Sometimes You Get the BEER…

| September 20, 2011

Yeah, BEER not BEAR!

There’s a sad artsy-fartsy sorta liberal wind blowing through the country. As Spiro Agnew noted the effete intellectual snobs have been around for a while. Referring to the anti-war crowd (AKA: a type of hippie) . He actually said:

“Education is being redefined at the demand of the uneducated to suit the ideas of the uneducated. The student now goes to college to proclaim rather than to learn. The lessons of the past are ignored and obliterated in a contemporary antagonism known as ‘The Generation Gap.’ A spirit of national masochism prevails, encouraged by an effete core of impudent snobs who characterize themselves as intellectuals.”

Now there’s a move afoot by some of that ilk to do to beer what they’ve done elsewhere.

Why I don’t drink Budweiser:

I don’t drink Budweiser and never have. I’ve tasted it three times (a total of about 3 ounces), first while at the University of Maryland, once again in Myrtle Beach, SC, in 1984, and then again in Seattle, in 2005, at the urging of their distributor’s rep, who – correctly – observed that tasting a thing  21 years ago wasn’t giving it a fair shake. It tasted exactly the same: like a wet piece of the cardboard that comes in new dress shirts – and that’s not an original observation. I first read it on the website of the world’s foremost beer critic, Britain’s Michael Jackson. He had almost nothing positive to say about Bud. I don’t either.

Beer is NOT wine! I don’t drink beer to savor the nuance of the flavor blends. It doesn’t need to age to gain character.

It is for those hot days when something icy cold and fizzy brings comfort. ‘Shine is similar; although I have some peach flavored moonshine that is kinda nice.

Isn’t there something mildly effeminate about discussing the prissy details about yer favorite quaff? I’m a belch and sigh kinda man myself.

With that I leave you with:


Category: Geezer Alert!

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You’re missing out if you don’t take some time to enjoy the experience of a fine ale.

Similar to the good SMS’s, once you’re hooked….you’ll never settle for just cold and fizzy.

Laughing Wolf

Got to disagree with you here. The flavors of ales and lagers is a fun thing to sample, and having the right one at the right time is indeed a thing of joy. And, age can make a big difference — the Scottish Ale I brew needs to age for at least six month, and a year is better, to get the right flavor (and kick). The world is full of flavor, you should try it.


Heartiest congratulations to United States Navy Lieutenant Gary Ross and his wife, Daniel Sweazy, who were married in Vermont at midnight upon the expiration of DADT. Gary looked dazzling in his dress uniform and Dan was radiant in his tuxedo. What a lovely couple — and a sad day for goats.

Old Trooper

If I’m in a beer snob mood, I reach for a Paulaner or Spaten Lager (sometimes a Newcastle). If I’m wrenching on a vehicle, motorcycle, or cutting up a tree, I reach for a Miller High Life. If I’m visiting my brother in Virginia, I always have a few bottles of Yuengling Lager (I know it’s considered cheap beer, but it tastes good and I’m not a beer snob), which we can’t get here in Minnesota. You have to enjoy the little things and until metrosexual night started happening, snobbery was confined to wine.

I’ve been to micro-breweries and I’ve sampled all the fad crap (Guinness is mud, not beer, IMHO). If someone wants to drink that foo-foo stuff, that’s their business, but I have a problem when limp wristed metrosexuals, like the writer of that article, start acting like they know so much more about beer than the rest of us and if we don’t dissect the nuances of a beer like he does, we aren’t worthy. Fuck him, even though I don’t care for Budweiser, personally, it’s not because I consider it an inferior product, I just prefer others.


Life’s too short to drink shitty beer.


I’ll paraphrase what you said. Life’s too short to give shit about beer, let alone whether the hops were toasted in a custom built oast for 30 minutes or whatever.

Well, I agree in theory…as long as it’s not colored water, commercial beer is there to be consumed in mass quantities. Where I disagree is for those who like to brew their own. In that case, ingredients and how to extract certain flavors from them is important. But that’s beside the point. If faced with a choice of no beer and Bud, I guess Bud it is, but if I have a choice, Bud is pretty much last on my list.


After working in the yard or just for something cheap, cold, and buzz-inducing, Bud is fine.

