al-Awlaki Killed

| September 30, 2011

Apparently, the US born terrorist cleric Anwar al-Awlaki has been killed according to Yemen says Fox News;

The government of the Republic of Yemen said Awlaki was targeted and killed about five miles from the town of Khashef in the Province of Jawf.

The operation was launched earlier today at around 9:55 am, local time.

Yemeni security and tribal officials said an airstrike is thought to have been carried out by U.S. aircraft on Friday targeting a convoy of cars traveling in the eastern province of Marib.

Of course, this ought to inspire more of our “home grown” terrorists to act in the coming weeks to avenge their mentor. I’d have rather liked that he was captured alive and waterboarded until he grew gills so we could find out more about the homegrown terrorists he inspired like Nidal Hasan.

Category: Terror War

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Another jihadi gets his 72 virgin goats.

Rot in hell.


This is both good and bad. On the one hand, after several iterations of whacking a fairly non-important and ever revolving AQ No. #3….we have taken out an integral part of the jihadi media and recruitment machine.

On the other hand, the possibility of retaliation could actually be higher than existed with ObL’s timely demise.

This is a net plus of course, we may feel some sting from this.

Laughing Wolf

I would feel much better about this if the source wasn’t the so-called government of Yemen. Truth and words from them oft bear only a passing acquaintance. Check out Jane Novak’s blog on Yemen for more on this and on how the Yemeni government is playing the administration for all it is worth:

If true, and there is confirmation from reliable sources, then good on the people who got him.

Frankly Opinionated

What a great headline to wake up to. Glad he’s gone.
That there is one less english language spokesperson cannot hurt.
Since I am 1/2 mile from the street, (Damn! I love it on the farm), I will do my dancing on the barn floor. Gonna have a big porkchop for breakfast to celebrate.


I agree with you Jonn, I would much rather have him alive and water boarded and kept in GITMO, or wherever to get as much info out of him as possible. It seems like the current CINC would rather just kill them rather then capture, interrogate try them in a military tribunal.


I’m with John and David in that I’d rather see al-Awlaki caught and every nanobyte of data squeezed out of him – and learn about our getting him a couple of years after the fact. And I’m applying a heavy dose of the 24 hour rule to the news about his demise for the same reasons LW is. The dead have a tendency to return to life fairly often in Yemen, going by Yemeni government reports.

Miss Ladybug

Someone like Al Awlaki would be problematic, if captured alive. Being a US citizen, he would be entitled to Constitutional protections. As far as I’m aware, no one ever bothered to strip him of his citizenship. Am I wrong on this? I know I’ve heard that discussed wrt him being a target for assassination (which, if this is true, and the US did it, is what this instance boils down to): no due process and all that. This might be one case where – even with everything he knew – he’s better off being dead than in custody.


If this turns out to be true then it is a net win for us regardless. And I would like to give a shout out to al-Awlaki’s homeskillet Adam Gadahn: “We’re coming for you too, you disgusting fatbody.”


Saw in on FNC at 0515 when on the elliptical in my gym…this is full of WIN! 🙂

I too, believe that a capture would have been too riddled with legal issues as this POS was a US citizen…every lib-tard and Islamice organization in the US would have been suing the .gov over anything we did or did not do with fuck-stick.

Bottom-line: another “good” rag-head…good and dead.


Miss Ladybug,

He is still a US citizen so yes he is entitled ot Constitutional protections. Therefore, trying him by military tribunal is unlikely. Also, waterboarding is unlikely for him because (a) he does have Constitutional protections and (b) our CINC is a wuss. Thus, good riddance to bad garbage.

On a side note, how long do you think it will take Gordo to point out that it is Rosh Hashanah?


As far as I’m aware, no one ever bothered to strip him of his citizenship.

Being a native-born citizen, the only way he would no longer be a US citizen is if he legally renounced it.


I never thought I’d live to see the day I’d be glad a foreign government killed an American citizen, but, in this case…

If it’s true, I’m glad they got him.

Frankly Opinionated

If Bush had him hit by the CIA the noise would be deafening. Makes me glad that he is worm food because of actions on this watch. There will be much less of a distraction because it was Obumbler who gave the “Ok to take him out” order.


I don’t like the precedent of a deathmark on an American Citizen. He should have been captured, tried, then summarily executed. However, a little part of me is running around squirting yellow water like a happy puppy at no longer having to listen to his dribble again.


Flagwaver, I just gotta tell ya…

You certainly do have a way with words! 🙂


>It seems like the current CINC would rather just kill them rather then capture, interrogate try them in a military tribunal

Barack Obama knows that if we captured him that he would be afforded an attorney and likely be tried in court where most evidence would stand up in our court system. Like Susan said, the guy is American and thus has Constitutional Rights. And you know BO would have to go against his base to have him declared an enemy combatant, and that is just to much trouble and politically risky for current Cinc-certainly since right now that is what he is trying to shore up. It would be a big embarrassment for the administration.


>where most evidence would stand up in our court system

Correction* “Most evidence wouldn’t stand up”


Folks, Al-meatsackextracrispy may have been an American citizen, but he of his own free will and actions made himself an enemy of the US of A.

HAD he been captured, he would have been processed first as an enemy combatant, and then given additional priviliges due citizens.

But he’s dead now so the next target is that POS Gadahn who’s probably hightailing it to Zanzibar about now.


Dave, I think that POS is probably so far back in his cave right now, he couldn’t see daylight even if they piped it in. And, I’m sure, like every “brave” jihadist, he has one or two of his, or someone’s, wives to hide behind, just in case.
Bet John Walker Lindh is sitting in a corner of his cell, thanking his lucky stars mullah he got captured and was not allowed to wander in the caliphate.


He’ll still be dead in an hour. Right now, it’s all about the douchenozzle competition!



I like a good douchenozzle competition as much as the next guy, but I took the office (only me and 2 others here today, but stiill the whole office) out to lunch with adult beverage to celebrate the fact that Al-Alawki and Khan were roasted and have now reached room temperature.

Doin’ the dead tango dance here in Atl.

El Marco

happy dance!

ya know, in ’91 we were told it was 7 virgins for the martyrs. Is it really up to 72 now? And what happens if the martyr is a woman like the Chechen Black Widows? Does she get someone to do the housework for free?

Doc Bailey

Well O is actually on a roll. Maybe using GITMO, and waterborading may not be so bad afterall