TSA searching Depends

| June 27, 2011

Old Trooper sends us a link to an article about Transportation Security Administration searching the adult diaper of a 95-year-old woman in the final stages of her battle against leukemia.

[Jean Weber’s] mother, who was in a wheelchair, was asked to remove an adult diaper in order to complete a pat-down search.

“It’s something I couldn’t imagine happening on American soil,” Weber said Friday. “Here is my mother, 95 years old, 105 pounds, barely able to stand, and then this.”

Sari Koshetz, a spokeswoman for the Transportation Security Administration in Miami, said she could not comment on specific cases to protect the privacy of those involved.

Yeah, when was the last time a 95-year-old woman in a wheelchair tried to bomb an airline with the bomb hidden in her diaper? I guess TSA is happy as long as no one is accusing them of profiling.


Category: TSA sucks

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Old Trooper

From the article: “Koshetz said the procedures are the same for everyone to ensure national security.

“TSA cannot exempt any group from screening because we know from intelligence that there are terrorists out there that would then exploit that vulnerability,” she said.”

Bullshit, the TSA doesn’t have any intelligence. When was the last time a 95 year old lady in a wheelchair was used in a terror plot? How about never. Oh, wait; weren’t the 2 caught last week with plotting to shoot up a recruiting center and daycare a couple of geriatrics wearing diapers and in wheelchairs??? Yeah, that’s what I thought.

If a BOLO goes out for a suspect driving a red Prius; do the cops pull everyone over a guy driving a black Mercedes, or do they look for a red Prius? In their attempts to be PC by not discriminating, they look very stupid and put people off from going through the hassle of using mass transit, because the TSA is now doing this shit at train stations and sometimes even buses, as of late. Bunch of f-ing ritards.


I just went through this same sort of scenerio on a recent flight. This sounds like one of those TSA stories but it’s 100% truth.

In front of me carrying everything they own but camels were a family of 8 Paki’s. Not only were they screwing up getting luggage and shoes on the belt, they kept setting off the machines with bracelets, ear rings, etc. Once the last finally got through it was my turn. Yep, right into the box due to my hip. I used to this but in there with me was a woman at least my mom’s age, 88-90. She could barely stand even with her cane. TSA was of course, molesting her and me. The whole family of Paki’s were still trying to get every possession they own off the belt and kept turning towards the poor old lady and me…complete with MOPH Polo shirt, and laughing a giggling at us. This was at the Charleston, SC airport. At the end of my molestation the TSA guy, who was nice, said…”I want to thank you for your service”.

Now I read this from Old Trooper….

Honor and Courage


Hell, that cross-dressing ass-maggot who flies on US Airways in women’s lingerie is probably BEGGING to be searched…


Newsflash–TSA is going to anally fist anyone who the ACLU doesn’t give a shit about; i.e., “protected classes.”

Old Trooper

I get put in the box everytime I fly because of my arm and my wife because of her leg, although she ends up having to go behind the curtain for more vigorous searches everytime, yet all that needs to be done is profiling. Yeah, I know that it’s not PC and it discriminates, when a 95 year old attempts to blow something up, then we can start checking their diapers, but until then, we should stick with the categories that have attempted or done this crap already. I don’t think Richard Reed (shoe bomber) fits the 95 year old lady in a wheelchair scenario. Common sense in un-common amongst those in gummint.


I guaran-fucking-tee no Muslim woman in a burkha or even a hijab has ever been subject to enhanced searches by the TSA. If there ever was CAIR or some other agitator would scream sunup to sundown.


Coming next week: Bring your own K-Y for the body cavity searches– they have to cut the budget somewhere, you know.