Ray Nagin: Profile in Courage

| July 12, 2011

Once, maybe twice a generation, a hero rises among us. Is it hyperbole to call Nagin a hero? You be the judge… From the greatest article ever written in the history of the AP:

Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin writes in a new memoir that he was the only one to understand how to recover from Hurricane Katrina, and that he endured plots against him and incompetence around him as he set his plan in motion.

That and more is in the recently self-published memoir from Nagin, who was mayor before, during and after the Aug. 29, 2005, storm that flooded 80 percent of the city and took more than 1,700 lives. Nagin writes in “Katrina’s Secrets: Storms After the Storm” that he was the only one who understood the storm’s dangers and tried to get people out of harm’s way before it struck. After the storm, his one-page plan to get citizens back to a restored New Orleans disappeared, likely taken by someone who wanted to write a book, Nagin writes.

I can almost anticipate what some of you hating haters of hate are thinking: “wait, did he just say that the plan to restore New Orleans was one page?” Dude, when you are as smart as Nagin, you don’t need a three ring binder for this stuff. He could have done it on a post-it note. And who took it? The Klan. In league with an international cabal of 1 page plan stealers.

“I had a target on my back as the guy who stood in the way of their vision of a new New Orleans where mint juleps would once again be the drink of choice in a bleached, adult Disney World-like city,” he writes….

Nagin discusses conspiracy theories and “shadow governments” aimed at undermining him, including “men dressed in black combat outfits and adorned in bulletproof vest, rifles, and leg straps holding at least two very large handguns each,” storming into a meeting and saying they were there to protect the mayor. Another involves others running suspicious wires from the roof of the Hyatt Regency Hotel, where Nagin was holed up, around the door to his suite.

I knew it, I just fricken knew it. You guys laughed at Cynthia McKinney when she told us about the “credible reports that the U.S. military dumped 5,000 prisoners — each with “a single bullet wound to the head — in Louisiana swamps using Hurricane Katrina as cover“, and now we know who pulled off this heinous (please pronounce as high-anus) deed. It was the Mint Julip White Liberation Front.

While in Dallas shortly after the storm, Nagin met with a group of white businessmen, with a lone black man among them, that was determined to “keep certain residents out and to shut down parts of New Orleans forever.” Yet Nagin appointed the leader those businessmen to his 17-member “Bring New Orleans Back Committee.”

Nagin said he was chosen by God to lead the city out of the storm. God also answered Nagin’s prayers by sending a brief rain shower to cool the people packed for days into the Superdome after the hurricane, preventing a potential riot, he said.

He’s like a modern day Moses, if Moses just said “Fug it, this desert looks as good a place as any.”

The ex-mayor, who has set up a business in disaster consulting, writes that he urged everyone to leave the city before the storm hit. He also asked churches and neighbors to take those who were sick or could not afford to evacuate. And finally he provided city buses to take people to the Superdome — the so-called shelter of last resort.

The city “planned for food and water to sustain up to twenty-five thousand sheltered people for three days,” Nagin writes.

But Doug Thornton, vice president of SMG, the company that manages the Superdome, said there were no plans before the storm to use the stadium as a general shelter. It could be used, he said, to house people with medical needs.

Of course Doug Thornton said that, he knows the black people don’t like football. If Ray Nagin says it is so, it is so. To believe otherwise is just like burning a cross on a lawn.

Nagin also claims that an effort by some residents to leave the city by walking over the Mississippi River Bridge and out through Jefferson Parish, only to be rebuffed by gun-wielding police, was actually part of a “freedom march” designed to go to the governor’s mansion in Baton Rouge to call attention to the city’s plight.

Nagin said he and Lt. Gen. Russel Honore, who was brought in to oversee the post-Katrina evacuations and clean up, planned the march only to have it stymied when Blanco’s office leaked word of it to parish officials. However, Honore said he recalled no such conversation.

“The only discussion I remember was about having the people march through a shopping center to reach the buses,” Honore said. “Anything else was never on my scope.”

Honore is obviously stuck on stupid, and a liar.

So, here’s to you Mr. Mayor. Through your leadership and courage, we now know about the dastardly plot to whiten-up New Orleans. You are a hero to many of us.

Category: Politics

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AW1 Tim

“The ex-mayor, who has set up a business in disaster consulting”…

Nagin certainly knows a thing or two about disasters. In fact, I’d bet if you looked up the word “disaster” they’d use his pic as an illustration.


I just threw up in my mouth a bit.


I happen to know a guy really well who was down there and went to rescue some people. He walked up a National Guard squad and said “Follow Me, I’m the Deputy Mayor” and they did and they helped a lot of people. I’m sure you get that he was not the deputy mayor.

He wouldn’t have had to lie his ass off if Nagin wasn’t a total POS. And by total POS, I mean cowardly piece of filthy shit.


So then why were all those buses left abandoned in the bus yard instead of being used for the evacuation?

A one page plan? That’s the same size as the Chicago snow removal plan in 1979 and about as effective.

