Zombie covers World Naked Bike Ride, SF

| June 21, 2011

We got a link from Zombie on the exclusive coverage of the World Naked Bike Ride in San Francisco. The only links I provide are the “Safe for Work” versions. Zombie quotes the sponsoring organization which says the World Naked Bike Ride is “To celebrate cycling and the human body. The ride demonstrates the vulnerability of cyclists on the road and is a protest against oil dependency.”

Of course, anyone who has spent more than a minute on the internet will tell you that people who make political statements with their nudity are the last people that anyone wants to see naked. I still can’t un-see the pictures of Medea Benjamin in the “Breasts Not Bombs” protest whose breasts were only breasts in the strictly academic sense.

A sample censored photo below the jump.

The only redeeming quality of Zombie’s post is the use of Anthony Weiner to cover weiners.

If you want the Not Safe For Work version, you’ll have to go to Zombie’s link to the uncensored version, but I have no idea why you’d want to see the ugliest bunch of naked people on the planet celebrating their gag-inducing bodies. And, oh, protesting Big Oil.

Category: General Whackos, I hate hippies

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Of all activities to do naked I don’t think bicycling is high on my list. I can just imagine too many things being hurt in the event of an accident.

John Curmudgeon

Cyclist and douchebags, both naked. I would rather eat a shovel than observe that atrocity.