Internet cops in the White House

| May 24, 2011

Blackfive and Mr Wolf sent us this link to the latest outrage from the White House;

The White House has named Jesse Lee to a new position within its communications department titled Director of Progressive Media & Online Response. According to The Huffington Post, Lee will essentially be responsible for building up Obama’s online presence as he prepares for his reelection bid, and squashing any negative stories:

If you’re going to post something online about Obama that isn’t true, Lee is going to be the one to handle you

This really isn’t new. Regulars here might remember the PAO from the embassy in Kabul who used to come on when I wrote about that dick Karl Eikenberry. Her entire arsenal consisted of “That’s false because I said so.” We can probably expect that same level of towering intellect from the White House.

Blackfive wrote that he’ll spend half of his time tracking Hanson and me. He might as well join my regulars from DoJ, DoD and Congress.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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They’ll just outsource to Paulian robo-trolls. And the IRS. If you’re lucky you’ll get an honest IRS agent – that should take a few years to come up with one.

USMC Steve

It doesn’t matter because there is nothing this asshole can do. Since Obama is a public figure, there are no rights to sue for slander or libel, and they cannot come take away one’s computer for calling a spade a spade so to speak.

Just nobama’s way of creating jobs I think.


Couldn’t post on the B5 comments…
Yes, cakeboy sniveler should “Hol-lah!!” at Uncle J, cause I do see some serious beatdowns a-comin…Yeah, Baby!!


The operative words there are “isn’t true”. Lord knows the there is enough true stuff about the President that we don’t have to fabricate anything. Not to mention the stuff he says is stupid enough most the time that he ends up walking it back.


If you’re going to post something online about Obama that isn’t true, Lee is going to be the one to handle you

You mean something online that isn’t flattering blathering fellating worship of “Teh Wun”, right?

Shit is worse than that fucking bullshit during the healthcare debate.

AW1 Tim

So, there’s another limp-wristed beta male bully in the White House? Color me shocked!/sarc

I suppose the new Deputy Reichminister of Propaganda is being paid with public monies, too?


Of course, what else? It’s all a part of the “Communications” department.

AW1 Tim

#7: Yup… I can see the emails now: Dear_______. Nice blog you have there. Shame if something happened to it. Or you.


@ #8:

Yeah, I’d like to see what Jonn would do if he got one of those in his mailbox!

They could count themselves LUCKY if ALL he did was administer it as suppository to whoever sent it to him!

Old Trooper

Well, Incompetano isn’t averse at shutting down websites. She’s done it before, so it wouldn’t surprise me if some bullshit made-up cover was used to shut down websites they don’t like. Bobo is great at intimidating people (it’s the Chicago way, after all), but in the case of Lilyea and UJ, I don’t think he knows who he’s dealing with.


Yeah, I’m shaking in my boots. Just how many clowns fit in this car?


Don’t forget they’ll have all their basement dwelling buddies onboard too….

Country Singer

My, my, check out this bit from Weasel Zippers:

Another piece of the puzzle falls into place…


The most amazing thing is the inability to every leftard to connect deeds to concepts. They spoke long and loud about the US of A being a police-state under Bush-43, but can’t grasp the concept behind ‘’ and requiring businesses to disclose all of their political contributions before making a bid on a contract.

The depth and breadth of Americans intellectual dishonesty is just phenomenal.

Junior AG

“Director of Progressive Media & Online Response”- Geez,Maobama, just simplfy the title, Kommisar ought to do nicely.

Junior AG

I can’t top what this Weasel Zippers gent posted-

LeBron Stienman says:
The Jug Eared Fraud has created a new office:
Cyber – Goebbels.”