Class warfare

| September 20, 2011

I got an email this morning from the Democrat National Committee under the guise of President Obama’s staff explaining to me how the president’s proposal to stop unemployment from rising is not “class warfare”

Jonn —

This morning, the President proposed the “Buffett Rule,” which would require those earning more than $1 million a year to pay the same share of their income in taxes as middle-class families do.

This proposal makes sure millionaires and billionaires share the responsibility for reducing the deficit. It would correct, for example, the fact that Warren Buffett’s secretary currently pays taxes at a higher rate than he does.

The other side is already saying it’s “class warfare” — that’s their rhetorical smokescreen for providing millionaires and billionaires special treatment.

As the President said this morning, “This is not class warfare — it’s math.”

The wealthiest Americans don’t need further tax cuts and in many cases aren’t even asking for them. Requiring that they pay their fair share is the only practical way forward. The Republican alternative is to drastically slash education, gut Medicare, let roads and bridges crumble, and privatize Social Security. That’s not the America we believe in — but many in the Republican leadership actually prefer those policies, which explains their refusal to act.

That’s why they’ll say “tax increase” over and over again, trying to muddy the waters and trick ordinary Americans into thinking the Buffett Rule will hurt them. And if we don’t speak out right now, they just might get away with it.

If you stand with President Obama in this fight and want to see the Buffett Rule passed — say you’ll get his back now.

Of course, the Buffett Rule won’t really touch most Americans — only 0.3% of households will even be affected.

And without it, the only way to reduce our debt is to savage the programs that seniors and middle-class families rely on.

That’s exactly what the President refuses to do — in fact, he’s said he’ll veto any bill that changes benefits for folks who rely on Medicare but doesn’t raise serious revenue by asking the wealthiest Americans or biggest corporations to pay their fair share.

This isn’t just a commonsense approach to cutting the deficit — it’s the only way to make sure we can provide security to people who work hard and play by the rules.

So right now, I’m asking you to say you’ll stand with the President on something that won’t be easy. Get the President’s back today:

Yeah, well, yesterday when the president rolled out his proposal, he said that if we don’t let him raise taxes on millionaires, he going to have to raise taxes on retirees…setting one class against another. If that’s not class warfare, I don’t understand the concept.

And even in the letter, it explains how only .3% of tax payers will be affected by the hike…so the rest of us should feel grateful that the 99.7% of us won’t be affected. Isn’t that class warfare, too?

Where have we heard that shit before? Oh, yeah, now I remember. During the Clinton Administration, that president promised that he was only raising taxes on the richest Americans. Soon afterward, we all discovered that we all were rich. The Clintons even raised taxes on Social Security recipients, because, you know, they’re all rolling in dough. Even my kids who were working part-time jobs after school saw their taxes increase.

The letter also states that the President wants to protect “entitlements” to middle class families. How many middle class families depend on entitlement spending? We’re out here working because we don’t get entitlements…and just by mentioning the middle class, that proves it’s class warfare right there.

I just don’t know how he figures that by taxing the people who hire workers will improve the rate of employment.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Economy, Taxes

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Also don’t forget that consumers will have the millionaires taxes passed onto them in the form of sales surcharges. That’ll teach em. The rich will always win until the US passes a law that says you can’t raise prices of goods or services in response to a tax increase.

but then it won’t be a free market….will it…


Constitutionally, The SCOAMF can’t raise taxes. He can direct the IRS to pay more attention to his enemies, and have those agencies permitted to levy fines become even more active.

Constitutionally permissable terrorism?


Hey, here’s a novel approach, let’s make everyone pay taxes, not just the minority who actually work. Or, at the least, stop paying the 51% to sit around and breathe.


Buffett sure is a stand-up guy. His company, Berkshire Hathaway, has owed substantial taxes to the US government since 2002. They remain unsatisfied. And that business about capital gains being taxed at a lower rate than his secretary’s salary is a hoot too. It conveniently overlooks that once, twice, or three times the capital gains were taxed as income before they became taxable gains. Class conflict and America be damned seems to be all that Obama and his wife, ‘All-this-just-for-a-flag’ Michelle are good at. Well, that and spending our money on trips and parties.