Is this what retreat looks like?
I don’t know, something seems incongruous between these two articles. First from Stars & Stripes;
The second from the Associated Press/Stars & Stripes;
So basically, we’re going to withdraw troops not because the strategic situation allows it, we’re withdrawing troops just for the sake of withdrawing troops. So since this doesn’t look like winning, I recommend that we withdraw all of the troops today, in one big movement. The moment that this administration reduces the force by even one armed soldier, it’s a retreat given these circumstances.
Who wants to stay behind as the covering force for this route? Who wants to be the last to die so Obama can finally keep one campaign promise? If we’re not in this for a complete and measurable victory, why leave even one soldier behind?
Has anyone else noticed that the words “cuts” and “troops” usually follow each other in the news these days? Cuts to the number of troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, cuts in their healthcare, cuts in bonuses, cuts in spending for protecting the force.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War
Risking being yelled at: These assclowns want their next “Vietnam” Looking like their wet dream is about to come true.