McCoy: Arlington National Cemetery is being run as well as possible
Major General William McCoy told the subcommittee responsible for oversight of Arlington National Cemetary that there’s been a dramatic turn around in the administration of Robert E. Lee’s plantation – turned cemetery in the past year;
Maj. Gen. William McCoy testified that the cemetery’s new leaders, including Executive Director Kathryn Condon and Superintendent Patrick Hallinan, have essentially fixed dozens of deficiencies identified in last year’s report.
“Simply put, the mismanagement we found last year does not exist,” McCoy told a joint subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee. “I am confident Arlington National Cemetery is being run as well as possible.”
Sure that’s because people whose job is not administering the cemetery are doing the work of those whose job it is to administer the cemetery. Remember the story of the preteen boy who is documenting the headstones and graves? And the story of the Fort Meyers soldiers who are doing the same?
Category: Arlington National Cemetary
Question being: how does McCoy prove his statement? The general may lack understanding that We the People require verification to a degree we don’t expect from any other governmental institution.
Dang! Here’s one more thing to be relearned in the revised history of the world. It used to be called the Curtis-Lee Mansion or Home. Now it’s Arlington House.
It’s always scary to hear a bureaucrat say that something is being run as well as possible.
Especially a GO. Or, as they are popularly known: 2-Years-&-GOne.