Choi reenlisting

| September 21, 2011

According to Politico, Dan Choi is attempting to reenlist in the Army as “vindication” of something or other;

“Going back to the military will be a vindication,” Choi told POLITICO. [I’m] going back because I fought to go back. The seriousness of our claims was not just political theatre – it was really drawn from our lives. I sacrificed so much so I could go back.”

In October 2010, he attempted to rejoin the U.S. Army, but has gone back and forth since then. Choi has scheduled appointment with a military recruiter to talk about joining the Army Reserves later this week.

Really, Dan, you sacrificed? What exactly did you sacrifice? Sanity? Common sense? You brought it all on yourself needlessly.

I think there’s probably a question on the application for enlistment that asks Choi if he has any unsettled legal matters, to which he’d be required to answer “yes” since his trial in DC was delayed.

Meanwhile, Choi says that although he is happy with the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell – after all, it allows him to reenlist – the victory is incomplete, something that he doesn’t think is well understood.

“There is time for some well-intended criticism here – the parties that have been going on. I think they misrepresent the meaning of this event. People who believe that discrimination is somehow all erased will have a rude awakening,” says Choi, pointing out that same-sex spouses will not be extended benefits by the military.

I hope the Army has the good sense to reject his application regardless of his circumstances. I’d hate to be the squad leader that has to tolerate this piece of shit and his antics. If ever there was someone who didn’t deserve the opportunity to serve this country, it’s Dan Choi.

Category: Military issues, Shitbags

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John Curmudgeon

I just got the awesome news that he is supposed to come and give a lecture to my school sometime in the near future… joy.


Amen. I don’t care that he’s gay, I care that he is a primadona assclown.


Hey JC….this piece of shit did the same to mine. I couldn’t believe that his picture was on our alumni website. Is this an example of junior leadership. He can gay it up all he wants but with everything else he’s done, he does not deserve to come back in. This site has the perfect platform to ensure he is not allowed to serve in this capacity. There are tons of contractors and think tanks that need arabic speakers….he can serve there.


I thought he’d been arrested? In addition to the question on the enlistment form that asks about pending legal matters, I’m pretty sure there’s one that asks if you’ve ever been arrested. If you have, isn’t that a disqualifier?


Since this is the Army, they’ll cave to political pressure, make some ridiculous statement (See Fort Hood shooting) and it will be all feather boa’s and assless ACU’s for Choi.


After the arrests and everything, is he even eligible to serve in my component?


Jesus, headhunter…assless ACUs?? You need a Do Not Drink While Reading warning. Ha! Oh, curse my mind’s eye!


What has been read can not be un-read


I’m doing my part for TAH. I just had to sit through SHARP training so I’m on fire right now.


Si, en fuego indeed!

509th Bob

Jonn, you’ve GOT to go steal the Monty Python “Military Fairy” video clip from the Jawa Report! And then post it here.


Even if he were to be allowed to enlist, he’s going to find it’s a whole different ballgame trying to punch someone in the chest when you’re a PFC.

John Curmudgeon

I’m trying to find articles where it says he assaulted someone and is anti war so I can convince my school to not let him come and give a lecture. No luck so far…


Sparky, probably true, but you have to figure in “protected” PFC.


Fuck that, man. They wanted equal, they should get equal, especially when they fuck up.


And, John C., HuffPo, of all places has an article on the Choi-Toi, and they pointed out his “two nervous breakdowns” and “6 trips to jail”.
Also, the Toi is just your average, all around activist, “He has his sights on the repeal of Defense of Marriage Act, but also passing the DREAM Act, repealing the Bush tax cuts, and environment issues like stopping the Keystone XL oil pipeline that would connect Canada’s Tar Sands with refineries in Texas.”
So, not only is he intent on the gaying of the armed forces, he’s intent on amnesty for illegals, raising taxes on everyone, except the 51% who pay nothing, and keeping the US dependent on Arab oil.
So, if the Army has to take him back, they can plan on this disgrace chaining himself to border fences, marriage chapels and pipelines, not to mention the White House and, probably the Capital Building.

John Curmudgeon

Thanks Jonn, thanks UpNorth.


Re-enlist? Way to get your facts right politico. Officers do not re-enlist, unless the Army is going to let a former O-2 come back in as an E-1…


Oh arby. Way to come in with guns blazing. The operative word in your statement is “former” O-2. As far as I know Choi resigned his commission. You can’t just pick it back up again. If you re-enter military service you have to re-enlist.

I’m going to duck now.

Country Singer

Mark my words, he’ll whine, bitch, piss, moan, and stamp his feet wanting his commission back. POS’s like Choi think being an EM is beneath them.