AW1 Tim

Nagin’s City Attorney also filed charges against a kid who took one of those school buses about to be flooded and used it to pick up and transport folks from his neighborhood who had no other way to get out. The kid used his initiative when the city abandoned his neighborhood, AND those buses a saved any number of lives.

Nagin should be behind bars for his actions.


“Nagin should be behind bars for his actions.”

At the minimum, he and that idiot Governor should be charged with Felony Stupidity.

Does anybody actually BELIEVE anything that moron has to say??!!

Dave Thul

‘recently self-published memoir’

When the guy at the middle of the Katrina disaster and response can’t even get someone to publish his book, that tells me everything I need to know.


I knew there was a plot to destroy his “Chocolate City!”


I feel terrible to say it but in all reality I lost all my sympathy for the black community in New Orleans after Katrina when they re-elected Nagin. It was a demonstration that they hadn’t learned a thing and were happy to jump right back on the same path that put them in the disaster they found themselves.


General Honore and I have some mutual acquaintances. I don’t think he will be much amused by this tripe. Further, I have to say sending General Honore to deal with that cf was a stroke of genius for so many reasons. Competence being first, background being second.


Now Sah,

I do declare, we of the MJWLF can no longer tolerate this dastardly outing by our arch nemesis Ray Nagin. For many a year this man’s genius plan of seeming incompetent whilst being a veritable super genius of epic proportions has foiled our plot of making New Orleans safe to sip Mint Juleps in peace on the front porch of our Garden District homes.

Now that he has outed us we must set forth our plan of making his Disaster recovery company a complete and total failure. We’ll also see to it that his book does not sell well. Like the mint plant itself our growth cannot be stopped and has spread everywhere. Our powers will make sure this will all be blamed on others just as our destroying of the levee that protected the 9th ward was blamed on President Bush.

Your Time has come Nagin prepare to reap the whirlwind that will make Katrina seems like a peaceful summer rain shower, that you watch from your front porch, sipping a Mint Julep, and being white.


Col. Sanders,
Mint Julep White Liberation Front


The mere fact that Nagin has no one in the media calling him on these lies shows the sad state of our national and local ‘journalists’.

Nagin could have used his office and the city’s resources to evacuate everyone. He didn’t. I won’t pin the almost 2,000 deaths on his door, but there were many folks ‘in need’ who were left behind and suffered for it. All because his “one page” plan wasn’t implemented. Give me a break.

Pens full of school and city buses sat unused before, during and after Katrina. My MP company used almost a dozen city buses to evacuate citizens out of the 9th Ward and to get our infantry brigade into their AO’s.

I hope Nagin’s company goes under just like his city did.


A fellow 11B out here on recruiting was part of the 82nd contingent they sent down there. We were at a motivational seminar near the Superdome and he spoke of how different everything looked as a PFC on patrol. We ended up taking a wrong turn on the way back and he recalled walking those same streets to secure a nursing home that had been abandoned with the residents left there to die. Not a pretty image when he talked of entering the home.

As for LTG Honore, he spoke to us at a training conference a couple of years ago. The 82nd guy isn’t fond of him given his reaction to 82nd troops when they got too gung ho, but he seemed to be a great–if blunt–leader.

I arrived down here just after Gustav, fortunately stationed in Baton Rouge. Areas of New Orleans still haven’t recovered from Katrina.


HFS, Batman! I didn’t even get past the first sentence. Good God has been struck by lightning? Or does he suffer the same malady as the Pied Piper? UFB!!

Just Plain Jason

Hey now, its all Bush’s fault because he doesn’t like black people….


You guys missed the best part. He was taken aboard a Navy ship docked in the Mississippi and told he would be vaccinated for various waterborne illnesses coming from the floodwater itself or the various insects that were being hatched in that water. Nagin thought Bush wanted him dead, so he refused to take the vaccines until his two security personnel were first administered the “vaccines.”

He also told stories of being afraid at all times, paranoid when at work and when asleep in his hotel suite. He was afraid that the CIA would infiltrate his room and shoot him with a poisoned dart that would leave him dead in six months.

Check out the story over here: http://www.nola.com/katrina/index.ssf/2011/06/in_his_newly_released_book_for.html


Yall notice Ray “Chocolate” Nagin doesn’t acknowledge the men and women from Houma, LA PD, Terrabone and LaFourche Parish SO’s for doing the right thing and going to the rescue of their fellow LEO’s, huh? Nope, no suh! Not one word…Me personally, I am glad the 82nd ABN was a bit aggressive when they were boots on the ground. The felons decided to stop playing sniper when they found out that real snipers were hunting ’em. By the way, 8th Dist USCG had to make things happen or nothing would have gotten done. So much for blaming Bush…..


I was “adult supervision” for a church youth group trip down there in the summer of 2007, after I got back from OEF. We worked with some volunteer groups to muck out houses, clean a nature preserve, talk to people, and just do whatever was needful for a week. Powerful experience, but I was pretty soured on some of the locals there, still waiting for someone from the government to come rescue them almost two years after the hurricane. For every house we mucked, a hundred sat rotting.