Tampering with testimony
The Daily Beast reports that an Air Force general’s testimony to a classified House committee was alterd by the WHite House in order to make that testimony favorable to a large donor;
“There was an attempt to influence the text of the testimony [of Gen. William Shelton] and to engage LightSquared in the process in order to bias his testimony,” Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) said in an interview. “The only people who were involved in the process in preparation for the hearing included the Department of Defense, the White House, and the Office Management and Budget.”
I can only imagine what the outcry would be if a Republican administration would try to interfere with Congressional oversight. General Shelton should be commended, however, for ignoring the pressure to change his testimony. I’m pretty sure his career is over though.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Military issues
A general’s retired pay ain’t bad, plus he’ll be able to sleep at night.
Stating the obvious here…we need more like him.
sorry, Anonymoooose forgot her name, rank and serial number..
Thank God we still have flag officers with honesty and integrity. Salute to you sir! Thanks for sharing. God speed and best of luck in retirement.
Reading the General’s bio is enough to stun you. It is amazing what he has done in his career!
Sounds a lot like the testimony of ________(insert name of choice from DoJ) in regards to Op Gunwalker. Of course, I know the White House would never attempt to influence/alter the testimony of anyone testifying before Congress. Cough(bullshit)cough.
His career is over? LOL. He’s already a four-star general. How much further was his career supposed to progress?
Anyway, major kudos for the general for calling bullshit on the White House and its political gamesmanship. I hope this leads to some major, high-level resignations and political problems for the SCOAMF’s re-election hopes.
One assumes the general will be permitted to retire at his present rank and grade.
Don’t assume. He can be returned to active duty later, and taken care of.