Tuesdays with Claymore

| April 26, 2011

Go West, young man!

You’re a loser, baby…

Fail mom is fail.

St. Larry Of Perpetual Dumbass

Why is it when ever I see the “people” listed on something, I automatically know I’m excluded?

Poker face

Obligatory Bradley Manning Post #10092

His High and Mightyness

Birf of a nation

Obligatory Bradley Manning Post #10093

10-4 good commie.

American Association Of Retarded People

Reverend McCreepy

Hitmo and GITMO info

Would you call this a tongue lashing?

Bush’s fault.

Missing Kweef.

Well at least he didn’t call him a Muslim.

Obligatory Bradly Manning Post #10094

Who brings cricket bats and swords to temple?

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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The Lemmings are slipping a whole 11 posts before they got around to calling Allen West a War Criminal.

Country Singer

I don’t know why I keep reading Claymore’s DU links…my blood pressure skyrockets every time I read the incoherent blather mixed with OFA and DNC talking points over there. Oh wait, there I go saying what my corporate masters want me to say. Evidently GE/MSNBC isn’t a “corporate master”.


What gets me is that they clearly haven’t seen or heard much from West beyond their pitchouli smelling stank pit. In a recent meeting, West didn’t do anything but praise women…providing the example of the Spartans to prove the point of what a strong female role model should prove to young men. Of course, I’m sure Spartans were war criminals too.

AW1 Tim

The Persians most CERTAINLY thought the Spartans were war criminals. They still do.


I really liked the argument on freedom of speech they had…
One was calling the other on their idiocy.