If I feel like drinking something which goes well with food and don’t plan on slamming a six-pack of them, then I’ll go for anything from Sam Adams to Guiness to Rogue Ales to Alligash beers. And there are a couple of those which will knock you flat on your ass.


Fuck him, even though I don’t care for Budweiser, personally, it’s not because I consider it an inferior product, I just prefer others.

I think this pretty much sums up my feeling as well…it’s not so much that Buds sucks as I don’t care for lagers. I prefer stouts, ales and porters. That being said, there are tons of shitty beers out there, and to be honest, most of them are those “fru-fru” fruity kinds or that God awful German summer beer that looks like antifreeze.


Frankly, I’ve never understood how the Brits can criticize American beers. Having been over there, you might find a couple of decent beers, but they also have a lot of the same mass-produced shit as we do, and not nearly as many of the craft beers as we have.

And it’s fucking WARM.


Guinness for strength! Lol sorry, thats the Ginger in me talking. Heffewieshn is delicious as well, lately I have taken to drinking Boddingtons too

Old Trooper

Claymore in #9; I’m a Lager guy, but I enjoy an ale or two and I like Pilsners, too. I really don’t care for the fruity shit, either, and any beer you have to add a lemon wedge (those cloudy wheat types) or lime wedge (Corona) to, to make it drinkable, ain’t worth drinking for me. But that’s just me and as I said, I don’t disparage anyone who does drink those, I just have a problem when they become beer snobs and make snotty comments to me about what I’m drinking or the beer I prefer.

The worst beer I had was at a micro brewery/bar which was a vanilla beer (I didn’t order it, my metrosexual older brother did) and it tasted like it was rinsed through a Glade plug-in before being served, but there were the ironed jeans crowd just swilling it down and patting themselves on the back for being beer snobs.


OT–I guess you won’t like the stuff I pick up when I go up to Conway (blueberry beer on occasion) and the Pumpkin Ale I get from Shipyard, to say nothing of the growlers I pick up at RedHook now and then.

But Bud is still the most commonly found beer in my fridge.


Double bock and even triple bock beers are good too. They have a great flavor and come from a fine tradition. And best yet, no effin’ fruit. The one snobby beer I absolutely recommend to everyone is Unibroue’s Trois Pistole…it’s dark, it’s strong and it has an amazing flavor. Great beer for eating heavy food that’s been cooked over fire. Worst part? It’s Canadian…in fact, it’s from Quebec…but it is a damn good beer despite the origins. LOL

Old Trooper

Sparky, you could be drinking Schlitz or Buckhorn and I wouldn’t give you crap about it, because it’s whatever you prefer. Now, I’m not saying I’m not open to test driving new beers, because that’s how I found out about Yuengling Lager, I saw it and thought I would give it a try. Each person has their own tastes and I’m up for trying ones I haven’t tried before, because I might find one I enjoy. The one Jonn talked about in another thread (something Saranic) I’ve never had and would be willing to try just for shits and giggles.


Carling Black Label, Falstaff, Grain Belt, always welcomed.


I could, but I have a LITTLE pride. Not much, but some. I’m still amazed at the number of yuppies I find drinking PBR’s because it’s the new “hip” beer. Sorry, still tastes like shit to me.

Hey, I’d love to get some Dogfish 120-Minute IPA, but it’s illegal here. Guess I’ll have to settle for the 90-Minute IPA, but it’s only 9 percent alcohol.

AW1 Tim

Now, the thing for me is that I won’t intentionally purchase Bud, Coors or Miller because they all sold out to foreign companies. If I’m gonna be drinking a foreign beer, then I’ll have a Guinness or Newcastle, thank you very much.

Plus, Miller gave $30,000 to La Raza to help buy their support, and that REALLY pisses me off. So it’s a personal and financial thing with me.

I like Sam Adams, and there’s a bunch of REALLY good local beers here in Maine, all brewed here and owned by Mainers. So there’s that.

Having said all that, if someone else is buying, then I’m drinking what they are buying. I can be very mercenary that way.

Given the choice, though, I prefer bourbon. If it’s hot outside, then I’ll add an ice cube and drink in the shade. 🙂