Woman charged in dragging death of Iraq veteran

| May 15, 2011

Parachutecutie sent us this tip about a woman in Colorado who dragged to death an Iraq veteran when she absconded with her vehicle as he was hooking it up to be towed for lacking plates and registration.

From KKTV:

Prosecutors showed a map outlining the route Farries took while allegedly dragging Allen Rose. The evidence showed that Rose was dragged, by his feet, over one and a half miles and that Farries continued to drive through neighborhoods and parking lots even after Rose was released from the cables. Rose’s body was discovered around Platte Ave and Babcock. Citizens tried to hold his head up and keep him alive.

According to testimony, he was still conscious when officers arrived, but died later at a Colorado Springs hospital from his dragging injuries. Bichel said they discovered three of Rose’s identifications along the mile and a half stretch. The crime scene was covered with scuff and skid marks, and pools of blood. Bichel also said he reviewed surveillance video that shows Rose being dragged by Farries’ SUV from multiple cameras, locations and angles.

The perp, Detra Farries, ignored pedestrians who tried to warn her as well as other motorists who honked their horns and flashed their lights. But she explains that her SUV was too loud for her to heed the warnings.

Farries, 33, faces 11 charges, including manslaughter, vehicular homicide and hit-and-run.

But I guess my concern is the lack of news coverage. It seems confined to Colorado and the UK. I can’t help but believe that if an Iraq veteran had dragged a black woman to death, it’d be splashed across the headlines from coast-to-coast.

Detra Farries’ husband was recently sentenced to four years in prison for a 2008 hit-and-run. It must run in the family.

Category: Media, Shitbags

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I’m surprised it ran in the People’s Republic of Colorado.


Of course it won’t get any coverage from the media, that is unless Rose is gay. Then it would be a politically correct hate crime. Even if Farries was anti-military and knew Rose was a vet, that alone would not make it a hate crime because that is ok in the eyes of the left.


Didn’t this go down last year? 2010?


Why is she being charged with only traffic offenses — i think this is premediatated murder with possible special circumstances.


Trying to access from my government computer and got this:

You have reached a website that is currently being blocked due to malicious activity and/or current acceptable use policies.

Reason: The category “Racism and Hate” is filtered.


Her husband went away in 2009 for a hit and run… Who will take care of her 8 children now?

Feb 24th is the first article I can find in my minute of searching. Allen Rose had his funeral service in the first few days of March. 2011


[…] you said “A woman whose entire family of entitlement whores have been a net drain on society their whol…– you […]


Let me guess – black woman.