

MSG SoupSammich
Glider Tooth
Snake Eyes McDouche
Gunny Poostick


Soup is the winner here. I want to see him head to head with mcsoulpatch. I dont know whos cooler an SF General or a PJ MSG


I personally want Mcsoulpatch to win and then lets invite him to the SF Ball as a guest speaker.


I don’t think I’m getting this, I haven’t picked a winner yet. I’ve been using “spectacular assmongery” as my standard; maybe I should lower the bar.

But, I’m still betting it all on Gunny Lauve for this round.


My critera are vote for the people who should know better … The former soldiers sailor and airmen….the civvies are just in dungeons and dragons fantasy land


The voting has been fun, and the comments have been hilarious! Keep up the good work! 🙂


But soul patch takes the cake going to a high profile democratic fund raiser. He had a mission and a plan. Ha aha ha what a dufas. And what dufases who took him seriously at the political shindig…goes to show you. Our elected officials who never served in the military are for the most part clueless about duty honor country ect…….


Audacity is the phase of the day. It was pretty damn audacious to show up at Ft. Benning with a 2 star CIB on an AF uniform. Go Soupy! Too bad he didn’t swing by the RTB before trying to jack up the DI.


Ill give it to you soup is the bomb for forgetting his jumpboots with his other mess dress uniform and going in to the land of 670-1 with desert boots and a rack bigger than Audie Murphy. He has cohones. Or good initiative, bad judgement, but he only slimed the PJs. Mc Soulpatch has jumped all over JSOC, USSFC, “the” SAS, the Queen, the Vatican, the Gettys, the Rothchilds and Col. Sanders before he went tits up………..


I have a buddy in the Army who has changed his profile pic to soups here. Cracks me up


Wow!!!! I’m glad who ever wrote these has a good sense of humor. Don’t forget to read the book “Stolen Valor” by Burkett/Whitley. I’ve read it and think it’s very informative and a little bit funny in parts. I have come across a few phonies in my time. I actually do the research to see if they were actually in the military.

The Sniper

It’s like a cornucopia of mental illness and soup.


I wanna see Snake-eyes and Soulpatch in the finals. Put ’em in a pit and let them use all that secret hand to hand skills that forced them to register their hands with the FBI as lethal weapons.


Did ebay even exist 16-17 years ago as fatty MACgee states. I was like 13 or 14 then and a hillbilly ra boot. So……I dunno.

NR Pax

This was a tougher round than normal for me. Soup Sandwich had to get the nod because he actually showed up at a base in that uniform. That’s a special kind of idiocy right there.

Heavy Drop was voted on because I was impressed that a sack of crap like that actually fooled people well enough to order the Feds around.

Snake Eyes actually tried to post here and defend his record and ranted about how we were supposed to salute his rank. I don’t care where you’re from. That’s funny.

And Tran was almost a pity vote because he’s still young enough to learn a valuable life lesson.


@ 7. How indeed! My God, that knucklehead was 1-9 against a virtual also ran. Oh man, I don’t won’t say it and I surely do hate to think it BUT the answer seems to be:

a) The Fix was in; or

b) ALL of the former and current Chippendales were enlisted to vote for the sniper.

There are no–none–other reasonable explanations for the nose win by the Chipster.


Willey looks like a AAFES Gut truck driver or a cabbie in Fayetteville


I’m still shaking after seeing Sealey McChippendale’s photo finish. Makes me very nervous about today’s action and so cautious that I haven’t parted with a single ducat on this day’s offerings. But punters gotta play so it’s on to the game!

The Soup has some very big balls but he just doesn’t know how to use them properly. I mean, he must have had them forklifted onto Benning’s grounds when he showed up looking like he just belched out of blender filled with militaria.

HeavyDrop likewise is not light in the testicular arena but, quite frankly, I do not see ordering the FBI around as requiring particularly large walnuts. Still, it is noteworthy. Plus, with his girth, he probably hasn’t seen them in years. But he’s up against a section 8 so I gotta give Heavy Drop the nod.

SnakeEyes vs. Cobb County’s Finest is a monster. Snakeyes benefits from the massive negative attention he so richly deserved. It’s all about name recognition on this one. Ask any 10 people who visit this blog to fill in the blank in “Snake Eyes _______” and all 10 will shout “Jordan!”

Captain Steubbing’s Evil Twin is pitiful. No one likes to pick on an old man. But he is the exception to that rule. Claims 5 Purple Hearts! 5! Jeez. That beats even John Kerry. He is the one.


No it’ll be the soup. Ill bet some brand new desert boots on that one


I wonder why soups tie is crooked? did some Drill SGT assist him in tightening it?


I can’t comment on the military medals and things, but I can throw in my two cents’ worth on Heavy Drop. A crazy redneck can bullsh*t with the best of them — never underestimate them!


Scotty: I was looking at the head-to-head pairings. No question that Soup is a future finalist. Bt the way, I learned yesterday that the Air Force is switching over from black boots, effective October 1.


I thought they already made the switch. I haven’t been around the usaf since Iraq. Maybe it was just over there they wore the suede boots.