VetVoice forgets that it’s a “war against terror’

| July 12, 2011

Dicksmith goes off on a tear about Leon Panetta’s talk with troops in the Green ZOne yesterday during which Panetta said;

“The reason you guys are here is because on 9/11 the United States got attacked,” Panetta told the troops [in Iraq]. “And 3,000 Americans – 3,000 not just Americans, 3,000 human beings, innocent human beings – got killed because of al-Qaeda. And we’ve been fighting as a result of that.”

So Dicksmith says;

Seriously, Leon? What exactly happened on 9/11 that made invading a country that had nothing to do with it, getting several thousand American troops killed in the process over the last eight years, a worthy course of action? I’m sure the troops the SECDEF spoke to heard that statement and looked at him like he had an additional appendage sprouting from his forehead.

There’s a reason we called the recent wars “the war against terror”. George Bush in his speech to the nation on 9-11-01 said specifically “I’ve directed the full resources for our intelligence and law enforcement communities to find those responsible and bring them to justice. We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them.”

Before bin Laden the most wanted terrorist in the world was Abu Nidal – the real reason Oliver North installed security around his house. Abu Nidal was hiding in Iraq for decades until he death in 2002. A year before the invasion of Hussein’s Iraq, Hussein was paying off the families of Palestinian suicide bombers encouraging the practice. And then there’s always Salman Pak. And there was the 500 tons of yellow cake uranium that the US shipped from Iraq to Canada.

You can probably argue that Iraq had little to do with the attacks on 9-11, but they certainly weren’t some innocent passerby in the war against terror. And Panetta was right that the reason we were in iraq is because of the events on 9-11.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Terror War

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Kinda sucks for the Left when one of their own tells it like it is, unapologetically.

Still, I expect the usual backtracking once Panetta returns to DC.