Republicans find their voice in the Senate

| March 15, 2007

I see from MyWay (AP in drag) that the Senate Republicans have figured out which side of their bread is buttered;

In the Senate, after weeks of skirmishing, Republicans easily turned back Democratic legislation requiring a troop withdrawal to begin within 120 days. The measure set no fixed deadline for completion of the redeployment, but set a goal of March 31, 2008. The vote was 50-48 against the measure, 12 short of the 60 needed for passage.

I guess the Congressional Democrats are valuing rhetoric over substance;

Anti-war Democrats prevailed on a near-party line vote of 36-28 in the House Appropriations Committee, brushing aside a week-old veto threat and overcoming unyielding opposition from Republicans.

“I want this war to end. I don’t want to go to any more funerals,” said New York Rep. Rep. Jose Serrano.

I called Representative Serrano’s office and I asked the young lady how many funerals of his constituents who died in Iraq he’s been to - she couldn’t tell me. When asked if he’d been to even one, her answer was “One is too many, isn’t it?” So you tell me how many he’s attended. Sounds to me like he may or may not have attended one funeral. That wasn’t even worth the bandwidth it took to post.

Category: Politics, Terror War

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