Matthis in Philly HS last week

| May 16, 2011

TWo of my ninjas sent us this link to “We Are Not Your Soldiers” anti-recruiting efforts in a Philadelphia High School last Wednesday. Notice at about 4:50 into the video, Samantha goldman walks into the classroom and the camera follows her capturing some of the students’ faces.

You don’t have to watch the video, it’s the same old “poverty draft” blather. At about 8:40 Matthis tells the students that he was suicidal after he got out of the military “because of what I experienced”. I guess the Baskin Robbins at Bagram ran out of Rocky Road one day.

By the way, I have the collection of photos that Matthis circulating as proof that he went “outside the wire” during his six days in Afghanistan. I’d like someone who has been there to evaluate the pictures. If you want to see them, email me and I’ll send them to you. It looks to me that he didn’t get too far outside the wire, though. And how far can you get in six days?

Here’s a sample;

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Shitbags, Usual Suspects

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“Outside the wire” with no gear and no magazine in your weapon, eh chief?

What a tool.


Right here.

Old Trooper

Funny; he doesn’t look very traumatized in that photo. That photo must have been taken on his first day outside the wire.


Speaking of douchebags I was coming off Staff Duty this morning when Fox & Friends ran a quick bit about 3 Marines graduating Columbia University and the “Brotherhood of Combat and College”. It seemed like a feel good moment until they interviewd the third Marine… Jason Lemieux…

Ugh what a way to end Staff Duty.


I was thinking the same thing WRT the magazine in the weapon. That picture was most likely taken in one of the buildings on a FOB somewhere. I know that there were buildings with interiors like that on BAF.


You know, all the photos except the one posted above do not include him. So with that being said what is to say that he did not take them from someone else. I have photos of myself outside the wire and some that were inside and you can tell the difference right away.


Never been to Afghanistan, but
“Outside the WIre”

Wheres his fuckin Mag? He’d get his ass beaten for having an unloaded weapon out and about in my old unit, this screams Pogue…

Boots dont look dirty he aint stepped in sewage. Uniform shows no sweat stains from wearing Body Armor over the Shirt.

By the smile on his face, hes about to get some cock from a TCN


What exactly does “outside the wire mean?” I have a friend who is a federal judge who is helping them write a commerical code over there and he has a shirt from the Kabul Country Club where he played golf. Does that count?


It was probably taken in a room set up somewhere inside the wire just for pukes like him to take a picture and say they went outside the wire. Course they don’t trust those folks enough to put a mag in…




Another telling aspect, besides all the points that Sean brought up, is that there are no locals in the picture. We didn’t go cruising the vill for fun, and never went in a local’s building unless it was a search or if we were invited. No magazine, so it sure as hell wasn’t uninvited. If invited, the pictures would have included locals. Again, this a Green Beans or something similar on a FOB so secure that there aren’t even magazines in the weapons.


Looks like he’s going to try and double down on the lie which I’m actually surprised by. I’m starting to wonder if the people he works with actually believe him instead of being complicit in his fraud.


Funny how during his speech he said that it was his job to lie to the public. Glad to see he’s using the skills he learned in the military in the civilian world.


Susan: “Outside the Wire” means outside of the perimeter of the base. The wire is concertina wire.

There are no creases in his boots. His uniform isn’t stained from the water used to launder our DCU – turned them a darker shade of everything.

When we negotiating with a big time elder, we would take our battlerattle off for chai and talk. Not always, but enough times. We played the rules of host and guest pretty tight.

Kid in the picture doesn’t even have a sunburn. Geez.


No helmet. No body armor. No rack. No magazine loaded into the rifle. No sunglasses on his head. His hair looks like he was wearing a PC and isn’t matted down like a helmet (I had rather long hair during my time so can compare). Nothing on the shelves like in a normal home, it’s too clean, and the lighting for the photo is too good.

With no other photos of him outside the wire, this lone picture does his story much more harm than good.


My guess is this a guest room somewhere on base for the meeting with local bigshots, and he had this snapped within an hour or two of arrival.

One thing about American soldiers: they are the world’s greatest tourists.


In the rest of the photos it has a few that look like they are outside the base but none of of him in it. It could be from anyone.

One Ninja

In needs to be repeated…

WANYS is actually violating the rights of those young students. To film in a public or private school you must first approach the board and the superintendent and get their permission. Most of the time the principal can not give the o.k. Then you need a release form for everyone who is going to be on camera or can be identified in anyway. For those under 18, even if you do not see them but hear them, you need to get the parents to sign a release form. Then you need location release paper work. It has to be detailed for the room, or any other location you shoot at in the school. If you shoot in some place on campus that is not covered in the form, you’re in big trouble. If any students can be identified by face, voice, or clothing, you must blur them out or mute their voice completely if you have not a parent / guardian release form.

All the paper work must be very detailed. WANYS, WCW, and the Commie Club could actually face legal action from parents, the school, and the schools could face legal action from parents as well.

