Jimmy Carter sinks Romney campaign
Former worst president in history, Jimmy Carter, decided to sink the Romney campaign by endorsing Romney’s candidacy (Politico link);
“I’m not taking a position, but I would be very pleased to see him win the Republican nomination,” Carter told the MSNBC host, according to advance interview excerpts.
Continue ReadingCarter also said he was grateful to another Republican candidate, Michele Bachmann, for her volunteer work on his own presidential campaign.
He went on to say that he doesn’t think anyone will beat Obama however.
The best way to guess what my vote will be is to consider what Jimmy Carter recommends…I’ll always do the opposite. Carter has been wrong on every policy issue in the last several decades and brought about the rise of radical Islam, so any endorsement by him can be considered to have been made on Opposite Day. Only Joe “Bite Me” Biden can compete with Carter on being consistently wrong.
Bachmann’s work on Carter’s campaign gives me pause, too.
Category: Jimmy Carter
That’s all I need to know, too! And I was kinda liking Romney in spite of his faults.
Bachmann lost me a few weeks ago when she said that we shouldn’t worry about Social Security – that the money is safely tucked away in that (mythical) lockbox and is never used for anything else. Oh, really?
Thanks to Carter’s endorsement and OWB’s info above, that’s two names I can cross off my list.
Well, Bachman was only 20 during the 1976 and 24 during the 1980 Carter presidential campaigns, so I’ll cut a little slack on that for possibly just being young and naive, but she does come across a little off on some things…
Am kinda wondering if that Carter endorsement was staged to have exactly this effect?
And I really wish I could remember where Bachmann was speaking when she made that remark. Don’t think it was a debate – seems like she was alone on the stage… (Can’t even remember if it might have been CSpan, as in she was in the House when she said it.) What disturbed me was that it was not merely a slip of the tongue – she hammered the “fact” that there is no threat to SSAN funds.
OWB. Got a cite or reference for that? Everything I have read about Bachmann is just the opposite. She is positioning herself as the champion of social security. Nevertheless, she is too quirky at a time when the country needs solid leadership. Mitt (what a godawful name) ain’t it. Too slick, too liberal, and somebody is going to drag something out of his closet sooner or later.
Sorry, but she’s already stated that she has no problem with cutting veteran’s benefits, as already discussed here. That’s one issue I have with her, among others.
And as far as Mittwit goes, never trust a guy who combs his hair with olive oil and a fork.
I do not. Grumble, grumble. Saw it on TV while in the midst of doing other stuff. Then forgot to check it out further when life got in the way. It was 2 to 3 weeks ago. What I posted above are all the clues I have.
Surely someone else we know saw it? I was shocked at her words because it was beyond a mere lapse!
Apply George Costanza’s reasoning to Jimmy Carter’s recommendations and you’ll be just fine.
I was not, and am not, a Romney fan. He signed into law Mass. permanent ban on “assault rifles”, has been pretty mediocre on several other things, and is hardly what I would call conservative in an overall view. He has some conservative ideas, but not enough to sway me.
As for Michele; I know her, have met her several times, but I don’t want her for President. I think she does far better keeping the jackels at bay in her district.
These are just my opinions and YMMV.
Never cared for NitMitt, would also rather see Bachman remain in Congress. Only those parasitic ass infections at MSNBC would listen to Carter, he endorsed Obama though and we all know how well thats worked out. Olive oil and a fork…mind if I borrow that Sparky?
To quote South Park, we are usually left with the choice of a douche, or a turd sandwich…just sayin’.
“Mittwit”? Love that name for him. As has been said above, all great reasons to not vote for the Mittwit. First and foremost, for me, his disdain for the 2nd amendment. Then his version of Obamacare. And, then the olive oil and a fork….
Romney is a big government Progressive. Same thing as all the Dem Progressives, with a different letter next to his name.
I’m ok with Bachmann, would really like to see corroborating testimony on the SS issue.
Right now, it’s Perry or Cain for me.
Jimmah Cahtah, the kiss of death for any pol.
@ #13: Yeah, me, too (on the corroborating testimony!) Keep hoping to find someone else who saw it, wherever it was.
Yes! Jimmy Carter has been wrong on every policy issue in the last several decades. But Ron Paul was ANTI-Nixon, ANTI-Reagan, and ANTI-Bush when they all won massive wins!
Nixon won 49 States and the Libertarians of that day were all McGovernites. In fact many Liber(al)tarians still love George McGovern the liberal.
Ronald Reagan won 44 States (1980) then 49 States (1984) and the Lie-bertarian candidates got about 1/10 of 1% of the vote. They hated Reagan and many still do today.
George Herbert Walker Bush won 40 states and Ron Paul (the LIEbertarian presidential candidate) got apx. 00.001% of the vote nationwide which is almost ZERO!! Don’t believe me? Go look it up.
Carter might have been wrong on issue after issue but he was able to win an election. The Libertarians have been on the LOSING time after time side since 1968.
Why the hate for Carter? He did good work in ‘Point Break.’