Dhimmi Ann Wright

| May 16, 2011

While Israel is busy battling protesters who breached the country’s borders on five sides this weelend, ANSWER and Ann Wright (you can see her records at that link) are planning to open a sixth front from the sea. Here’s Wright surrounded by the people who would behead her given half a chance;

The last time Wright went on one of these flotillas, Israeli commandos attacked the boats. We can only hope that this time they’ll just sink the flotilla. Here’s a YouTube video of Wright announcing her intentions to invade a sovereign country in violation of it’s laws.

You have a great opportunity to send her your money so she can go off on this fool’s errand to appease Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah.

Thanks to Tom for the links.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Code Pink, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects

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Old Trooper

Isn’t there a law in this country that pertains to this type of behavior, in regards to a US citizen engaging in such acts against a soveriegn country? I’m just curious.


OT, depending on the paper trail and flow of goods/communications with Hamas, one could make the argument that she is in violation of the federal Material Support to Terrorism charge. This might be something to contact the authorities on, or at least to monitor.

Lionel Barwick

amazaing work, keep up the great website.