And the shitheads running the military these days will cave to political pressure and give him his commission back.


Were Choi a heterosexual, his being jailed would be enough to deny him re-entry. But he isn’t. He is a member of protected class so whatever norms, mores, and metrics are applied to the rest of the Army will not, because it can not, be applied to him.

Once he’s back in uniform, prosecute him for assault.

DaveO’s comment of the day goes to Headhunter and his assless ACUs.


@22 Sort of detracts from the line, DaveO, when one must go look up ACU, as I did. I just got used to BDU. It was OD and black boots in my day. And, yes, befor anyone asks, we did frequently have to step over fresh dinosaur turds.


Apologies if someone brought this up, but is he medically eligible? Isn’t there a block asking if you have been hospitalized for a mental health reason?


I think that with the criminal record and the mental health record, Choi wouldn’t typically be eligible to return to service. But I don’t know how far we’ve let these standards fall.

Time for a Recruiter to pop in.

And Choi’s still a douche.


I was an Air Force recruiter, not an Army one. That being said, I am certain all other services require all unsettled legal cases(criminal & civil) need to be resolved before anyone can come on active duty. Also, if he gets any type of probation for his antics at the White House, he’ll need to complete all stipulations of the probation before he can even try to re-enlist. Gay or straight, I can’t see any service wanting to touch this guy with any length of pole.(apologies for the pun)


My last duty was recruiting (Army) before I got out. Yes, you are correct. No open court cases. Also, most convictions has to be waivered. Not that with the new policy, they wont do everything possible to bump up numbers of gay soldiers. But, if this shitbag gets back on duty, it is really pushing it. If he would have walked into my recruiting office, I would have turned him away after a quick interview.
Man I hated recruiting. I still remember the CSM, Great job this month SSG, what you got for me for next month?

Doc Bailey

I have to ask has there ever been an officer that came back in as an E-fuzzy? is that even allowed?

So an anti-war, dipshit LT that apparently couldn’t get past O-2, UBER gay dude, who violates most of the ideals of what it means to be an officer (who apparently also has REAL bad PTSD). I can’t get in for bullshit reasons and I’m (or was) a good troop with nay a black spot to my name. What does this jerk off think he’s gonna get.


I can think of many squad leaders that would make him regret any decision to re-enlist.


I could use a good minesweeper…or a bad one.


Former Navy recruiter here. Put his P-Card in the dead file.


So is the Military allowed back on Ivy League campuses now? What’s up with that?


@32 – I believe that is still dependent on each school, if they wish to receive any DoD funds, as per the Solomon Act.


^ That should have said Solomon Amendment.


A few Ivy League schools have voted to allow ROTC back. However, some are still fighting it because the repeal of DADT didn’t stop the military discrimination against their “Transgender brothers and sisters”.


Doc Bailey @ 28 – There were specific cases in the Air Force where a prior service officer, if RIFed could return to their old enlisted rank. If they reached retirement, they would be retired at their last rank as an officer. A friend of mine was the only one in the Air Force to go from a Captain, back to an NCO and then make it to Chief.

But, I am not aware of any cases where an officer who separated from the military was allowed to enlist.


@28 Doc Bailey: Historically, yes, once an officer gave up his commission he could return to service as enlisted. I have no idea if it is still happening or even allowed. But I knew several guys who were officers in VietNam who seperated and later joined a different service as enlisted. Those guys didn’t opening admit their prior service in other than vague terms and I have no idea what hoops they had to jump through to enlist. They just didn’t want to talk about it.


God help me, but as a Reserve NCO and Team Sergeant, I hope he chooses a Reserve billet other than CA/Psyop, because he will not enjoy himself at my BN


So far as I know a former officer is free to enlist so long as their reentry and separation codes are good to go. It is true, though, that he cannot process until he is morally qualified (no pending criminal cases). Depending on his psychological issues and criminal record he may be a no-go regardless. I know that he will be hard pressed to find a Recruiter willing to devote a lot of time and energy.


I need to throw up. Seeing the name just made me sick…


We retired our last Vietnam veteran two years ago from my Nasty Guard company. He went home his last day as a SFC and started drawing CPT retirement pay the next day. He’d gotten hit by up-or-out, I think, in the 80s, and came back in as an intelligence analyst E4. Great guy, fantastic sense of humor, and immense source of wisdom and perspective. He tried to deploy one more time, but they wouldn’t take him because he was too close to 60 (and he didn’t have the right friends at State to get a waiver, apparently).


If he does get back in, he’s not getting in above the rank of E4.


[…] course, it’s good news for Dan Choi and Autumn Sandeen, who can now go full retard and join the […]