Barbour out, Paul in
So the GOP field of candidates is filling out. Yesterday, Haley Barbour announced that he won’t run for the presidency next year, while Ron Paul announced that he will announce his candidacy today.
I don’t think Barbour did much for the GOP by running. Intellectually, he’s about the same as Newt Gingrich (who I’ll never support) and although I think he never got enough credit for 1994 revolution, I don’t think his was a serious candidacy despite what the navel-gazing Washington Post says.
I’m looking forward to a Paul campaign because it’s been a long time since I’ve been told to “read a book” as a discussion point. Let’s see if the basement-dwelling denizens will act like pompous, arrogant fools like they did four years ago and turn off 99% of the voting public. I’ll be interested to see if 1% of the primary votes translate into the candidate’s inevitable success.
By the way, if you go to the Gateway Pundit link above, you’ll notice Dr. Paul, the brainiac, still blames the US for Islamic extremism – so that much remains the same.
Category: Politics
oh dear …on both counts…
barbour – 🙂
rp – 🙁
I prefer his son Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky run for President.
Oh, the first Paultards have already crossed over the wire at HotAir and AoSHQ.
I especially love the “I don’t agree with the 9/11 turtherism, but….” routine.
Nothing after the “but” is relevant in that sentence. The guy is D.O.A. in any conceivable Republican primary fight.
Ron Paul’s chances change radically as one progressed through the process:
1. Internet Polls What Can Be Spammed: Alexander the Great
2. Straw Polls: George C. Patton
3. Actual No-shit Primaries where One Has to Be A Registered Voter to Vote: Maurice Gamelin
4. A (God Forbid) General Election: The Beer Hall Putsch.
Rand Paul is running, yet again? We’re saved!!!!/sarc.
Now you’ve done it. Pretty soon we are going to be hip deep in Paulista trolls running around loose stinkin up the place, damanding your head for blaspheaming their demi god. Oh well, nothing like baiting the Pauly Girls to keep yourself amused. Where’s Debra?
You won’t be able to swing a dead cat for a Ronulan now. Great just what we need, its like a plague of frakking locusts.
With the oathkeepers and the adam kokesh crew from ivaw campaigning for him and stuffing ballot boxes, how can he lose /s
Oh, fucking wonderful. I wonder which Paulbot is going to call the HR at my company (falsely) claiming I’m harassing them THIS time???
I can’t stand either one of them. Ron has all the charisma of an old lady, ifhe covered his head he’d look exactlylike whisler’s mother.
Rand is only slightly better then Ron and that is mostly do to his stand on immigration as far as I’m concerned.