Lane Bryant-sized phony at JFK

| June 27, 2011

Meet Rock Diaz from Long Island who tried to scam the airlines out of a free upgrade for his flight and to get VIP treatment. According to the New York Post;

Rock Diaz, 22, of Freeport, has a history of pretending to be a military man to get VIP treatment, cops said — he once even smooth-talked his way into a jetliner’s cockpit, where he was photographed sitting at the controls wearing a goofy grin.

The mile-high huckster was finally brought to earth Friday afternoon when a sharp-eyed customs official at JFK asked him his rank — and he gave an answer that didn’t match the insignia on the uniform he was wearing.

How sharp-eyed do you have to be to spot a plus-sized phony. he looks like he ate a real soldier. According to Perth Now;

Diaz – who sources said never served in the military – also had a black POW patch on his sleeve, which an actual soldier would never wear in that spot, the sources said. His dog tags were comically engraved with the words, “USA Marines Corp.”

The Spanish-speaking Diaz said that he did nothing wrong and blamed any confusion on a language barrier.

“I never asked to get upgraded. The stewardess offered me a new seat, and I asked why. They explained it to me in English, and I did not understand,” Diaz said. “I moved where they told me to sit.”

He was charged with second-degree impersonation.

Yeah, he didn’t do anything wrong only expressing his freedom to say and act however he wants. I’m sure his cell mate will enjoy the fact that he does whatever he’s told.

Thanks to 1AirCav69 for the link.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Staff Sgt. at age 22? Hell, I didn’t make E-6 until I was 26 and the looks I got were priceless (re: time I went to Hickham “Top 4” Club).

And yeah, language barrier, my ass. At least he gets a couple of points for originality.




Hey, it’s just a lie, everyone does it./sarc
Now, will they prosecute this POS for Stolen Valor, he was benefitting from his lies.


The only time I ever got a upgrade was when I was going back to Iraq in 2008. It was a short trip from San Antonio to Dallas when I was put in first class because I was in uniform and had orders with me. Even then it was unexpected.

I never fly in uniform unless required to do so. The only other time that came close was when coming home on leave from Dallas to San Antonio and the pilot announced over the intercom that there were three VIPS on board coming back from Iraq. That was it.

If this guy wants a seat upgrade I would be more then happy to see him get upgraded to a one way ticket to Iraq or Afghastan.


Hey, Spork, how about a one-way ticket to Yemen? Libya? He’d make a great target.


And, “Spanish speaking” and a “language barrier”? I wonder what fat-ass’s immigration status is?
He must just be trying to qualify for Obysmal’s DREAM act.

Adirondack Patriot

They should check his punk ass for tats. Freeport is a rat’s nest for the Latin Kings and MS-13 and other exotic dirt bags.

Necessita regresar a su casa, pendejo!


How much do you want to bet he also tried to get his baggage fees waived?


I hope he gets community service…..

…in Afghanistan!!


Is it just me, or is the spot for his rank tab way too high?


Hey Sig, it’s an optical illusion created by his beer gut.


#1, you’ll probably never read this, but I was able to reach E-5 by the age of 20 and a half. I joined when I was 17 as an E43 after completing some baloney DEP stuff, turned 18 in basic, turned 19 in Iraq and got the 18 month waiver to E4, then went to the E5 board and passed and promoted to Sergeant six months before my 21 birthday. So I could have been an E-6 by 22 or 23 had I been able to stay in longer (injured in the war and had to get out)