The media and the Guerena murder

| May 24, 2011

I’m gratified that our harping on this case is finally getting a certain measure of media attention. As Ponsdorf mentioned the other day, the foreign press is picking up on it. Forbes finally noticed it.

I’m also grateful that the Huffington Post has finally mentioned it in a well-written piece by James Peron. The only fault that I can find with it, is that they don’t name Sheriff Clarence Dupnik as the main culprit for concealing from the public critical information so we can judge for ourselves the culpability in the case.

In fact, if you search the page for “Dupnik” you’ll see that his name doesn’t occur until a commenter mentions him, and it appears that one comment which that commenter made was deleted by HuffPo;

Of course, that’s no real surprise when HuffPo readers lined up behind DUpnik when he took shots at the Right after the Tucson shooting. A quick search of HuffPo turns up overwhelming support Dupnik by authors as well as commenters – but they can’t say a cross word about him when he murders a veteran who still appears to be completely innocent.

And there’s no one asking why a one hour stay and seven second shoot out is taking more than three weeks to investigate. The Arizona Star reports that DUpnik may never release documents related to the murder of Corporal Guerena;

Dupnik said opening up those documents would put someone’s life at risk. An informant? Presumably, but he wouldn’t say.

“I don’t know when they are going to be unsealed, if ever,” he said. “Those are the real sensitive parts of why we are having difficulty with trying to put information out publicly – because we don’t want to get somebody killed.”

Too late, dipshit.

By the way, we’re having trouble finding a legitimate way to get money to Corporal Guerena’s family. If you know or can find a way, please let us know through the contact options at the top of the page.

Category: The Guerena Killing

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Power before Justice. Always.

It is the Progressive vision in word and deed.

Sgt K

It’s called redaction. Take out the parts which may “get somebody killed”-which is most likely complete bullshit anyway. Simpleton sheriff.


Been having some back-n-forth with a lefty on another site about this, him claiming he has to “wait for all the facts” to have an opinion (other than that Cpl. Guerena shouldn’t have tried to defend his home). Naturally, he doesn’t want to talk much about the likelihood of Dumpnik ever giving us anything resembling “all the facts”. He just goes on insisting that there’s no way the SWAT team didn’t identify themselves and everyone who has any opinion on the story is a gullible idiot suckered in by the family’s attorney. Bleh.


Cortillaen, seems your correspondent is afflicted with see no evil syndrome, except, of course when it comes to the (b>victim and his family. Of course Dupshit, or Dipstick, won’t ever release anything. One can’t redact something that isn’t there.
Besides, CI’s are usually only identified in initial search warrants as a CI, who the officer has worked with before, and knows to be reliable. Their name, address, DOB and SSAN aren’t usually listed. But, this makes for a handy cover for the time being, until the PCSD makes up their next set of facts.