The RWN banned video
John Hawkins of Right Wing News sent us a link to the video which YouTube judged to be “hate speech”.
According to John;
Admittedly, I didn’t pull any punches in that video.
I compared the Palestinians unfavorably to the Nazis because even though they both groups want to murder all the Jews, at least the Nazis were industrious and could build things. The words, “You mean it’s Palestinian engineering? Wow, then it must be good” will never come out of anyone’s mouth. That’s because the Palestinians live in a terrorist welfare state. They’re given billions by the West and are shipped bombs, guns, and rockets that they couldn’t make themselves, all so they can wage a low level war against people who could wipe them out in two weeks if they were just as degenerate as the Palestinians.
Apparently, the truth is hate speech.
Category: Bloggers, Terror War
And yet the anti-Semetic and anti-American comments are allowed to stand.
Nice integrity there, Google/Youtube.
There is also the notion that the Palestinians are a distinct ethnicity with a unique culture. Except they aren’t and celebrating death isn’t exactly a culture. The Palestinians were the dispossessed junior sons and their families from every other Arab land.
Essentially: keeping the “Palestinians” and their intifada going is the best way of cleaning house in the rest of the MidEast.
Yup….. Egypt, Jordan & Syria are delighted with the status quo because they can use the “Palestinians” as a buffer against Israel, and as a proxy army to keep up the friction.