Choi trial delayed

| September 1, 2011

The open and shut case against Dan Choi which has already lasted three days longer than it should, has been delayed for ten more days because Choi’s lawyer claims he was a victim of “vindictive prosecution”;

Facciola said this morning that he had found there was prima facie evidence for “vindictive prosecution,” meaning enough evidence was presented to allow Choi’s lawyers to pursue such a claim. As a result, Choi’s lawyers would be able to ask for more documents and evidence from the government in order to investigate if higher-level officials advised their subordinates to try Choi in federal court rather than D.C. court and, if so, why.

Poor little drama queen is always a victim of something or other. He was persecuted for punching a subordinate in the chest when he was a lieutenant, then he was persecuted for voluntarily outing himself on national TV, then he was persecuted by the American taxpayer when we demanded to reimbursed for his education that we provided free-of-charge, now he’s being persecuted because he wouldn’t follow the directions of the court and the orders of police.

And he can’t help but hide behind his military service;

Choi said he could not recall details of his arrest, but likened the scene to a “combat zone” and recalled being struck by what he considered to be aggressive and demeaning tactics by the U.S. Park Police officers who showed up.

“I do not recall a lot of what happened, but I also do not recall if I blacked out,” said Choi, a 30-year-old West Point graduate who served in the Iraq war as an infantry officer.

Ya know, I’ve been in combat and I’ve seen a lot of mass arrests and it just doesn’t compare. So at this point, I have to wonder exactly how much combat Choi has seen to make such an idiotic comparison.

Category: Shitbags

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Choi is a case study in how to relegate the cause you are striving for to a circus act. He unwittingly has done more to harm his goal than he has done to help it.


Can you warn us before linking to a gay news site? The sight of two men laying in a bed together this soon after breakfast and this far from a latrine is dangerous.




“Prima facie” means “at first view : on the first appearance.” (

So I take it the prosecutor scowled at Choi, who then sh*t himself, providing evidence, prima facie, of a vindictive prosecution.

Is it any wonder the best lawyers have a minor in Theater?

Old Tanker

I wish he’d just shove a cock….uh, er a sock, yah, a sock in it…..


OMO, Choi-Toi got PTSD from being arrested? He “blacked out”? Come on, Nancy-boy, not even Code Pink “blacks out” when they get arrested.
And “aggressive and demeaning tactics” by the Park Police? Oh my, I guess they forgot to use the fur-lined handcuffs?

USMC Steve

The term drama “queen” is soooo appropriate.


Lemme see if I can guess the lawyer’s reasoning…the US Army, in concert with the New York National Guard as well as the US Park Police forced the federal courts to go after this insignificant “tube snake charmer” because of his ‘stance’ on DADT.

I believe its in federal court because he was arrested on federal property, i.e., the White House fence.

Frankly Opinionated

“I do not recall a lot of what happened, but I also do not recall if I blacked out,” said Choi
If he hadn’t had that plug in his throat, he might have had better breathing ability and not blacked out.


[…] I think there’s probably a question on the application for enlistment that asks Choi if he has any unsettled legal matters, to which he’d be required to answer “yes” since his trial in DC was delayed. […]