The above rules apply to every state, county, and school. It’s meant protect the people filming, and the students/school.



Unless there is a federal law covering the taping of minors in schools we’re looking at a patchwork of state and municipal laws. Do you know of a specific federal law?


DaveO – I knew that it meant outside the perimeter of the base, what I want to know is if my buddy the heavily guarded Federal Judge could brag to his buddies that he had been “outside the wire” in A-stan, and if he was in more/less danger while playing golf at the Kabul Country Club than Methis was in during his “exploits”?


Minute 9:20 the lady says “telling the truth is kind of like a crime.” Wish she realized what kind of a liar she is defending. Matthis had no problems in New York or going to Brooklyn College (off the money he received from the military). He lived a very happy and fun-filled lifestyle and made no mention of “blowing his head off” at all. Looks like his the self-serving hasn’t changed one bit.


With what Ninja has on recording laws for NY schools, then if you can find one parent to sue Mathis and tribe of idiots, then maybe you can get the video removed from circulation. Plus maybe can drum up some news attention to these morons.


Susan – okay, I misunderstood your question. I’m of the opinion your friend the judge is being sarcastic. There was a resort, of sorts, in the south of Kabul near the King’s and Queen’s Palaces, but most of the area was over-mined, as in too many landmines.

We gave those areas to the Canadians to handle.


DaveO – don’t know. He has a golf shirt that says the Kabul Golf Club or something of the sort. I know that he has been to several different locations talking to local “lawyers” about setting up a commercial code – capitalism doesn’t work if you don’t know who owns what. That said, he would never describe his experience as “outside the wire.” Rather, he usually talks about the exceptionally well trained men who are responsible for his safety and who he says he “obeys to the letter” when not on a military installation.



Careful what you wish for on the attention of the news. Nothing motivates people or draws others to their cause like the perception of their being persecuted. People like this love to feel like they’re martyring themselves.


#25 Susan,

Rather curious that the judge is setting up a commercial code. Do you mean adjusting Sharia to match international law? The Afghans are very adept at commerce. It’s the means of production that sometimes troubles them.

Sounds like a boondoggle to me.


Actually, been working on it with him with a class I teach. It is about debt and registering ownership in real property (deeds and the like). Considering the amount of time he has spent with the men with clips in their weapons, I wouldn’t call it a boondoggle.



What does he have to say on their system of debts and ownership? How does he think it works?


Pasty white face sans goggle marks? Check
Crisp DCUs and new boots? Check
Fobbit Weapon (no optics, lights, magazines)? Check
Sterile room…alone for a posed photo? Check

Couldn’t even take the time to jock up to take his hero shot? Lazy POS as well as a disgrace to the Army.


Elric, I also noticed the BDU tapes. Every guy I knew took them off outside the wire, but that’s just me. Nice vest he’s not wearing there as well.


And his grubby meat hook is all over the trigger guard area. AD waiting to happen…if they gave him any ammo.


I just got this in.

We appreciate your concern in verifying the authenticity of the photos, but after extensive discussions with Chiroux, we determined that the correction was warranted and accurate, as the original assertion in the op-ed that he went ‘outside the wire’ was stated as fact when this is clearly a matter of contention. We have had numerous internal deliberations on the subject and will be taking no further actions relating to the Chiroux story or its associated op-eds.

Old Trooper

Elric; maybe that’s why they didn’t give him any ammo? They knew ahead of time he wouldn’t exercise proper discipline?

One Ninja

NSOM, I can’t cite the exact law info, but I know that it is the standard amongst professionals.

One Ninja

Any follow-up to this?


Sporkmaster never went outside the wire and you guys still like him.

Sporkmaster: What makes you think that I have not been outside the wire? I lost count at 165 missions.

Iraq October

Iraq Police

Iraq School

One Ninja

Yeah but he probably didn’t lie about it or label all service members as blood thirst murders and rapists.


I have not received any emails back on this.

Old Trooper

That’s ok, Spork; I’m sure Sphincter will get back to ya when he’s done doing PT.

Old Trooper

Also, I noticed that the pics you put up show that your teammates have a mag in and optics on their weapons, along with the rest of their gear. Strange that the pic of Matthis in the other thread doesn’t have any of it, though, since he put that out as proof of being outside the wire.


And my guy’s fingers are not in the trigger wells (guard). I should no be surprised that Richter is up to his old tricks again.


Didn’t this Matthis guy admit to raping a woman while he was in the military? Why in the hell was he allowed to go speak with kids at a school?


@41 Maybe you should try doing some PT Old Trooper I am sure you could use it.

Old Trooper

Well, well, well; if it isn’t bobogirl. I missed you too, honey. Any more words of wisdom for me? I could really use some from someone who is barely old enough to purchase alcohol.

Frankly Opinionated

Awwww, Richter has his girlfriend speaking for him again. Must be her night to wear the strapon.

One Ninja

What article was the correction made or not made in? Link?