Congressional voting for DC

| March 15, 2007

Congress is debating Congressional voting for the DC delegate this week. From Washington Time’s Gary Emerling;

Legal analysts yesterday debated before a House committee the constitutionality of a bill that would give the District congressional voting rights, wrangling over the right of Congress to enact the change and sparking concern among lawmakers that the measure might violate the Constitution.
    “Is it possible … that we are about to step into a huge constitutional problem?” Rep. John Conyers Jr., Michigan Democrat and chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, asked the panel. “Can we all have good will and not be able to do anything on this [because] the Constitution has us tied in knots?”

Yeah, Conyers – that pesky Constitution thing is always getting in your way, ain’t it?

Honestly? I don’t think the District’s residents deserve a vote in Congress. Pretty harsh, huh? Well, look at their record of choosing politicians. There’s Marion Barry who after serving a sentence for crack possesion and whore-mongering while mayor of DC returned to run again and win. And now he’s a council member and a tax evader who hasn’t paid his taxes on time since 1998.

When the District thought that a Democrat Congress and a Democrat president would give them representation in Congress, they elected straw-candidates in anticipation of their new status – they elected Jesse Jackson, resident of Chicago, IL, as a Senator.

When Mayor Anthony Williams’ campaign was fraudulently submitting petitions for his nomination for reelection in 2004 (with thousands of forged signatures including Donald Rumsfeld and Oprah), his own Democrat Party removed him from the ballot. He ran as an independent and won. As his corrupt political appointees were fired, investigated and jailed, he was still beloved by the voters.

I was a resident of DC for more than seven years and never once did I feel left out because my neighbors didn’t have a voice in Congress. In fact, I was glad they didn’t. I was willing to sacrifice my voice, because my neighbors were morons.

DC went 90% for Kerry in 2004, in the straw primary they held that year, Howard Dean won with Al Sharpton second – the straw primary was held before the Dean Scream. Now, after the Dean Scream, in the real primary, DC went to Kerry. So, they allowed themselves to be swayed by the media and the talking heads. And these are the people we want to have an uninformed voice in Congress? Nope, not me.

They (dumbass DC voters) vote time-and-again to keep the status quo – poverty, filth, corruption – with no thought of changing things for the better – for very stupid, shallow and racist reasons. Then after they’ve voted and nothing changes, they (dumbass DC voters) blame the Federal government for not giving them enough money.

I’ve lived in enough third-world countries to recognize a third world country when I see it – and DC is a third world country. Massive power outages, government officials on the take, exploding manholes, mentally deranged people roaming the streets, rampant and generally-tolerated crime on every corner.

I’d be more inclined to give the vote to El Salvador than the District of Columbia.

Update; Well it passed out committee according to the Washington Post;

The House Judiciary Committee today passed a bill giving the District a vote in the House of Representatives and the measure is expected to go to the House floor late next week.

The committee approved the bill by a vote of 21-13 with no amendments, a victory for D.C. voting rights advocates. The Democratic leadership is hopeful that the bill will pass the full House. It would then go to the Senate.

Well, it might make through the House, but the Senate will be a different story – I hope.

Category: Politics

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