It’s tough keeping all of those heroes’ names straight
I first read this at Blackfive last night, and I should have known that my inbox would be full this morning. The President addressing the 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum yesterday (from the CBN link that about fifty people sent me last night);
First time I saw 10th Mountain Division, you guys were in southern Iraq. When I went back to visit Afghanistan, you guys were the first ones there. I had the great honor of seeing some of you because a comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn’t receiving it posthumously.
Well, everyone knows that Sal Giunta is the only living Medal of Honor recipient (since Vietnam and during Obama’s term of office) and that Jared Monti was killed earning his.
I used to have a problem remembering people’s names when I knew I couldn’t sell them life insurance when I was in that business years ago. I can’t help but think that same kind of memory block is at work with the President. He knows very few military members will vote for him, so there’s no real motivation for him to keep their names straight.
But, you’d think he’d remember Sal Giunta since he said about Giunta “I genuinely like this guy” when he was awarding him the Medal of Honor.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Military issues
“See, what you all need to know about the President you helped to elect is that when it comes to the people he meets, Barack has a memory like a steel trap,” (Michelle Obama) told her eager audience at a sold-out breakfast fund-raiser at the Claremont Hotel in Berkeley, Calif., on June 14.
“He has a gift in that way, able to retain information, know more than those who are briefing him, asking critical questions, because all of those wins and losses are not wins and losses for him [but] they are wins and losses for the folks whose stories he carries with him, the folks that he worries about and prays about before he goes to bed at night,” she said,
Read more:
“Duty. Honor. Country. Service. Sacrifice. Heroism. These are words of weight. But as people – as a people and as a culture, we often invoke them lightly. We toss them around freely. But do we really grasp the meaning of these values? Do we truly understand the nature of these virtues? To serve, and to sacrifice. Jared Monti knew. The Monti family knows. And they know that the actions we honor today were not a passing moment of courage.”
No, Mr. President, quite clearly you do not grasp their meaning.
obama is a national disgrace and so is his wife, over in africa doing push ups on the floor. wt?
obama and his ilk need to go and not be replaced with the clinton trailer trash.
i will never vote democrat again.
You kidding me? The Clintons would be a step up from Obumbles.
A follow up for Kriste….the WH excuse? He didn’t have a teleprompter.
I don’t believe I’d be admitting that… He’s a complete moron. 2012 can’t come soon enough.
…Makes you wonder what gaffes senior lecturer/professor Maobama made when he taught at the University of Chicago Law School… If he can’t recall the people he interacted with in person (awarding Sal Giunta the MOH), how much hash did he make of the subject matter he taught?
…Lucky us, we are living in interesting times with an idiot savant as CiC…
Thing is . . . he shouldn’t have needed the TOTUS crutch at all. The Medal of Honor is our nation’s highest honor. As I pointed out in my FB post – I would never ever forget being afforded the singular privilege of presenting the MOH to a recipient. Most importantly, I would never ever forget presenting the MOH to that person’s family because he, in this case SFC Jared Monti, was not there to receive it.
IMO it would be written indelibly on my memory banks that I presided over a ceremony in which the recipient of the MOH was not alive to receive it because he Gave. His. Life. in service to our country!
There is no excuse whatsoever for the President to have such a mixup. Particularly when he is attempting to make the case for why the drawdown is necessary and should work *cough* Not only that, but this is one glaring example that highlights far too effectively of how disengaged the current president is . . .
I swear, I don’t think the guy can tell you his name without a teleprompter. I also hate to say it but there are enough stupid people in this country to re-elect the dunce. I ain’t one of ’em.
President Present just doesn’t care. It’s that simple, he knows the LSM will cover for him. Even Fox hasn’t said anything yet, at least on their web page, but it is up on Drudge. Maybe, now that Drudge posted it, someone else will catch on.
This was a photo-op, that’s all, he could give a rat’s ass about SFC Monti, SSG Giunta or any of the military.
They did have this one FNC this morning, at least a short blurb. I wasn’t paying close attention, as I was trying to get ready for work.
Here’s the thing: Why didn’t we read about the POTUS’s speechwriter, and military and political aides getting the boot for this monumental screw-up?
Because disrespect to the most honored dead is okay?
That’s the only conclusion that can be reached: the use of the 10th Mountain as a backdrop was rote and so nobody cared to ensure the POTUS was thoroughly prepared.
That attitude among his staff, and the lack of discipline is illustrative of the principle of Personnel Is Policy. The contempt we feel is second only to the contempt his staff feels for us, and our brothers and sisters who’ve passed on.
Obama is a narcissist that has to inject himself into every situation that he talks about or gives a speech about, because it’s all about him. He’s done it before and he’ll do it again.
what a tool
I fell embarrassed for Monti and Giunta’s families. Imagine having what felt like a special afternoon with the commander in chief, only to find that it clearly didn’t make a big impact on him.
DaveO is right that the president doesn’t go anywhere without a staff to assist him. If he truly cared about this gaffe he would have issued an apology.
As I stated at Chuck Z’s FB post on this:
“This slimer is as NON Commander-in-Chief as we have ever had in the history of the military, INCLUDING Jimmah Cahtah. He couldn’t lead a mouse to cheese.”
News Buster’s put this up, “Throughout my service, first as a senator and then as a presidential candidate and then as a President, I’ve always run into you guys. And for some reason it’s always in some rough spots”.
There you have it, his “service” equates to time in A-stan and Iraq. That little gem was in his speech, just before he mixed up the Medal of Honor recipients. Why, he was out there, right along with the troops ducking fire, just like Hillary.
But, you’d think he’d remember Sal Giunta since he said about Giunta “I genuinely like this guy” when he was awarding him the Medal of Honor.
Why would the President be expected to care what the TOTUS operator thought of Giunta?
#16 UpNorth:
He has combat just like Metthis. They both have the same interpetation of the ‘stan.
…and yet the left continued to say Bush was a moron.
Agreed, SC. And as Kriste pointed out up in #1, Mooshelle said that President Present has a “memory like a steel trap”. If that’s true, and we all know that neither of the Obama’s lie, then he demonstrably could care less about SFC Monti, his family, or SSG Giunta and his family, and the military. Because he willfully decided to put them out of his mind.
Guess recipients of the Medal of Honor, their families and the military aren’t “the folks that he worries about and prays about before he goes to bed at night,”
I have to give him credit…every single time I think that I couldn’t possibly despise him any more, he goes and provides another reason.