Tuesdays with Claymore

| July 12, 2011

DU is in rare form today. There’s several dozen threads about the debt situation, and the DUmbasses don’t fail to show off their best behavior. Enjoy.

Barry Hoover?

Pink slips and wet panties.

Yeah, bottle caps aren’t real money, sparky.

“Wait, he doesn’t mean ME does he???”

Blazing Saddled…with debt.

Looking for the Casey Anthony jury voters.


Bush’s fault.

Cat shit.

Oh this is rich.

Self-flagellation…not just for breakfast anymore.

Potheads of the world…um…where’s the Doritos?

“I was born a poor black child.”

How’s that Hope and Change working for ya?

A single thread of hope.

True DU.

Ever been employed by a poor person?

Well at least they found something they could support the troops on.

Failure drill.

I think you meant “licking ass”.

Snowe job.

Explosive diarrhea.

Keith who?

More Bush’s fault.

And the commies finally show up.

Godwin’s Law.

Space cadet.

Considering how much he loves himself…

A sea of Brown.

Why can’t we just print more money?

“We need more slogans and petitions, stat!”

Wait…no one knew who she was…UNTIL HER HUSBAND GOT ON NATIONAL TV!!

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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These people have no clue. “Bush purposely ran up the deficits” ” I’m scared”

Huh. How about that? We tried to tell you that hope and change were just words, not a plan. The plan has always been to be the Pied Piper, with meaningless words/actions and leading the lambs to slaughter.